Karma Explosion: God's Audition (MTV)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism remind you of a plague?



As the world's favorite super-archer Green Arrow (real name: Oliver Queen) tried to save Adam and Eve from complete global destruction (from nuclear war!), God was pleased and explained to Arrow that the Devil was on Earth to array the word of God in ways that would frustrate civil men and priests. Arrow knew that the image of God's auditory functions being impaired would devastate humanity's sense of humility towards deference and law. Arrow realized this modern calamity was something like a 'terrorism scourge.'


Arrow told the world that God's ears were being cut off and dropped into the oceans of the Earth, as a sign of the terrible things to come if nuclear war actually began. North Korea and America were meanwhile negotiating about just that, trying to avoid global nuclear warfare. Arrow told priests, scholars, historians, politicians, and artists around the world to disperse the message that God's ears were being 'dumped' into the Earth's oceans and that a great dragon/leviathan was rising from the abyss of darkness to create pure anarchy (in terms of political madness).


Arrow decided to secure the major banks of the world in case this new global panic prompted ambitious criminals to capitalize on this social hysteria by robbing moneys from the coffers of the world. Arrow then proceeded to use his archery skills to disarm various militant terrorist groups including ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the IRA. Arrow even stabilized the state of Chechnya which was struggling politically after separating (officially) from Russia. Arrow declared that his global campaign to stabilize civilization would ensure that capitalism would once again be the bed of commerce-driven peace.


Arrow was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by U.S. President Donald Trump who declared him to be a true 'angel of God.' Arrow took up a teaching-position at Yale University, instructing idealistic students (tomorrow's leaders/educators) about the value of understanding the development of global capitalism, from the time of European exploration/colonization to the modern age of Wall Street/NASDAQ driven geopolitical commerce. Arrow's rhetorics-course was titled World Bank: Diarism/Aesthetics, and it became quite popular. Arrow talked about, among other things, the capital intrigue of the 1800s Boss Tweed New York City era (when gangs and profits 'ruled' masses of immigrants in America!).


Arrow decided to take a sabbatical to the Himalayas where he began meditating about the strange allure of terrorism in a modern world psychologically challenged by the evil of terrorism. Arrow correctly conjectured that the Devil had created false-gods and prophets of seduction to seduce humanity towards war and away from negotiation. God explained to Arrow in the Himalayas that the Devil was a messenger of poor hygiene, so God took the form of the Hindu master of destruction, Lord Shiva, to show Arrow that an anarchy-fanatic was like an ugly American horror-film 'monster' such as Leatherface (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise). Arrow asked himself, "Is terrorism/anarchy like a beautiful but dangerous woman/siren, and is karma threatened by the profit-based cynicism of the consumerism-hypnotized MTV-generation?"


Arrow decided to watch the Bollywood (India) terrorism-meditation film Karma and concluded that modern terrorism was something like a 'behavioural scourge' and to avoid the terrible dangers of global nuclear war, mankind had to tend to the reality that God's ears are meant to listen to the sounds of negotiating civil-servants seeking peace (and not pirates and profiteers trying to augment their vanity!). Arrow realized that capitalism-negotiation held all the necessary potential to create a paradise on Earth and that all that was really required was the correct dosage of...commerce-related wisdom(!).


God advised Arrow to take a vacation to an idyllic European countryside in the summer of 2018, where the democracy-crusader could peacefully meditate on the magic and potential of peace in the age of Wall Street and the European Union. Arrow sat down near some pretty hills by a field of colourful flowers and decided to make a painting to make himself feel better about civilization and human imagination. Arrow titled his painting Earth's Mane!


GOD: Arrow saved humanity...
SATAN: Capitalism has all the necessary magic, and yet...
GOD: ...and yet, there is the anathema of terrorism and crime.
SATAN: Perhaps negotiation is sometimes fruitless.
GOD: Arrow's notion of 'auditory functions' impaired by vanity is smart.
SATAN: Yes, Arrow is quite 'clever.'
GOD: Well, I think Arrow was comforted by my suggestion about Shiva/Leatherface.
SATAN: I see; you're like Shiva, and terrorists are like Leatherface!
GOD: Would you disagree?
SATAN: I suppose images of providence remind humanity of 'potential.'
GOD: There is tremendous potential in Wall Street.
SATAN: Let's go watch Karma on Netflix!
GOD: I like Karma very much...
SATAN: It represents a human fascination with solidarity(!).
GOD: Don't trouble mankind with thoughts about 'capitalism complications.'
SATAN: I suppose I can 'refrain.'




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