Kamala said: 'Just Because You Legally Possess a Gun in Your Home ... Doesn't Mean We're Not Going to Walk Into That Home and Check to See if You're..

When she was in law school she thought it was wonderful to be able to ruin people's lives with her indictments.
I reckon it depends which medications she is on which changes a person's personality in various ways.

Who knows if she will even keep taking her meds.

Being Responsible'​

Well there you go. Now sure, this is from years ago, and she'll say PUBLICLY that she no longer is in favor of this, but this is the REAL Kamalla.

The thing about dimocrap scum is, you can't tell if they're talking out of their asses or their mouths. They are, after all, interchangeable.

She knows what she said was completely out of her ass because there is no way it will happen. Not in this Country. Not unless they want about 20 million dead Cops on their hands.

And yes, unfortunately, 'Befehl is Befehl' applies to virtually all Cops anymore. At least, the ones up North. Down here? Not so much.

But dimocrap scum voters love hearing this shit. It's like telling the ugliest woman at the dance, she's beautiful. Nobody believes it, it's just something to make someone feel good. No problem with that. Except that dimocrap scum voters don't need to be made to feel good. They need to grow up.

Like the ugly woman that is ugly because she's fat. She can fix that.

I guess some dimocraps are born so fucking stupid, they can't help but be dimocraps. I guess we can feel sorry for those. Like people that are born ugly. Not really their fault.

But most dimocrap scum are stupid because it's easy. It's hard work figuring things out for yourself. It's easy letting the DISGUSTING FILTH tell you how and what to think.

That post got out of hand quick :boobies:
The thing about dimocrap scum is, you can't tell if they're talking out of their asses or their mouths. They are, after all, interchangeable.

She knows what she said was completely out of her ass because there is no way it will happen. Not in this Country. Not unless they want about 20 million dead Cops on their hands.

And yes, unfortunately, 'Befehl is Befehl' applies to virtually all Cops anymore. At least, the ones up North. Down here? Not so much.

But dimocrap scum voters love hearing this shit. It's like telling the ugliest woman at the dance, she's beautiful. Nobody believes it, it's just something to make someone feel good. No problem with that. Except that dimocrap scum voters don't need to be made to feel good. They need to grow up.

Like the ugly woman that is ugly because she's fat. She can fix that.

I guess some dimocraps are born so fucking stupid, they can't help but be dimocraps. I guess we can feel sorry for those. Like people that are born ugly. Not really their fault.

But most dimocrap scum are stupid because it's easy. It's hard work figuring things out for yourself. It's easy letting the DISGUSTING FILTH tell you how and what to think.

That post got out of hand quick :boobies:
There was a time when I didn't agree with these people.

Now the garbage they spew is so hateful that it makes me want to give them a spinning back-kick in the head.

Nobody would dare talk like this to me in person. It's a good thing too.

However, every single day we see leftists talking this crapola on TV.

Nobody I talk to where I live thinks this way.
So she believes the cops should be able to raid HER home just for the hell of it???

Another infringement is going in nationwide with gas and electric utilities demanding access to your home to make sure “all is OK”. Plus they are using outside for profit contractors to do the inspections
I called and asked what I should be looking out for -Dodged the question
I do know they expect me to clear off and around the workbench
I asked what are they looking for-Dodged
I then stated-So you want to come in and look around with no indication anything is wrong-Dodged
I stated letting independent contractors in my house for a poke around look see is nothing I’m interested in .
I’m in big trouble as companies have been emboldened by government declarations of ” mandatory”
She likely means virtually spying on us through our phones, computers, TV'S, cameras, IOT devices, etc, to see who has become unhinged & owns a gun.

Being Responsible'​

Well there you go. Now sure, this is from years ago, and she'll say PUBLICLY that she no longer is in favor of this, but this is the REAL Kamalla.

This tracks with her reputation for putting black men in prison for long, long stretches.
There was a time when I didn't agree with these people.

Now the garbage they spew is so hateful that it makes me want to give them a spinning back-kick in the head.

Nobody would dare talk like this to me in person. It's a good thing too.

However, every single day we see leftists talking this crapola on TV.

Nobody I talk to where I live thinks this way.
Well, yeah they probably do. If not them, then their girlfriend, wife or other female friends.

Women, especially young women, are becoming more and more radicalized. Not just left-leaning. I'm talking radical leftist.

There are many reasons why. But we wouldn't be allowed to talk about them. And it's one very big reason why Men, especially younger men, are searching for Wives from other Countries.

Which is fine. Most young women in this Country don't have a clue on what it means to be a woman. Not a clue. They're so incredibly entitled, it's nauseating
All gun safety precautions and laws limiting freedom to kill people with guns, are infractions against the 2A. Gun owners are responsible enough to make their own rules and regulations.

Gungrabbers should not be interfering with good guys with guns until they become bad guys with guns. And then it's too late anyway.
Well, yeah they probably do. If not them, then their girlfriend, wife or other female friends.

Women, especially young women, are becoming more and more radicalized. Not just left-leaning. I'm talking radical leftist.

There are many reasons why. But we wouldn't be allowed to talk about them. And it's one very big reason why Men, especially younger men, are searching for Wives from other Countries.

Which is fine. Most young women in this Country don't have a clue on what it means to be a woman. Not a clue. They're so incredibly entitled, it's nauseating
Young women demofks with guns are becoming bad girls with guns by killing their redneck Maga husbands. Red necks need to be more proactive against gun violence by women.

The bad guy with a gun is always a good guy until he whacks a fellow American with his gun......
All gun safety precautions and laws limiting freedom to kill people with guns, are infractions against the 2A. Gun owners are responsible enough to make their own rules and regulations.

Gungrabbers should not be interfering with good guys with guns until they become bad guys with guns. And then it's too late anyway.

Wow, you're really fucking dumb!

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