Kapparot animal abuse

Maybe some of the reasons for the Holocaust were valid.

I would have to very strongly disagree with that statement.
I see no valid excuse for mass murder, regardless of who the victims are.

Well, the TRUTH is that I am the type of person who would be hiding Jews in their attic during the Holocaust. But animal abuse makes me angry, very, very angry, and the comment I made was out of anger.

Just as I can't stand to see helpless animals abused, I can't stand to see innocent people hurt, either. That's the TRUTH. So I apologize for my hot-headed comment.

I eat meat, so I'm guilty of a level of animal abuse.
I sell meat products, so doubly so.

All the meat we eat and sell is killed in the halal way, much better than many of the slaughterhouses I've heard about or seen videos of.
Saying that, I have yet to see KFC's halal slaughter - I suspect it isn't that great, but I have yet to find out.
I really must get that video made.
To the OP, it was more about abuse in a not very religious ceremony than it was about Jews. I suspect sects of other religious groups do similar things, but I happened to come across this whilst conducting another search.

I too would have been far more likely to hide Jews from the Nazis than hand them in.
We all have a temper, but you can't blame all for the actions of some of the whole.

The major thing about your post - it takes a level of bravery to admit fault.
I applaud you.
Judaism has its lunatic fringe like every religion. I'm sure anyone familar with Islam could find similar accounts...As to Judaism, there's commandments protecting the welfare of animals beginning with the 6th Commanment 'do not murder' which extends to animals (apart from livestock though even there, their treatment is protected and their slaughter to be done as painlessly as possible.) We're not to eat animals that are still alive either including insects as came up some years ago in Israel when a strawberry harvest had to be tossed because of insect infestation. And we're not to castrate male farm animals (or pets) unlike everyone else:

Not to castrate the male of any species; neither a man, nor a domestic or wild beast, nor a fowl (Lev. 22:24)

We have a winner.

At last, someone who admits Jews have a nut job extremist group.
So many posters totally deny there are idiots extremist Jews.

Of course, this moronic fringe doesn't mean all Jews are daft bastards, just the extremists - very much as with Islam - we have some seriously warped cretins as well.

What the world really needs is, all the extremists from all sections of society being dumped on an unpopulated island and left to kill each other, leaving the normal majority in all religious groups to live in peace; preferably with no chicken around them.

On the off chance there really is a God, I'd rather be right with him than popular with folks. :) So I'm quite a bit more honest than many.
Think any killing is fundamentally wrong. Sitting on my porch the other day I noticed at my feet some ants attacking a worm which recoiled as though in pain. If a worm wriggles and recoils from assaulting ants because it's feeling the pain of their bits, then surely larger creatures do as well and trying to make their slaughter painless isn't so much for their benefit (they still die) but more for our own. As with euthanasia of pets. It isn't for their comfort, they're dying. It's for their owners.

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