Kasich shows his true colors

If there is a problem, I don't mind spending money to solve a problem. But this bill would not solve anything.

We in Ohio need money in better places than in the courtroom.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!
It was pretty obvious he's a Democrat since the first debate, and if anyone researched it, long before.
How so?
Medicaid expansion, supports illegals, supports common core, supports an 'assault weapons ban'. Though, his positions can be summed up far easier than just listing them all; He has his head up the Establishment's rectum, and supports everything they tell him to.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!
It was pretty obvious he's a Democrat since the first debate, and if anyone researched it, long before.
How so?
Medicaid expansion, supports illegals, supports common core, supports an 'assault weapons ban'. Though, his positions can be summed up far easier than just listing them all; He has his head up the Establishment's rectum, and supports everything they tell him to.
You think because someone supports illegals is only democratic in party affiliation? How the hell did so many illegals make it into the US during Boosh and stay?Assault weapons ban, ever hear of a fellow named Ronald Reagan? Yeah, he supported the assault weapons ban, aka, Brady Bill..As far a rectums...I can smell one you've been diddling while falling into party line propaganda...
Explain how kasich is a demo.

Kasich is an illegal amnesty loving traitor who sides with illegal scum over the American people. Ask the thousands of American families who have had loved ones raped and killed by illegals what they think of Kasich.
Kasich is no more responsible for what illegals do than Ronny "Raygun" Reagan when he allowed illegals to stay and bring in more family members...You been playing with the same rectum as Pumpkin Rolled..
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!
It was pretty obvious he's a Democrat since the first debate, and if anyone researched it, long before.
How so?
Medicaid expansion, supports illegals, supports common core, supports an 'assault weapons ban'. Though, his positions can be summed up far easier than just listing them all; He has his head up the Establishment's rectum, and supports everything they tell him to.
You think because someone supports illegals is only democratic in party affiliation? How the hell did so many illegals make it into the US during Boosh and stay?Assault weapons ban, ever hear of a fellow named Ronald Reagan? Yeah, he supported the assault weapons ban, aka, Brady Bill..As far a rectums...I can smell one you've been diddling while falling into party line propaganda...
Both Bushes that have been in office were closer to Democrats. At most, they were moderates. Ronald Reagan supported ONE Democrat policy that you can name, rather than all of the above mentioned, and you only even addressed two.
Needs 51 votes. I know of eight GOP senators that are committed to Roe.

Needs 51 votes for what? It's not a Congressional issue, it's a Supreme Court issue where the court is currently tied on most issues.
Its 4-3-1 at the moment lib. The Senate will approve only moderate to liberal picks. There will be no Scalias or Alitos.

We don't know that. My crystal ball is no better than yours. But you're assuming total solidarity on the Democrat side which could be very precarious for those Senators that may be up for reelection. I don't know Kasich's motive, but one thing I do know from living here is that he's a very religious guy. If he's not signing this, there's a reason for it.
Yes, it thinks it is bad law. On SCOTUS appointments, I do think the Dems will band together unanimously. That's why they are Dems.
It was a stupid bill. More partisan knee-jerking
Nonetheless, Kasich is a Dem. Maybe he has a chance in 2020 if Clinton don't run again.
BREAKING: Ohio’s governor vetoes bill banning abortions after baby’s heartbeat begins

Figured that piece of shit wannabe republican for a pro baby murderer. Ha NC can pass that here and even if the democrap governor overrides it we have a super majority!
It was pretty obvious he's a Democrat since the first debate, and if anyone researched it, long before.
How so?
Medicaid expansion, supports illegals, supports common core, supports an 'assault weapons ban'. Though, his positions can be summed up far easier than just listing them all; He has his head up the Establishment's rectum, and supports everything they tell him to.
You think because someone supports illegals is only democratic in party affiliation? How the hell did so many illegals make it into the US during Boosh and stay?Assault weapons ban, ever hear of a fellow named Ronald Reagan? Yeah, he supported the assault weapons ban, aka, Brady Bill..As far a rectums...I can smell one you've been diddling while falling into party line propaganda...
Both Bushes that have been in office were closer to Democrats. At most, they were moderates. Ronald Reagan supported ONE Democrat policy that you can name, rather than all of the above mentioned, and you only even addressed two.
Needs 51 votes. I know of eight GOP senators that are committed to Roe.

Needs 51 votes for what? It's not a Congressional issue, it's a Supreme Court issue where the court is currently tied on most issues.
Its 4-3-1 at the moment lib. The Senate will approve only moderate to liberal picks. There will be no Scalias or Alitos.

We don't know that. My crystal ball is no better than yours. But you're assuming total solidarity on the Democrat side which could be very precarious for those Senators that may be up for reelection. I don't know Kasich's motive, but one thing I do know from living here is that he's a very religious guy. If he's not signing this, there's a reason for it.
Yes, it thinks it is bad law. On SCOTUS appointments, I do think the Dems will band together unanimously. That's why they are Dems.

We will see on that one. At the very least, it should be interesting.

I don't know of many politicians that would commit political suicide. One of the main reasons people voted for Trump was because of those nominations. If Democrats want Trump to consider anything they want, they better play ball with him first.
Needs 51 votes. I know of eight GOP senators that are committed to Roe.

Needs 51 votes for what? It's not a Congressional issue, it's a Supreme Court issue where the court is currently tied on most issues.
Its 4-3-1 at the moment lib. The Senate will approve only moderate to liberal picks. There will be no Scalias or Alitos.

We don't know that. My crystal ball is no better than yours. But you're assuming total solidarity on the Democrat side which could be very precarious for those Senators that may be up for reelection. I don't know Kasich's motive, but one thing I do know from living here is that he's a very religious guy. If he's not signing this, there's a reason for it.
Yes, it thinks it is bad law. On SCOTUS appointments, I do think the Dems will band together unanimously. That's why they are Dems.

We will see on that one. At the very least, it should be interesting.

I don't know of many politicians that would commit political suicide. One of the main reasons people voted for Trump was because of those nominations. If Democrats want Trump to consider anything they want, they better play ball with him first.
Keep it in balance. Eleven million more voters supported candidates other than the Orange Crush. And Americans overwhelmingly support some form of regulated abortion; the small minority only support no abortion or only for the mother's life. The Senators understand that. They won't for a Ginsberg or a Scalia in the future. Much likely a Merrick Garland.

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