Kapparot animal abuse




Kapparot is a custom in which the sins of a person are symbolically transferred to a fowl. It is practiced by some Jews shortly before Yom Kippur. First, selections from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24 are recited; then a rooster (for a male) or a hen (for a female) is held above the person's head and swung in a circle three times, while the following is spoken: "This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace." The hope is that the fowl, which is then donated to the poor for food, will take on any misfortune that might otherwise occur to the one who has taken part in the ritual, in punishment for his or her sins.

Swinging chickens around before chopping the things - sound rough?

Teaching the kids to abuse distressed animals

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcb7skM86OY]Kapparot 2009 : Young boys holding chickens - YouTube[/ame]

In America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKqeK4E-ml4]Better Than KFC - YouTube[/ame]

They don't want Americans to find out about it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxfRSFn_7qo]Kapparot 2009 Shochet in Boro Park, Brooklyn - YouTube[/ame]

Surely they're used for food, so it isn't all that bad. Well, it wouldn't be if the food thing wasn't a lie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yemWXhF92s]Dead and Dying Chickens Discarded After Kaporos / Kapparot - YouTube[/ame]

Thoughts and opinions?
I remember one day when I was young, dad cut the head off a chicken we intended to have for supper.....he dropped the body on the grass and it promptly stood up and flew about a hundred feet away....its head was still on the stump stuck to the ax.....
I remember one day when I was young, dad cut the head off a chicken we intended to have for supper.....he dropped the body on the grass and it promptly stood up and flew about a hundred feet away....its head was still on the stump stuck to the ax.....

Did he wave it over his head, claiming it took away all his sins?

Kapparot is a custom in which the sins of a person are symbolically transferred to a fowl. It is practiced by some Jews shortly before Yom Kippur. First, selections from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24 are recited; then a rooster (for a male) or a hen (for a female) is held above the person's head and swung in a circle three times, while the following is spoken: "This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace." The hope is that the fowl, which is then donated to the poor for food, will take on any misfortune that might otherwise occur to the one who has taken part in the ritual, in punishment for his or her sins.

Swinging chickens around before chopping the things - sound rough?

Teaching the kids to abuse distressed animals

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcb7skM86OY]Kapparot 2009 : Young boys holding chickens - YouTube[/ame]

In America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKqeK4E-ml4]Better Than KFC - YouTube[/ame]

They don't want Americans to find out about it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxfRSFn_7qo]Kapparot 2009 Shochet in Boro Park, Brooklyn - YouTube[/ame]

Surely they're used for food, so it isn't all that bad. Well, it wouldn't be if the food thing wasn't a lie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yemWXhF92s]Dead and Dying Chickens Discarded After Kaporos / Kapparot - YouTube[/ame]

Thoughts and opinions?

Animal abuse is illegal in the US. I think even cockfighting now (of the fowl variety) is illegal in all 50 states.

For a good reason.
I remember one day when I was young, dad cut the head off a chicken we intended to have for supper.....he dropped the body on the grass and it promptly stood up and flew about a hundred feet away....its head was still on the stump stuck to the ax.....

Did he wave it over his head, claiming it took away all his sins?

nope....he said bring this to your mother so she can pluck it.......
I remember one day when I was young, dad cut the head off a chicken we intended to have for supper.....he dropped the body on the grass and it promptly stood up and flew about a hundred feet away....its head was still on the stump stuck to the ax.....

Did he wave it over his head, claiming it took away all his sins?

nope....he said bring this to your mother so she can pluck it.......

This is an interesting thread, because of what's missing.
A thread about halal slaughter gets load so of replies, a thread about animal abuse by some Jews - shit all.

Why is that?

Kapparot is a custom in which the sins of a person are symbolically transferred to a fowl. It is practiced by some Jews shortly before Yom Kippur. First, selections from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24 are recited; then a rooster (for a male) or a hen (for a female) is held above the person's head and swung in a circle three times, while the following is spoken: "This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace." The hope is that the fowl, which is then donated to the poor for food, will take on any misfortune that might otherwise occur to the one who has taken part in the ritual, in punishment for his or her sins.

Swinging chickens around before chopping the things - sound rough?

Teaching the kids to abuse distressed animals

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcb7skM86OY]Kapparot 2009 : Young boys holding chickens - YouTube[/ame]

In America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKqeK4E-ml4]Better Than KFC - YouTube[/ame]

They don't want Americans to find out about it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxfRSFn_7qo]Kapparot 2009 Shochet in Boro Park, Brooklyn - YouTube[/ame]

Surely they're used for food, so it isn't all that bad. Well, it wouldn't be if the food thing wasn't a lie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yemWXhF92s]Dead and Dying Chickens Discarded After Kaporos / Kapparot - YouTube[/ame]

Thoughts and opinions?

Animal abuse is illegal in the US. I think even cockfighting now (of the fowl variety) is illegal in all 50 states.

For a good reason.

I saw cockfighting here a few weeks ago, I recall posting pictures on my photo thread.
I have no problem with the ritual killing of animals for food, but find abuse of animals for sport or daft demi religious ideas to be abhorrent.
The former is to eat, most of us eat meat, that's out nature, the latter is a bit of a bastard.

Kapparot is a custom in which the sins of a person are symbolically transferred to a fowl. It is practiced by some Jews shortly before Yom Kippur. First, selections from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24 are recited; then a rooster (for a male) or a hen (for a female) is held above the person's head and swung in a circle three times, while the following is spoken: "This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace." The hope is that the fowl, which is then donated to the poor for food, will take on any misfortune that might otherwise occur to the one who has taken part in the ritual, in punishment for his or her sins.

Swinging chickens around before chopping the things - sound rough?

Teaching the kids to abuse distressed animals

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcb7skM86OY]Kapparot 2009 : Young boys holding chickens - YouTube[/ame]

In America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKqeK4E-ml4]Better Than KFC - YouTube[/ame]

They don't want Americans to find out about it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxfRSFn_7qo]Kapparot 2009 Shochet in Boro Park, Brooklyn - YouTube[/ame]

Surely they're used for food, so it isn't all that bad. Well, it wouldn't be if the food thing wasn't a lie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yemWXhF92s]Dead and Dying Chickens Discarded After Kaporos / Kapparot - YouTube[/ame]

Thoughts and opinions?

Animal abuse is illegal in the US. I think even cockfighting now (of the fowl variety) is illegal in all 50 states.

For a good reason.

Not all animal abuse is illegal in the US. Under the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, certain animals can be abused legally.

Cockfighting is still legal in Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma plus our territories. Dog fighting is illegal in all states. Both dog and cock fighting continue to be practiced throughout the US.

I realize people don't want to know this but this cruelty doesn't begin to compare to what happens in US meat producing industry. The way we raise, transport and slaughter our so-called "food" animals is cruel almost beyond description.

If you don't want to support cruelty, don't eat animals.
Sacrifice. Ritual or symbolic. As a kid, I always wondered why people had to slay a innocent lamb as a sacrifice to god. If you want to really sacrifice something, dare to take this to the extreme truth. Slit your own throat. Not a lamb, or a chicken. The ultimate proof of belief. Don't throw virgin in a volcano. Put YOURSELF on the line. Sacrifice has become a convenient evasion.
Maybe some of the reasons for the Holocaust were valid.

I would have to very strongly disagree with that statement.
I see no valid excuse for mass murder, regardless of who the victims are.
Judaism has its lunatic fringe like every religion. I'm sure anyone familar with Islam could find similar accounts...As to Judaism, there's commandments protecting the welfare of animals beginning with the 6th Commanment 'do not murder' which extends to animals (apart from livestock though even there, their treatment is protected and their slaughter to be done as painlessly as possible.) We're not to eat animals that are still alive either including insects as came up some years ago in Israel when a strawberry harvest had to be tossed because of insect infestation. And we're not to castrate male farm animals (or pets) unlike everyone else:

Not to castrate the male of any species; neither a man, nor a domestic or wild beast, nor a fowl (Lev. 22:24)
Judaism has its lunatic fringe like every religion. I'm sure anyone familar with Islam could find similar accounts...As to Judaism, there's commandments protecting the welfare of animals beginning with the 6th Commanment 'do not murder' which extends to animals (apart from livestock though even there, their treatment is protected and their slaughter to be done as painlessly as possible.) We're not to eat animals that are still alive either including insects as came up some years ago in Israel when a strawberry harvest had to be tossed because of insect infestation. And we're not to castrate male farm animals (or pets) unlike everyone else:

Not to castrate the male of any species; neither a man, nor a domestic or wild beast, nor a fowl (Lev. 22:24)

We have a winner.

At last, someone who admits Jews have a nut job extremist group.
So many posters totally deny there are idiots extremist Jews.

Of course, this moronic fringe doesn't mean all Jews are daft bastards, just the extremists - very much as with Islam - we have some seriously warped cretins as well.

What the world really needs is, all the extremists from all sections of society being dumped on an unpopulated island and left to kill each other, leaving the normal majority in all religious groups to live in peace; preferably with no chicken around them.
I saw cockfighting here a few weeks ago, I recall posting pictures on my photo thread.
I have no problem with the ritual killing of animals for food, but find abuse of animals for sport or daft demi religious ideas to be abhorrent.
The former is to eat, most of us eat meat, that's out nature, the latter is a bit of a bastard.

I actually think Halal and Kosher slaughter practices - when done properly - can be more humane than the large scale slaughter houses that stun (which doesn't always work) - kill - hang them up in an assembly line fashion. There is a lot of fear and stress. With Halal and Kosher (if I understand it correctly) - there is respect and thankfullness to the animal for the giving of it's life, and cutting the throat is a fast and almost immediate death. It is an intimate and reverent relationship with that animal.

Or it should be, if done right :)

Swinging chickens around is barbaric - children should not be taught to abuse animals.
I actually think Halal and Kosher slaughter practices - when done properly - can be more humane than the large scale slaughter houses that stun (which doesn't always work) - kill - hang them up in an assembly line fashion.

There is no good way to kill an animal, only less bad ones.
Factory slaughter is always open to abuse and error on a large scale but, the advantage of halal and kosher is, if it isn't done properly, the meat is no longer acceptable as either halal or kosher.
Sadly, this isn't always the case.
I'm preparing videos of two halal chicken slaughterhouses at the moment. I intend, when I get round to doing the editing, to post them on my photo thread but I may also start a new thread for comments, as I wish to keep the photo thread clean.
By "edit", I don't mean cutting out bits I don't want anyone to see, just get rid of all the extras, just showing the process from arrival of live birds to giving me the gutted animals.
I should explain, we have a sate business, selling high quality chicken sate to discerning customers.
/advertising :D
Maybe some of the reasons for the Holocaust were valid.

I would have to very strongly disagree with that statement.
I see no valid excuse for mass murder, regardless of who the victims are.

Well, the TRUTH is that I am the type of person who would be hiding Jews in their attic during the Holocaust. But animal abuse makes me angry, very, very angry, and the comment I made was out of anger.

Just as I can't stand to see helpless animals abused, I can't stand to see innocent people hurt, either. That's the TRUTH. So I apologize for my hot-headed comment.

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