Karzai Wants Americans Tried For Quran Incident; Will Obama Defend Troops?...

Karzai better be coming forward with his apology very soon. Our two kids were brutally murdered for nothing. That asshole better deliver Justice soon.

It will not happen. And President Obama will not seek it in any way.

You're probably right. What a messed up Foreign Policy. Why are we still there? Those poor kids died for nothing. And all they got for a response was a pathetically feeble apology from their own Commander in Chief. It's so damn sad.
LOL ALL religious books contain extremist messages.

Not true. But even if it were true, so what?

We aren't talking about the original text.

We are talking about what the allegedly-terrorist detainees had written in the fucking margins.

does not matter they had standing orders not to desecrate the Koran.

Never been in the military?

You are full-on stupid with your irrelevancies.

Try to get a handle on reality.

If you have a so-called "standing order" not to desecrate Qu'rans, but you are also in the business of preventing extremists from disseminating violence-exhorting invectives, and the turd-filled extremists happen to use a Qu'ran or so to disseminate their hateful incitements, then you aren't desecrating the very thing THEY have already desecrated.

You are merely taking out the trash.

It's been all over the news. I posted a Foxnews link already.

Here's another, but from a more established (liberal) network news provider,

Official: Burned Qurans held extremist messages - CBS News
ty for the link!

so, who ordered the burning....do we know yet? Why were they not already aware of the procedure to handle their disposal?

Allen issued a new directive ordering all coalition forces in Afghanistan to complete training in the proper handling of religious materials no later than March 3. The training will include the identification of religious materials, their significance, correct handling and storage, he said.

I have not the first clue as to who issued the order.

I am also not at all sure the scenario of the "proper" manner of disposing of already desecrated Qu'rans ever came up.
LOL ALL religious books contain extremist messages.

Not true. But even if it were true, so what?

We aren't talking about the original text.

We are talking about what the allegedly-terrorist detainees had written in the fucking margins.

Why wouldn't these messages be confiscated and turned over to intelligence?

Are you telling me that the incendiary exhortations scribbled inside the pages of some of the Qu'rans were not copied (for sending through the proper channels) before the tomes got destroyed?
So two brave American Soldiers are dead. Where do we go from here? Does it just end with the President's apology? They deserve justice. And Karzai better get going on that. Fuck all this apology bullshit. Our kids deserve justice.
Even if he wants to, Obama can't cave on this issue. It's an election year and that would guarantee massive outrage and push back.

It's been all over the news. I posted a Foxnews link already.

Here's another, but from a more established (liberal) network news provider,

Official: Burned Qurans held extremist messages - CBS News
ty for the link!

so, who ordered the burning....do we know yet? Why were they not already aware of the procedure to handle their disposal?

Allen issued a new directive ordering all coalition forces in Afghanistan to complete training in the proper handling of religious materials no later than March 3. The training will include the identification of religious materials, their significance, correct handling and storage, he said.

You mean they were not trained on this years ago? I thought this was supposedly fixed under Bush's watch?
So two brave American Soldiers are dead. Where do we go from here? Does it just end with the President's apology? They deserve justice. And Karzai better get going on that. Fuck all this apology bullshit. Our kids deserve justice.

How very un Ron Paul of you.
So two brave American Soldiers are dead. Where do we go from here? Does it just end with the President's apology? They deserve justice. And Karzai better get going on that. Fuck all this apology bullshit. Our kids deserve justice.

How very un Ron Paul of you.

If Ron Paul were President , we wouldn't even be in that Hell-Hole right now. This horrible incident would have never happened and our two Soldiers would still be alive. But Ron Paul isn't the President. These two Soldiers deserve justice. Murdered by Afghan Soldiers paid for by American Taxpayers. And so far, all they've gotten for a response is a pathetically feeble apology from their own Commander in Chief. Karzai better change his tune, and i mean right now. Our kids deserve justice.
So two brave American Soldiers are dead. Where do we go from here? Does it just end with the President's apology? They deserve justice. And Karzai better get going on that. Fuck all this apology bullshit. Our kids deserve justice.

It's a war zone. There will be no justice because we are not dealing with civilized people. The best thing we can do is bring our troops home.

Were fighting a proxy war with Iran now. This is no longer about alqueda. If were going to continue this insanity I say take it to Iran directly. No boots on the ground, just bombs on military and govt structures. Endless bombs, until they capitulate.
So two brave American Soldiers are dead. Where do we go from here? Does it just end with the President's apology? They deserve justice. And Karzai better get going on that. Fuck all this apology bullshit. Our kids deserve justice.

How very un Ron Paul of you.

If Ron Paul were President , we wouldn't even be in that Hell-Hole right now. This horrible incident would have never happened and our two Soldiers would still be alive. But Ron Paul isn't the President. These two Soldiers deserve justice. Murdered by Afghan Soldiers paid for by American Taxpayers. And so far, all they've gotten for a response is a pathetically feeble apology from their own Commander in Chief. Karzai better change his tune, and i mean right now. Our kids deserve justice.

Your first couple sentences is why Paul can never be president. Afghanistan was completely justified. Period
Now it's time for us to get the hell out of there.

Sharia law may be acceptable to barbarians, but Americans should never have to endure it. If Obama doesn't tell Karzai to stuff it, he should be impeached.

I guess murdering two of our Soldiers wasn't enough for those miserable cretins. Now our 'good friend' Karzai wants our kids in Prison too. Pretty fun stuff huh? And guess what, you the American Taxpayer gets to pay for this absurd insanity. What an awesome Foreign Policy huh?


Thanks to Barack Obama’s failure to lead, events surrounding the burning of religious materials at Bargam Airfield–materials that included Qurans in which detainees were writing “extremist messages or inscriptions”–are perilously spiraling out of control. And now, Afghanistan President Karzai is calling for the American troops who took part in the burning to stand trial.

Karzai’s doing this because he can. And the reason he can is because all Obama has displayed up to this point is weakness.

Think about it: although U.S. military personnel have come forward to say the materials were only burned was because of the messages and inscriptions detainees had written within them, Obama has apologized twice to Karzai. One apology was what you’d call a regular apology, and the second one was what Obama spokesman Jay Carney called a “severe apology.”

What’s next? Will we offer to behead ourselves so Taliban and Al Qaeda members don’t have to go through all the hassle of catching us and tying us up?

Read More:
Karzai Wants Americans Tried for Quran Incident; Will Obama Defend Troops?
How very un Ron Paul of you.

If Ron Paul were President , we wouldn't even be in that Hell-Hole right now. This horrible incident would have never happened and our two Soldiers would still be alive. But Ron Paul isn't the President. These two Soldiers deserve justice. Murdered by Afghan Soldiers paid for by American Taxpayers. And so far, all they've gotten for a response is a pathetically feeble apology from their own Commander in Chief. Karzai better change his tune, and i mean right now. Our kids deserve justice.

Your first couple sentences is why Paul can never be president. Afghanistan was completely justified. Period

I didn't say it wasn't justified. I'm saying we shouldn't be there now. These two poor kids were brutally murdered by Afghan Soldiers who were paid for by the American Taxpayers. It's just such an awful mess over there. It's time to bring em all home.
If Ron Paul were President , we wouldn't even be in that Hell-Hole right now. This horrible incident would have never happened and our two Soldiers would still be alive. But Ron Paul isn't the President. These two Soldiers deserve justice. Murdered by Afghan Soldiers paid for by American Taxpayers. And so far, all they've gotten for a response is a pathetically feeble apology from their own Commander in Chief. Karzai better change his tune, and i mean right now. Our kids deserve justice.

Your first couple sentences is why Paul can never be president. Afghanistan was completely justified. Period

I didn't say it wasn't justified. I'm saying we shouldn't be there now. These two poor kids were brutally murdered by Afghan Soldiers who were paid for by the American Taxpayers. It's just such an awful mess over there. It's time to bring em all home.

On that we agree. I misunderstood you.
Care4all said:
so, who ordered the burning....do we know yet? Why were they not already aware of the procedure to handle their disposal?

This was not a deliberate attempt to defame Islam but a mistake.

Gen. John Allen, the top commander of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, apologized to the Afghan people and said the books were inadvertantly given to troops for burning.

“It was not a decision that was made because they were religious materials,” Allen told NATO TV. “It was not a decision that was made with respect to the faith of Islam. It was a mistake. It was an error. The moment we found out about it we immediately stopped and we intervened.”

The military official said that several hundred Islamic publications, including Korans, were removed from the library. Some of the publications had extremist content; others had extremist messages on their pages, the official said. The official said the documents were charred and burnt,but that none of them were completely destroyed.

Ahmad Zaki Zahed, chief of the provincial council, said U.S. military officials took him to a burn pit on the base where 60 to 70 books, including Korans, were recovered. The books were used by detainees once incarcerated at the base, he said.

“Some were all burned. Some were half-burned,” Zahed said, adding that he did not know exactly how many Korans had been burned.

Zahed said five Afghans working at the pit told him that the religious books were in the garbage that two soldiers with the U.S.-led coalition transported to the pit in a truck late Monday night. When they realized the books were in the trash, the laborers quickly worked to recover them, he said.

“The laborers there showed me how their fingers were burned when they took the books out of the fire,” he said.
Angry Afghans protest Koran disposal at Bagram - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

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Now it's time for us to get the hell out of there.

Sharia law may be acceptable to barbarians, but Americans should never have to endure it. If Obama doesn't tell Karzai to stuff it, he should be impeached.

I guess murdering two of our Soldiers wasn't enough for those miserable cretins. Now our 'good friend' Karzai wants our kids in Prison too. Pretty fun stuff huh? And guess what, you the American Taxpayer gets to pay for this absurd insanity. What an awesome Foreign Policy huh?


Thanks to Barack Obama’s failure to lead, events surrounding the burning of religious materials at Bargam Airfield–materials that included Qurans in which detainees were writing “extremist messages or inscriptions”–are perilously spiraling out of control. And now, Afghanistan President Karzai is calling for the American troops who took part in the burning to stand trial.

Karzai’s doing this because he can. And the reason he can is because all Obama has displayed up to this point is weakness.

Think about it: although U.S. military personnel have come forward to say the materials were only burned was because of the messages and inscriptions detainees had written within them, Obama has apologized twice to Karzai. One apology was what you’d call a regular apology, and the second one was what Obama spokesman Jay Carney called a “severe apology.”

What’s next? Will we offer to behead ourselves so Taliban and Al Qaeda members don’t have to go through all the hassle of catching us and tying us up?

Read More:
Karzai Wants Americans Tried for Quran Incident; Will Obama Defend Troops?

Agreed. Our President has handled this tragedy very poorly. He should have come right out and blasted Karzai for demanding arrests of our Soldiers. Especially after they just brutally murdered two of our Soldiers. Our Commander in Chief is selling our kids out very badly on this one. Time for justice, not apologies.

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