Kamala wants to impose a "minimum" tax on the 700 billionaires living in the US. Do the math.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This minimum tax plan on billionaires is just the latest "Robinhood" political stunt by Democrats. Even if she puts a one million dollar per year tax penalty on being a billionaire, that is $700 MILLION! Pfffft chump change. Tax revenue in 2023 was over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS! This is pure demonization and fakery by Kamala and the Democrats.
This minimum tax plan on billionaires is just the latest "Robinhood" political stunt by Democrats. Even if she puts a one million dollar per year tax penalty on being a billionaire, that is $700 MILLION! Pfffft chump change. Tax revenue in 2023 was over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS! This is pure demonization and fakery by Kamala and the Democrats.

Her idiotic tax plan would do more than $2 trillion dollars worth of damage to our economy.
This minimum tax plan on billionaires is just the latest "Robinhood" political stunt by Democrats. Even if she puts a one million dollar per year tax penalty on being a billionaire, that is $700 MILLION! Pfffft chump change. Tax revenue in 2023 was over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS! This is pure demonization and fakery by Kamala and the Democrats.
We should confiscate everything the billionaire class has and then harvest them for transplant organs.
Fed tax revenue for 2023 was 4.4 $trillion. Scary because the Fed budget for 2024 is 6.8 $trillion. The government is preparing for the end of the Trump tax cuts by increasing the budget.
Yet one of her surrogates was asked as it regarded the rich, "OK, what should their tax rate be?"

The answer was "she has a suite of proposals"....What kind of double talk is that?

Here's a proposal: How about just getting the fuck off the backs of the wealthy and letting them continue to create the jobs like they've done forever?

And go be Marxists somewhere else. There are plenty of countries where Biden/Harris' brand of Marxism would be a step up for those people.
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Fed tax revenue for 2023 was 4.4 $trillion. Scary because the Fed budget for 2024 is 6.8 $trillion. The government is preparing for the end of the Trump tax cuts by increasing the budget.

It's pretty obvious to everyone the Democrats want to hand the next Republican President a big platter full of steaming shit so they can later say "See? I told you they would fail."
This minimum tax plan on billionaires is just the latest "Robinhood" political stunt by Democrats. Even if she puts a one million dollar per year tax penalty on being a billionaire, that is $700 MILLION! Pfffft chump change. Tax revenue in 2023 was over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS! This is pure demonization and fakery by Kamala and the Democrats.

If you don't cut spending the U.S is going to collapse, the dollar will be replaced.

There is a reason China has resisted pressure to print money, they intend to replace the U.S currency in due time.
This minimum tax plan on billionaires is just the latest "Robinhood" political stunt by Democrats. Even if she puts a one million dollar per year tax penalty on being a billionaire, that is $700 MILLION! Pfffft chump change. Tax revenue in 2023 was over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS! This is pure demonization and fakery by Kamala and the Democrats.
Any honest economist knows that you cannot go after the rich without hurting the poor.

Every extra dollar the government confiscates from the 1 percenters (or anybody else) is a dollar not available to invest to help businesses grow/expand, a dollar not available for philanthropy, a dollar not in the bank for others to borrow, a dollar not available to give raises or better benefits to employees, a dollar not spent that helps somebody else prosper, etc.

And it is especially punitive toward the less rich and poor when the confiscated dollar is wasted on things that do not help the economy grow and prosper. It increases inflation without increasing productivity.

And it strongly encourages the very wealthy to offshore their assets and business activities to avoid the punitive taxes which always results in lost jobs/opportunity.

And her scheme to go after accumulated but unrealized capital gains will be devastating to all depending on retirement income from their 401Ks and IRAs.

The woman has no sense whatsoever of how a healthy economy works or cause and effect of government policy.

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