Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

Hey DumbIrishBitch

What happened on 2007 with THAT housing bubble when interest rates went up?

That’s the nature of housing booms

Sober up already. I told you why there's a housing slump and you double down on stupid. Crazy fcker. You're a fcking joke old man
Yes. Norse women had a strong and prominent place in Norse society, but a very well defined one. As one saga puts it (can’t remember which one)…

The happy couple stood in the doorway of their home, hand in hand, each looking at the world they were masters of… He looking outward into the world and she looking inward into their home.
Works for me ------ :smile:
Sober up already. I told you why there's a housing slump and you double down on stupid. Crazy fcker. You're a fcking joke old man
You made a bullshit claim.

If you think what I said was stupid you need to get help
I didn't --- I unsubscribed from the Weekly Standard. So did everyone else: it folded. So much for neo-cons.
Ohh right. No Republicans supported Bush.

It musta been Dems that re-elected him in 2004
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You made a bullshit claim.

If you think what I said was stupid you need to get help

No I didn't and you flapping your teeny flabby old man arms means nothing

Inflation is high, the Fed raised interest rates and housing suffers. It's economics you dumbass

Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion​

So what? All that proves is that everything the Left have been saying since day one after the SCOTUS decision has all been A LIE--- as usual. The SCOTUS decision does NOT mean the "end to abortion" and just because someone is right-leaning, republican or conservative does NOT mean they automatically summarily believe women should have no access to abortion no matter what under any circumstance!

The poor Demscum have just lost a HUGE bargaining chip they hoped would propel their dipshit supporters to the polls this Fall. :auiqs.jpg:
Ohh right. No Republicans supported Bush.

It musta been Dems that re-elected him on 2004
All that neo-con war stuff was later than that, second term. *I* didn't elect him in 2004: the badly squandered Iraq war was impossible for me to forgive. Worthless no-good, Bush. Wish I'd voted for Gore in 2000: he probably wouldn't have been as crazy as president as he got later on after being disappointed. Decided he'd be president of the world if he couldn't be U.S. prez, apparently.

Do something to end the practice of abortion absent the authority of the state and violating the privacy rights of women.
Banning abortion doesn’t violate anyone’s rights.

The “right to privacy” doesn’t exist.

Glad we cleared that up for you.
All that neo-con war stuff was later than that, second term. *I* didn't elect him in 2004: the badly squandered Iraq war was impossible for me to forgive. Worthless no-good, Bush. Wish I'd voted for Gore in 2000: he probably wouldn't have been as crazy as president as he got later on after being disappointed. Decided he'd be president of the world if he couldn't be U.S. prez, apparently.
Excuse me?

When did we invade Iraq?

Jesus you people will say anything

I wish a lot of people had voted for Gore in 2000. We'd be a lot better of even now...but ...
Excuse me?

When did we invade Iraq?

Jesus you people will say anything
March 2003?? Why do you ask that and say that?? Are you not aware that Bush invaded Iraq? And then never could get out? They still can't, really. And after Afghanistan's exit, probably won't try.
Sober up already. I told you why there's a housing slump and you double down on stupid. Crazy fcker. You're a fcking joke old man
And I told you that housing slumps follow housing bubbles. Usually triggered by an interest rate increase you stupid piece of loudmouth shit
And I told you that housing slumps follow housing bubbles. Usually triggered by an interest rate increase you stupid piece of loudmouth shit

I said it first, weenny arms, you went on about lumber prices you hysterically stupid leftist loon

Shut up and sit down, asshole
March 2003?? Why do you ask that and say that?? Are you not aware that Bush invaded Iraq? And then never could get out? They still can't, really. And after Afghanistan's exit, probably won't try.
But…. You claimed that the “neocon shit” didn’t happen until Bush’s second term

Last I looked, 2003 was first term.

They were neoconservative from the day they got in till the day they left and Republicans supported them wholeheartedly the whole time
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

and this might have just let the wind out of the pro-abortion hysteria about Roe v Wade.....if Kansas votes to not change their laws.....then Roe isn't under the assault these baby killers think it is.......and they get to vote on it....it isn't being forced on them by judges the way the baby killers forced baby killing on everyone...

This may just have deflated the pro-baby killing vote..........

We will see...

There are a couple of points to unpack here. First off, one issue does not usually drive turnout in any election cycle. Single-issue voters exist, but the vast majority of voters will calculate their choices on a ranked-issue basis, depending on the urgency of the issue. The 2018 midterms was a great example of a miscalculation in strategy in that sense. Donald Trump and Republicans had made border security a winning issue in 2016, but their attempts to run the midterms on that flopped. Why? Trump’s election and his focus on the border wall made it a lower priority. The GOP’s swing and a miss on ObamaCare repeal made health care a much higher priority, and Democrats used it to amplify their midterm rebound.

In this cycle, however, one issue will almost certainly drive turnout and voter choices, and it won’t be abortion, climate change, or even border security, which has returned to a crisis situation. It’s the economy and especially inflation and wage erosion. Again, people don’t grasp just how significant this economic environment will be, as it has been more than 40 years since we had an election under these conditions. Five straight quarters of wage erosion will make all other issues secondary to getting better economic policy, especially with Biden and his team insisting that we should stay the course.

In other words, this particular election cycle may prove an exception to Bump’s otherwise-solid point — and it’s not an exception that makes Dobbs any more impactful.

Second, it’s not clear that this was a pro-abortion result as much as it was a pro-status quo result. The amendment proposal would have made a significant change to Kansas public policy, and voters may just have decided that they’re not ready for it. Ed Whelan made that argument earlier:

That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

Biden's baby formula famine will likely be a bigger problem for the dems.....
Where did I say anything about lumber prices stupid

Just stop, weeny arms, only you take yourself seriously. I lost interest in you when you couldn't stop reporting every post

Now back to topic.... Potato Head's economy sucks wind. You know it and I know it

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