Kansas House Speaker, Mike O'Neal (R) Calls Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

The old, "they did it too" defense. How mature. I would expect as much out of you.

so you offer NO apologies for the treatment of President Bush, Sarah Palin and Senator McCain? Tough to keep a straight face around you whine infested ninnies..

Shut up, skank.

why don't you go post a thread with a title that isn't a lie according to your own sources... then may you can call someone names. :rofl:
so you offer NO apologies for the treatment of President Bush, Sarah Palin and Senator McCain? Tough to keep a straight face around you whine infested ninnies..

Shut up, skank.

why don't you go post a thread with a title that isn't a lie according to your own sources... then may you can call someone names. :rofl:

Why don't you go cry some more. Or, oh I know. Go tell the hall monitor. Maybe I'll get reprimanded. You truly are one petty and pathetic moron.
A lie? Good God, you're a disingenuous asshole. He did call her that in an email. Therefore, the thread title is true. That he later "apologized" for the insult is besides the point. Do I really need to put the apology in the title? You're a big boy who is able to read that for yourself.

Read your own source, dipshit.

He did not WRITE the email calling her Mrs. Yomama... he FORWARDED the one he received IT, called her that name.

He apologized for forwarding the email, dipshit... according to your source.
Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.

He was an ass for forwarding it, but he did not call her that name, as your source proves.

Learn to read your sources, moron.

Ohhhhh excuuuse me. He FORWARDED the email. That makes it so much better. My apologies to that nice fella. Moron.

you all better get a rope and string him up...my gaaaaaaaaad A EMAIL,
Shut up, skank.

why don't you go post a thread with a title that isn't a lie according to your own sources... then may you can call someone names. :rofl:

Why don't you go cry some more. Or, oh I know. Go tell the hall monitor. Maybe I'll get reprimanded. You truly are one petty and pathetic moron.

Linked article title:
Mike O'Neal, Kansas House Speaker, Apologizes For Email Calling Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Lying morons thread title:
Kansas House Speaker, Mike O'Neal (R) Calls Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Even a brain dead, inbred, mouth breathing dimwit like you should be able to see the difference.

You INTENTIONALLY changed the wording in your title to make it sound like the guy called her that name himself... when the title of the piece you linked to AND the body of the article quite clearly show he did NOT call her that name... just forwarded the email that DID call her that name.

He was 100% wrong for forwarding the email, and should immediately personally apologize to the first lady for forwarding the email.
Ohhhhh excuuuse me. He FORWARDED the email. That makes it so much better. My apologies to that nice fella. Moron.

No, it doesn't make anything better. But the fact you have now admitted you lied in your thread title does.

You should be proud of yourself. You've taken your first steps into a larger world.
why don't you go post a thread with a title that isn't a lie according to your own sources... then may you can call someone names. :rofl:

Why don't you go cry some more. Or, oh I know. Go tell the hall monitor. Maybe I'll get reprimanded. You truly are one petty and pathetic moron.

Linked article title:
Mike O'Neal, Kansas House Speaker, Apologizes For Email Calling Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Lying morons thread title:
Kansas House Speaker, Mike O'Neal (R) Calls Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Even a brain dead, inbred, mouth breathing dimwit like you should be able to see the difference.

You INTENTIONALLY changed the wording in your title to make it sound like the guy called her that name himself... when the title of the piece you linked to AND the body of the article quite clearly show he did NOT call her that name... just forwarded the email that DID call her that name.

He was 100% wrong for forwarding the email, and should immediately personally apologize to the first lady for forwarding the email.

You are really reaching here, buddy. I linked the article and posted the fucking text. If you need me to hold your hand in order to get the details, then you have no place being on a message board. You should instead get back to the playground with all of the other whiny little dirty diapers. But, hey, be my guest and have a heart attack over this thread. I'm sure you have absolutely nothing else going on in your sad little world.
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Pretty standard behavior from the low-life pubs and bags, right down to the pretend apology. She's the First Lady of The United States and she's black (also some white, courtesy of ye olde plantation owners ... ) so of course, the KKK-Kansas pub would pass on racist emails.

The reaction here is to be expected as well. These rw jerks have no idea what is appropriate from an elected official.

To show you how sincere this scumbag is in his apology ...
Speaker O'Neal apologizes for forwarding email that calls Michelle Obama "Mrs. YoMama" / LJWorld.com

Earlier this week, the Lawrence Journal-World was sent an email that O'Neal had forwarded to House Republicans that referred to President Obama and a Bible verse that says “Let his days be few and brief.”

And, of course, he tried to weasel out of that as well.

Bad enough to be an ignorant and racist pig but its especially offensive when they won't/can't take responsibility for his actions.
Shit........I've known the GOP was a bunch of racist pricks ever since they were handing out Obama bucks.
Pretty standard behavior from the low-life pubs and bags, right down to the pretend apology. She's the First Lady of The United States and she's black (also some white, courtesy of ye olde plantation owners ... ) so of course, the KKK-Kansas pub would pass on racist emails.

The reaction here is to be expected as well. These rw jerks have no idea what is appropriate from an elected official.

To show you how sincere this scumbag is in his apology ...
Speaker O'Neal apologizes for forwarding email that calls Michelle Obama "Mrs. YoMama" / LJWorld.com

Earlier this week, the Lawrence Journal-World was sent an email that O'Neal had forwarded to House Republicans that referred to President Obama and a Bible verse that says “Let his days be few and brief.”

And, of course, he tried to weasel out of that as well.

Bad enough to be an ignorant and racist pig but its especially offensive when they won't/can't take responsibility for his actions.

LOL, you lecturing others is quite the JOKE..especially when all your post you call people..pub and bags..
you can now stop blowing smoke up all our asses...
You are really reaching here, buddy. I linked the article and posted the fucking text. If you need me to hold your hand in order to get the details, then you have no place being on a message board. You should instead get back to the playground with all of the other whiny little dirty diapers. But, hey, be my guest and have a heart attack over this thread. I'm sure have absolutely nothing else going on in your sad little world.

Let's try again...

Linked article title:
Mike O'Neal, Kansas House Speaker, Apologizes For Email Calling Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Lying morons thread title:
Kansas House Speaker, Mike O'Neal (R) Calls Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

The actual article title states the EMAIL he forwarded called her Mrs. Yomama. It does not say HE called her Mrs. Yomama.

YOUR lie of a thread title says he called her Mrs. Yomama.

Form the cited article in your OP...
Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.
apologized for FORWARDING... not CALLING.

the forwarded part of the email reads, "I'm sure you'll join me in wishing Mrs. YoMama a wonderful, long Hawaii Christmas vacation -- at our expense, of course."
FORWARDED PART OF THE EMAIL READS... not He wrote, called, said, etc.

O'Neal forwarded the email to House Republicans and added the text, "Sorry, just had to forward the latest holiday message! I've had worse hair days but this is pretty funny."
FORWARDED THE EMAIL... not wrote, said, called, etc.

That's three parts of the linked article YOU posted, 4 when you count the article title, that specifically disprove your thread title.

This epic FAIL of a thread, brought to you by the USMB's own Moron-in-Chief... JosefK
I hope one of the Republicans has the balls to stand up again this year and yell "you lie"
Shit........I've known the GOP was a bunch of racist pricks ever since they were handing out Obama bucks.

wtf? how is that RACIST?
I saw one of them, laughed my ass off

Because Obama said it was, weren't you paying attention?

"You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills....and btw... he's black"
barack Obama, 2008

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