Kansas: Legalizing Discrimination


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.
It doesn't matter how many gays there are. If business people don't want to be enslaved to them, they shouldn't be. There's a difference between discrimination and refusing to participate in a same sex wedding.
It doesn't matter how many gays there are. If business people don't want to be enslaved to them, they shouldn't be. There's a difference between discrimination and refusing to participate in a same sex wedding.

Well since enabling a gay cultural takeover is a mortal sin that condemns the guilty to an enternity in the pit of fire, they should not be forced to condemn their souls to hell forever because of a secular law by a judicial activist.

Jude I and Romans I spell out in a no-nonsense way that not only were all the homosexuals in Sodom condemned to hell for eternity, so were all those who lived there who enabled that culture to flourish and overtake them all. Word to the wise and to the faithful I guess.

Those passages urge under dire consequences for failure, to "earnestly contend for the faith" and not fall prey to the smooth tongues or forceful speeches of those engaged in pursuit of perversions of the flesh that apparently, the Big Guy doesn't approve of in a really compelling way.

You cannot force christians to commit mortal sin. It's against the 1st Amendment. You are in essence, telling them "your faith and its deep commandments are no longer valid". And that ist verboten.

TOPEKA, Kan. —The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings.

The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends the measure to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple. Anti-discrimination lawsuits also would be barred. Individual workers and government employees also would get some protections.

The measure is a response to the possibility that the federal courts could invalidate the state constitution's ban on same-sex marriages Kansas House approves response on gay marriage | Politics - KMBC Home

There's the story from KMBC.
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Kansas has become so incredibly backward and ignorant.

Its a little old now but read, What's the Matter With Kansas.

Scary that so many in the US are so against equal rights. Damn traitors need to go live with their hero, Putin.
Kansas has become so incredibly backward and ignorant.

Its a little old now but read, What's the Matter With Kansas.

Scary that so many in the US are so against equal rights. Damn traitors need to go live with their hero, Putin.
What's scary is that you don't recognize that Kansas has always been the way they are. You are the ones who are backwards and ignorant from traditional points of view. You DO realize that others have a completely different point of view on the church of LGBT, right?

And now you will see that different point of view on the books. Get used to it. Your steamroller is going to hit a few bumps in the road and may even come to a complete halt. Cults have no place running amok in American society, without the permission of the governed.

You aren't a race. LGBT is a cult. And it must be treated as such.
Kansas has become so incredibly backward and ignorant.

Its a little old now but read, What's the Matter With Kansas.

Scary that so many in the US are so against equal rights. Damn traitors need to go live with their hero, Putin.

I think you're in love with Clarence Thomas's white wife.
The thought of homosexuality gets a lot of people and most children physically sick
The thought of homosexuality gets a lot of people and most children physically sick

No it doesn't. And you think about it far too much.

This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.

I struggle to find anything wrong with this, religion has the right to it's own bigotry and as gay couples become more and more socially acceptable then the standpoints of the religions will change along with society. A legal enforcement of equality on churches will only create resistence and resentment and cause conflict. I'd be all in favour of there being no legal requirement for homosexual law in all churchs with the exception of Westboro baptist church.
Oh boy, another "let me shove my gayness down your throat" thread.
"Jude I and Romans I spell out in a no-nonsense way that not only were all the homosexuals in Sodom condemned to hell for eternity, so were all those who lived there who enabled that culture to flourish and overtake them all."

Other than those scriptures can be interpreted differently than you have, none of it has any significance before SCOTUS.
Human rights are hard for some people, they'd very much like an underclass to prop up their pretend feelings of superiority. Sorta like the other side of the tracks thinking. We exist in a small moment in history and even in this small moment change happens. Bad ideas die out in free countries, only the rigidly of thought and law in closed countries keeps the intolerant blinded.



Causes of transsexualism

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Aids brigade. Get libfags what's the most susceptible group to HIV infection due to their choices?
Well, here's a clue

Don't move to Kansas...or whine about it on a messageboard
Don't forget folks, it's ok for homosexuals to force their views and way onto everyone else, but stay out of their lives and bedrooms

now they are coming after STATES wanting to USE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on you all...

aren't they special

How about all the states and people in the get together and demand THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ban abortion?
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Then again, if the Conservatives get control of the Senate in 2014, and the White House in 2016, and end-up replacing a Justice or two in the 2017-2019 timeframe, we can expect a revisiting of some of this, powered by Conservative interpretations of the Constitution et al.

Sound unlikely?

That's what Abortion Rights activists thought, 35-40 years after Roe v. Wade, as State after State have taken to turning up the heat and turning the thumb screws and eliminating or crippling Abortion in their jurisdictions.

Given the heady victories experienced by the Gay Rights movement in recent years and the arrogance with which the 3% are currently lording it over the 97%, it is foolhardy to believe that a more Conservative revisiting of the recent move to legitimize homosexuality is not ahead of us.

And, given the 3% versus 97% nature of the game, something tells me that we're not gonna have to wait 35-40 years to see that unfold, as we did on the Abortion issue.
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Guarantee you if it were Muslim owned businesses refusing to participate, suddenly every liberal in this country would be behind them.

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