Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

Biden's baby formula famine will likely be a bigger problem for the dems.....
I’d be more worried about all the angry women and vets. The Republicans are determined to get everyone to hate them, except for Putin and Xi, of course.
But…. You claimed that the “neocon shit” didn’t happen until Bush’s second term

Last I looked, 2003 was first term.

They were neoconservative from the day they got in till the day they left and Republicans supported them wholeheartedly the whole time
You must be young and not remember. We were plane-bombed by Muslims 9/11/2001. The military got itself together and invaded Afghanistan pretty quickly. Then Rumsfeld and Cheney decided to go after Hussein in Iraq; he had nothing at all to do with the plane-bombing, but they lied us into war, and many conservatives like me were fine with messing up some Muslims, any Muslims, assuming that we won and got out, which was allegedly the Colin Powell doctrine, after all, and he was in the administration.

Whoops, no win, no get-out. Part of that was because Saddam Hussein successfully hid in his spider-hole till Dec. 2004, IIRC. And they couldn't leave while he was still on the loose, I see that. But then they never did leave, just let it drag on and on. And on and on, egged on by that dreadful Bill Kristol, the ultimate neo-con, and all his set were called that by one and all at the time. He kept urging surging. Nothing worked, however. I myself think if we are going to fight a war, we should go in only because of national interest, actually win it, and then leave. Neo-cons think something else, something stupid. Something that sure doesn't work, anyway.
You must be young and not remember. We were plane-bombed by Muslims 9/11/2001. The military got itself together and invaded Afghanistan pretty quickly. Then Rumsfeld and Cheney decided to go after Hussein in Iraq; he had nothing at all to do with the plane-bombing, but they lied us into war, and many conservatives like me were fine with messing up some Muslims, any Muslims, assuming that we won and got out, which was allegedly the Colin Powell doctrine, after all, and he was in the administration.

Whoops, no win, no get-out. Part of that was because Saddam Hussein successfully hid in his spider-hole till Dec. 2004, IIRC. And they couldn't leave while he was still on the loose, I see that. But then they never did leave, just let it drag on and on. And on and on, egged on by that dreadful Bill Kristol, the ultimate neo-con, and all his set were called that by one and all at the time. He kept urging surging. Nothing worked, however. I myself think if we are going to fight a war, we should go in only because of national interest, actually win it, and then leave. Neo-cons think something else, something stupid. Something that sure doesn't work, anyway.
So now you’re defending the neocons?
Oh, I see. You didn't read my post, you're just baiting me. Okay. Never mind.
Sure looked like you were excusing the invasion of Iraq by those neocons you supposedly hate.

If not that then I have no idea what you were saying and neither does anyone else
Haven’t heard shit about that in weeks

Yep......the democrat party controlled press.......their policy is to report and drop any story that is damaging to biden or the democrats.....if Trump was still in office this story would lead every single news cast on the democrat party channels....CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, PBS, and every newspaper.....and the democrat party late night t.v. hosts would spend the first half hour of their show talking about it...

The biden baby formula famine must not be covered.
Yep......the democrat party controlled press.......their policy is to report and drop any story that is damaging to biden or the democrats.....if Trump was still in office this story would lead every single news cast on the democrat party channels....CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, PBS, and every newspaper.....and the democrat party late night t.v. hosts would spend the first half hour of their show talking about it...

The biden baby formula famine must not be covered.
As if you watched any of that. Do you really have to just invent shit to piss yourself off?
No they don't....A number of them -notably Obama and Northam- have argued in favor of post-birth abortion (i.e infanticide).

There's absolutely nothing reasonable about the Marxist left....Your team will always come back for more.
You know that's simply right wing spin....typical fake news from the right wing spin masters, to make you hate us!!!!! :eek:
That’s rural counties, in a red state. Not blue cities. That should scare the hell out of Republicans. If they lose just two Senate seats to Democrats in November. The Senate would now be Manchin and Sienna proof. The Democrats could use carve outs on several issues disregarding the filibuster, codifying abortion rights being one of them. The reconciliation votes on infrastructure being another, but that’s another thread.
Yeah: as of today, because of this remarkable Kansas vote, I no longer think we'll take over the Senate. Hope, but darn: some of the candidates are so poor! I mean, look at Pennsylvania, neither are any good, Dem or GOP, and in Georgia I think the Walker guy is frankly retarded.

Now conservative women in a conservative state just separated women's serious interests from male conservative doctrine, as I do. Okay, I see trouble coming, and whose fault is that? A buncha crazy radical rightwing men. Bad move, guys. We vote. There are more of us than there are of you. You should think about that.

Boy, I bet there are some crowded smoke-filled rooms right now among the senior pols: the WSJ already ran an editorial saying just what I am saying, more tactfully.
As much as I'd hate it Trump will probably be your next POTUS.... you better jump on the Desantis bandwagon
I'm hoping DeSantis will be Trump's VP. In this 2024 election, I expect VP to be a seriously important candidacy. People will fight for it tooth and nail on both sides, for obvious reasons.
So the issue was returned to the state and this is what the state of Kansas decided good for them. Seems the gnashing of teeth and hand ringing over this issue being returned to the states might have been overblown.
So the issue was returned to the state and this is what the state of Kansas decided good for them. Seems the gnashing of teeth and hand ringing over this issue being returned to the states might have been overblown.
A bizarre thing to say, given that there are 49 other States, and no other state has mentioned anything about a referendum.

Nice try though. Not really.
I think a very good idea would be to have all stupid Liberal baby killers take home their abortion contents in a bucket. Let them see what they killed and how their babies were ripped apart. This would be good for them, acting like it's just tissue and bone parts coming out.
I think a very good idea would be to have all stupid Liberal baby killers take home their abortion contents in a bucket. Let them see what they killed and how their babies were ripped apart. This would be good for them, acting like it's just tissue and bone parts coming out.
As an auxiliary employee in an abortion clinic, I have dumped buckets down the sink drain. One day, I recognized something distinctly human in the bucket. I did not come back to work the next day.

If "women" were forced to look at the bloody remains of what they killed, hopefully they would have nightmares forever.

I still do.
What is the practical result of this?

Can lib women get an abortion any time they choose for any reason at all?
And you hold dominion over their HC? So much for pro-life right?

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