Kasich shows his true colors

BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Bravo, Kasich! This ignorant, stupid law would forbid a woman from seeking abortion as early as 5 weeks after conceiving. And most certainly take her choice away at 6 weeks. Odium, you fucking idiot, most women don't know they are even pregnant until week 7. So go stuff yourself down a sewer pipe somewhere and inhale, it's how you regenerate the kind of brain cells that come up with these stupid laws in the first place.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Kasich signing this bill would not only controversial, but invites all kinds of suits right up to the Supreme Court. That would cost us a couple of bucks.

More than that, what would it have solved? Women who wanted abortion that late would only have to drive over state lines to get one.

I don't care for Kasich that much since his petulant acts about Donald winning the election, but why should we fight this battle? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the SC has more conservative judges?
  1. Gov. Kasich vetoes 'heartbeat bill', signs law banning ...

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed one controversial abortion bill and signed another on Tuesday, putting into law strict measures on reproductive rights in the ...

  2. Ohio bans abortions after 20 weeks, vetoes 'heartbeat' bill ...

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed a measure that would have outlawed abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected while approving a law that prevents them ...
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Kasich signing this bill would not only controversial, but invites all kinds of suits right up to the Supreme Court. That would cost us a couple of bucks.

More than that, what would it have solved? Women who wanted abortion that late would only have to drive over state lines to get one.

I don't care for Kasich that much since his petulant acts about Donald winning the election, but why should we fight this battle? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the SC has more conservative judges?
Not on abortion it won't.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Kasich signing this bill would not only controversial, but invites all kinds of suits right up to the Supreme Court. That would cost us a couple of bucks.

More than that, what would it have solved? Women who wanted abortion that late would only have to drive over state lines to get one.

I don't care for Kasich that much since his petulant acts about Donald winning the election, but why should we fight this battle? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the SC has more conservative judges?
Not on abortion it won't.

Why not?
Needs 51 votes. I know of eight GOP senators that are committed to Roe.
Needs 51 votes. I know of eight GOP senators that are committed to Roe.

Needs 51 votes for what? It's not a Congressional issue, it's a Supreme Court issue where the court is currently tied on most issues.
Its 4-3-1 at the moment lib. The Senate will approve only moderate to liberal picks. There will be no Scalias or Alitos.

We don't know that. My crystal ball is no better than yours. But you're assuming total solidarity on the Democrat side which could be very precarious for those Senators that may be up for reelection.

I don't know Kasich's motive, but one thing I do know from living here is that he's a very religious guy. If he's not signing this, there's a reason for it.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Kasich signing this bill would not only controversial, but invites all kinds of suits right up to the Supreme Court. That would cost us a couple of bucks.

More than that, what would it have solved? Women who wanted abortion that late would only have to drive over state lines to get one.

I don't care for Kasich that much since his petulant acts about Donald winning the election, but why should we fight this battle? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the SC has more conservative judges?
That was the point. To make it to the SC. Google what some of the authors and voters of the bill said. Their goal was to make it get to SC to get ruled on by a more pro life friendly set of Justices. Yep SOME might go over state lines and murder their baby but not all. I figure WV,Kentucky and Indiana would have certainly passed laws like this had it held up in court,not sure about Pennsylvania.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!

Kasich signing this bill would not only controversial, but invites all kinds of suits right up to the Supreme Court. That would cost us a couple of bucks.

More than that, what would it have solved? Women who wanted abortion that late would only have to drive over state lines to get one.

I don't care for Kasich that much since his petulant acts about Donald winning the election, but why should we fight this battle? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the SC has more conservative judges?
That was the point. To make it to the SC. Google what some of the authors and voters of the bill said. Their goal was to make it get to SC to get ruled on by a more pro life friendly set of Justices. Yep SOME might go over state lines and murder their baby but not all. I figure WV,Kentucky and Indiana would have certainly passed laws like this had it held up in court,not sure about Pennsylvania.

If a woman wants to get an abortion, a two hour drive is not that much of a sacrifice. But my point is why should we taxpayers of Ohio waste millions of dollars in legal fees only to have the SC rule divided on the law?
If there were any moderates left in the Democratic Party (which there isn't!), Kasich would've been one.
Oh I think there might be a small handful.
Manchin from WV
Heitkamp from ND

But yes Kasich is most definitely a democrat in thinking.
Can you people elaborate on reason instead of assumptions?
isnt there some porn movie out there where there is a very gross/disturbing scene where Kasich is eating lunch/soup and it makes people vomit?

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