Kamala Harris tells the biggest lie in the democratic debate !

Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?
because there is no way they can provide the so called freebies without raising taxes on the middle class !
Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?
because there is no way they can provide the so called freebies without raising taxes on the middle class !

They can't even raising taxes on the middle class. Simple economics tells you that
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...

Harris doesn't scare me. She's too far Left for most Americans to vote for and her positions are unpopular. No matter how the Left wraps it up, most American DO NOT want unimpeded immigration. Harris--and ALL of those 25 candidates--are going to have an impossible job threading that needle between their base and the American electorate.

The Dems are going to bring in a Marianne Williamson at the last minute, but with big star power. Oprah, or Michelle O--someone so big that policy positions won't matter.

At this point it's the only option, and they're desperate. They just have to talk someone like that into it.

The Democratic Party base wants the most racist candidates, so the DNC will be rigging votes like mad in their own Primaries.
and as the field narrows the white candidates will feel the blunt of that hatred ....... and it serves them right !
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...
If these poser candidates don't jump the DNC will push them. Once the polls show who the DEM voters want to be the candidate the DNC will call the heads of the LIB MSM and order them to freeze out all the other candidates.
Maybe Donna Brazile can make a few bucks under the table again.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...
If these poser candidates don't jump the DNC will push them. Once the polls show who the DEM voters want to be the candidate the DNC will call the heads of the LIB MSM and order them to freeze out all the other candidates.
Maybe Donna Brazile can make a few bucks under the table again.

Indeed. At this point, there is no way Democrats can beat Trump legally and above board, no matter who they run.
Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates.
She only landed the first punch on a candidate with a voting record so long you can probably find him supporting anything if you look hard enough, and now she can beat Trump? LOL.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...

Harris doesn't scare me. She's too far Left for most Americans to vote for and her positions are unpopular. No matter how the Left wraps it up, most American DO NOT want unimpeded immigration. Harris--and ALL of those 25 candidates--are going to have an impossible job threading that needle between their base and the American electorate.

The Dems are going to bring in a Marianne Williamson at the last minute, but with big star power. Oprah, or Michelle O--someone so big that policy positions won't matter.

At this point it's the only option, and they're desperate. They just have to talk someone like that into it.
Democrats don't care what Americans want. Democrats are perfecting voter fraud. Look at what they did in California.
Really, this is 2019, and you don't know that books, and, yes, even videos show up in search results?
Sure, a few books, but good libraries are FULL of books you will never read on the internet. Further, internet material is not vetted the way books (particularly textbooks) used to be. While I've found few science and historical books that I call into question, most everything you read on the net must be taken with a grain of syrup.
Look, more often that not you "prove Leftists wrong" by very strenuously insisting on your falsehoods
Proven or otherwise, liberalism is a mental disorder. Yes, I've met some certified right wing (conservative) NUTJOBS on this site, total LOONS who are in orbit around planet Neptune, but still nothing like the organized lying of the Left.

My favorite current lie: that illegals are being kept in cages like animals. The truth is that they are merely chain link fences to contain and control them, THE VERY SAME ONES used by the Obama Administration.
Seriously, I am asking, when was the last time rightards and other Trumpletons knew anything of substance - meaning deviating from the prevailing rightarded narrative and not of the substance they pull out of their rectum? Did it never occur to any of you to engage a search engine before you blab? And when shown wrong, time and again, isn't the embarrassment and the shame kind of awkward? Immeasurable riches of real knowledge at your fingertips, and still, you show up at the debate not knowing anything about anything.
You mean the biased and rigged search engines like Google? Yeah right. Here's a search I just did on white married couples.


And here is one searching for black married couples.


How about that ya brain washed dolt!
Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.
Kamala did blow Joe Brown away to get to the Senate, but Trump won't be that easy.

Harris is smart, but that's not a large factor for her. Her only chance is to run on her the 2 traits Obama and Hillary each (reportedly) had one of.

Dark skin and a vagina.

Her problem will be coordinating the MSM into knowing when to blame either racism or mysogeny for every instance that Trump is right and she is wrong.

Harris is a double-victim. That's her qualification.

Maybe she'll turn gay and go for the trifecta.

Trump is a very weak candidate and if I were you, I'd slow my roll.

Trump is an impossible candidate.
  • He has no prior experience in politics.
  • He was a rich jet-set playboy most of his life.
  • He is disastrously non-PC. Would kill any normal politician. Works for him.
  • He is disastrously open, honest and aboveboard about what he really thinks and feels. Would kill any normal politician. Works for him.
  • He is unrepentantly pro-American, pro-nation and against all globalist interventions. Would kill any normal politician. Works for him.
  • He was horribly unsupported by his party in 2016.
  • He was horribly outspent by Hillary.
  • Media focus was 96% negative against him in 2016.
Yep. He was the weakest of the weak in 2016. Yet he won. He didn't just win, he CRUSHED IT taking 30 states and 306 EC votes! Why?

Because he's the ultimate NON-politician. He relates to and speaks to the average person. He identifies. They relate. He is 100% for everything that made this country a success and 100% against all the changes that are weakening it. Now he has been vociferously hounded by the Left and democrats for years on wild-goose hunts for Russians, taxes, and any other loony accusation they could throw at him. And they haven't given up.

That is why he will win again.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

you can't call someone out as a liar until they actually lie.

5 minutes in the penalty box.
Look, more often that not you "prove Leftists wrong" by very strenuously insisting on your falsehoods
Proven or otherwise, liberalism is a mental disorder. Yes, I've met some certified right wing (conservative) NUTJOBS on this site, total LOONS who are in orbit around planet Neptune, but still nothing like the organized lying of the Left.

My favorite current lie: that illegals are being kept in cages like animals. The truth is that they are merely chain link fences to contain and control them, THE VERY SAME ONES used by the Obama Administration.

I am pretty sure it won't surprise you that my diagnosis of way-out-there posters on the two sides of the aisle somewhat disagrees with yours. Your assessment of those "cages", and the inhumane changes in governance that filled them, along with the pandering to xenophobes, the gratuitous fanning of fear and hate for political gain, lacks in nuance to such an extent as to be meaningless. This isn't about "cages", it's about the systematic brutalization of kids to make political coin.

If you want to know about "mental disorder", or who really is way out there, I would just mention I haven't a single righty on here who would even mildly object to the kids' treatment. Not a one. That, in normal times, shouldn't be controversial. There was an outcry over the Obama administration's treatment when they were initially overwhelmed by a surge in unaccompanied minors crossing the border, until they got this at least half right. These times are long gone, as the abject Trump sycophancy trumps every other consideration. That's mental disorder and egregious personal moral failure all wrapped in one.
either we swallow our truth or we spit it out too harshly.

angry communication like what happened between Kamala and Biden is a self-sabotaging trap. they both looked bad!
Harris will raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy and maintain the cuts on the middle class

Just like Obama did
Look, more often that not you "prove Leftists wrong" by very strenuously insisting on your falsehoods
Proven or otherwise, liberalism is a mental disorder. Yes, I've met some certified right wing (conservative) NUTJOBS on this site, total LOONS who are in orbit around planet Neptune, but still nothing like the organized lying of the Left.

My favorite current lie: that illegals are being kept in cages like animals. The truth is that they are merely chain link fences to contain and control them, THE VERY SAME ONES used by the Obama Administration.
<snip>along with the pandering to xenophobes, the gratuitous fanning of fear and hate for political gain, lacks in nuance to such an extent as to be meaningless. This isn't about "cages", it's about the systematic brutalization of kids to make political coin.
  • You confuse simple national pride and the ordinary desire to put one's own country first shared by every other nation with xenophobia. Go to Europe and find me one person who wants to put America's interests on a level playing field or even ahead of their own country.
  • There are no cages. Never has been.
  • The brutalization of kids happened long before they got here. No child is being harmed here and no one ever promised these people a rose garden. And Trump is not making any political coin in any of this, all he is taking is slack for it. If the democrats weren't blocking every effort to keep these people out and making every effort to encourage and welcome them in, we wouldn't have the problem we have.
she said she would cut taxes on the middle class ! when was the last time a democrat willingly cut taxes on the middle class ?? and dont say Clinton ! he was forced to cut taxes by a republican held congress ! and the middle class did get a tax cut under the Trump administration! the dems claims that they didnt is an absolute lie !

Actually, she also big on denial.. Because tonight, I heard her pander for "opening the cages and letting the kids out" without actually pondering or solving the problem of WHERE these kids were gonna go if they came here unescorted or their "parents" (30% of more of DNA tests show A LOT of "rent-a-kids") are detained.

Makes her look like like a fool.. Because that's NOT SOLVING anything.. But if you live in the Washington Dem bubble, they've talked themselves into a cult of denial on most EVERYTHING they are suggesting.. They KNOW they are being deceptive and pandering, but that's their path to "winning"... HOPING America is so retarded that they don't notice what's "left out" or "how things actually work"......
Political debates and rallies are more about wining hearts and minds than proposing policy. "Opening the cages and letting the kids out" is exactly the kind of rhetoric you need to win just like "Lock Her Up". People don't care about the practicalities of how it's to be done, it's the sentiment that counts.

That's two very sad examples of wasting people's time.. BUT -- maybe this Super Pander-Fest will WORK on the "silent left"... Maybe they are that naive and stupid.. I dunno... Looks more like the annual Lemming Leap than a political contest...

I'm scared.. Actually I am...

Harris doesn't scare me. She's too far Left for most Americans to vote for and her positions are unpopular. No matter how the Left wraps it up, most American DO NOT want Beto O'Rourke - Wikipedia. Harris--and ALL of those 25 candidates--are going to have an impossible job threading that needle between their base and the American electorate.

The Dems are going to bring in a Marianne Williamson at the last minute, but with big star power. Oprah, or Michelle O--someone so big that policy positions won't matter.

At this point it's the only option, and they're desperate. They just have to talk someone like that into it.
I think most American would support the following.
Harris's stand on 9 major issues:
  1. Climate change: Supports Paris climate accord. Believes action is need to combat climate change.
  2. Education: Free tuition at four-year public colleges for most Americans. Create national prekindergarten program. This is essentially Bern Sander's program. 4 year public colleges would be free for incomes under $125,000 funded by a .5% fee on stock trades.
  3. Guns: Ban assault weapons and sale of high-capacity magazines. Support laws blocking some advertising by gun stores.
  4. Health care: Move to a “Medicare for All.” It's similar to Berne Sanders program but she used the term "Move to" which is a phase in over a number of years.
  5. Immigration and border security: Wants to “re-examine” ICE. Supports DACA. Opposes a border wall. Unlike a number of Democrats she is not calling for abolishing ICE but a study aimed at reorganizing. Like most democrats and republicans she backs a comprehensive immigration reform. She says stop breaking up families and sponsor a bill to reunite kids with their family.
  6. Social Issues: Abortion and same-sex marriage should be legal. Transgender people should use the bathroom of their choice. States need not necessarily pay for sexual reassignment surgery.
  7. Tax Cuts: Reverse some measures in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Instead, create new direct tax breaks for middle and lower classes. She would created a refundable tax credit of $6,000 for married couples with income less than $100,000.
  8. Afghanistan: Wants a “political solution” to end the war, bring troops home.
  9. Trade: Opposed TPP and Trump administration tariffs and trade policy.
Harris won the debate, hands down. She set a trap for Biden and he fell right into it. She ask Biden about his association with segregationist lawmakers over busing and Biden ended up defending states rights.

Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates. However, if she is going to win, she going to have to move more to center. I'm not sure she can do that.
Kamala did blow Joe Brown away to get to the Senate, but Trump won't be that easy.

Harris is smart, but that's not a large factor for her. Her only chance is to run on her the 2 traits Obama and Hillary each (reportedly) had one of.

Dark skin and a vagina.

Her problem will be coordinating the MSM into knowing when to blame either racism or mysogeny for every instance that Trump is right and she is wrong.

Harris is a double-victim. That's her qualification.

Maybe she'll turn gay and go for the trifecta.
I want to hear her talk again. She just might be the charismatic candidate that democrats are looking for. One think is for sure, in a debate she would stand up against Trump a lot better than Biden. When he answered Harris's questions about working with segregationist senators and ended up supporting states rights, he said to the moderator, "I'm done." I think in that statement, he effectively ended his campaign. It will take a while but the party is not going to support him. Trump will bury him in a debate. He would skip large rallies in favor of small town halls meetings he could control, like Clinton. He is just past his prime. I hate that, because I really like him. He's respectful and a gentlemen, something that hardly exist in today's politics.
Um ok I'm certainly no fan of any of those nutjobs on stage, but how can you say it's a lie that she said she would cut taxes on the middle class? How do you know what she would do? Based on what others do? WTF?
because there is no way they can provide the so called freebies without raising taxes on the middle class !
The only tax I've heard from Harris is .5% tax on stock trades to fund college education. She is proposing a change to the Trump tax reform to create a refundable credit of $6,000 for married people under $100,000 income. Notice she not supporting a repeal of it. And she is certainly not supporting anything close to open borders.

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