Kansas House Speaker, Mike O'Neal (R) Calls Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Forwarding = GUILTY as the sender.....

If anyone here works in an office environment, which i think the majority do, and they have email access....THEY FORWARD JOKES! People in my office do it all the time....people don't even send them to JUST democrats or republicans in their office, it doesn't matter because we all know that it's just a JOKE!

You people are really so immature about everything! If it had been a democrat that had done this about Laura Bush you would have laughed your asses off too! Idiots!

Granted. But in my office, most people have the common sense not to forward any emails that might be considered offensive. The picture was certainly funny, it's been posted on this forum numerous times. The Mrs yomama comment, however, wasn't funny, and certainly could be seen by some people as racially insensitive.

All that pales in comparison to the outright lie the USMB Moron-in-Chief wrote into his thread title.
Yo Mama so ugly! When she died you passed a single-payer universal health care plan against universal lockstep Republic opposition.

Yo Mama so dumb! She stay at home in The White House and watch yo kids instead of hiring some stranger to do it.

Yo Mama so fat! She only the greatest First Lady of the last 50 years. Maybe ever!

Those Obama's are great targets for Yo Mama jokes.
The rest of the story is that the Kansas republican did no such thing. He forwarded an E-mail (automatically) which was immediately intercepted by the democrat dirty tricksters. Why was a Black guy with a shotgun chosen as a logo by joker josef? Intimidation? Reassurance of the revolution?
Yo Mama so ugly! When she died you passed a single-payer universal health care plan against universal lockstep Republic opposition.

Yo Mama so dumb! She stay at home in The White House and watch yo kids instead of hiring some stranger to do it.

Yo Mama so fat! She only the greatest First Lady of the last 50 years. Maybe ever!

Those Obama's are great targets for Yo Mama jokes.

I'd explain how incredibly stupid those jokes are, but you wouldn't understand.
the thread title is a lie, according to the posted article.

Your own source says he did NOT call her anything.

However, it was unacceptable of him to even forward that email, and he should at a minimum 'personally' apologize to the first lady.

A lie? Good God, you're a disingenuous asshole. He did call her that in an email. Therefore, the thread title is true. That he later "apologized" for the insult is besides the point. Do I really need to put the apology in the title? You're a big boy who is able to read that for yourself.

Read your own source, dipshit.

He did not WRITE the email calling her Mrs. Yomama... he FORWARDED the one he received IT, called her that name.

He apologized for forwarding the email, dipshit... according to your source.
Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.

He was an ass for forwarding it, but he did not call her that name, as your source proves.

Learn to read your sources, moron.

Keep calling Michelle Obama names, it's fun to watch. I can't wait for one of you to call her a ****** when President Obama wins reelection.
the thread title is a lie, according to the posted article.

Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.

Your own source says he did NOT call her anything.

However, it was unacceptable of him to even forward that email, and he should at a minimum 'personally' apologize to the first lady.

Wow, forwarding racist mail doesn't mean you are racist. Or even called anyone a name.

How fucking convenient.
the thread title is a lie, according to the posted article.

Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.

Your own source says he did NOT call her anything.

However, it was unacceptable of him to even forward that email, and he should at a minimum 'personally' apologize to the first lady.

Wow, forwarding racist mail doesn't mean you are racist. Or even called anyone a name.

How fucking convenient.

Funny how that works, huh? He merely FORWARDED the email; therefore he must be a gentleman of the highest order, and not in any way, a bigot. :lol::lol::lol:

In the meantime, back in rightie-fantasy-land, Obama is a secret Muslim mole who also happens to be the second coming of chairman Mao - all based on delusional fantasies. :lmao:
Yeah.........guess you don't understand the racist associations of connecting black people to fried chicken, watermelon and ribs, do ya?

So, putting Obama's face on money is racist... I'll have to remember that if they ever decide to actually do that.

You got it wrong. Putting a president's face on REAL money is a way to honor them.

Making fake money with a black man's image next to watermelong, fried chicken and ribs IS racist.

All white people hate fried chicken, watermelon and bbq ribs.....

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:
His 15 minutes of fame much like Joe "you lie" Wilson. Nobody cares much for hate speech strategy.

It's not a problem. We'll keep it just as classy as you democraps did with President Bush, Sarah Palin, and Senator McCain.. ya reaps what ya sows sow.

The old, "they did it too" defense. How mature. I would expect as much out of you.

I think Willow was just pointing out just how hypocritical you are. I think she may be on to something. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, what's she on to? Did liberals make racial slurs about Bush, Palin and McCain? Because, that's what we're talking about here. You guys want to make fun of his name, his mannerisms, the way he talks, etc, out of some sort of revenge for the attacks that some liberals lobbed at Bush, Palin, and McCain, then fine. That is fair I suppose. But the many racially motivated attacks that Obama and his family have received, are not fair, and can only be attributed to bigotry.

Remember these incidents?

Rev. Al Sharpton Calls For California GOP Lawmaker To Resign After Obama Chimp Email | Radar Online

Davenport, a Tea Party sympathizer who represents suburban Los Angeles in the California State Assembly, admitted to forwarding a photo of a family of chimp in which Obama&#8217;s face is photo-shopped on the baby monkey. The photo caption read: &#8220;Now you know why no birth certificate,&#8221; referring to some people&#8217;s belief that Obama wasn&#8217;t born in the United States.

Carl Paladino's Emails: Tea Party-Backed Gov Candidate's Emails Feature Racism, Bestiality, Porn (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Carl Paladino, the Tea Party favorite for New York governor, is in hot water yet again.

Today the blog WNYmedia.net published a series of bombshell emails that Paladino sent around or forwarded on to friends, associates and coworkers.

Ahead of Obama's swearing-in ceremony, Paladino sent around a video entitled "Obama Inauguration Rehearsal." The video shows an African tribesman dancing, and is apparently popular among white supremacists.

An email with the subject line "Proof the Irish discovered Africa" containing a video of monkeys that appear to be doing a Riverdance-style jig.


In the midst of the contentious debt-ceiling stalemate last week, Republican Representative Doug Lamborn of Colorado used a controversial, racially-charged phrase to describe working with the president on the deficit.

&#8220;Even if some people say, &#8216;Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,&#8217; they will hold the president responsible. Now, I don&#8217;t even want to have to be associated with him. It&#8217;s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you&#8217;re stuck, and you&#8217;re a part of the problem now and you can&#8217;t get away,&#8221; Lamborn said Friday on the Caplis and Silverman Show on 630 KHOW talk radio.

Nope. Those Republicans are not bigots at all. :eusa_whistle:
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My oh my, what ever would moonbats do if they couldn't play the race card? .... :dunno:
Wow. Keep it classy, guys. Keep it classy.

Mike O'Neal, Kansas House Speaker, Apologizes For Email Calling Michelle Obama 'Mrs. YoMama'

Kansas House Speaker Mike O'Neal (R-Hutchinson) apologized Thursday for forwarding an email referring to First Lady Michelle Obama as "Mrs. YoMama" and comparing her to the Grinch.

The subject line of the email reads "Twins separated at birth?" It includes side-by-side pictures of Michelle Obama and the Grinch with similarly windswept hair. According to the Lawrence Journal-World, the forwarded part of the email reads, "I'm sure you'll join me in wishing Mrs. YoMama a wonderful, long Hawaii Christmas vacation -- at our expense, of course."
Those dog whistles are working for the GOP.

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