
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2011
Northern California
KASSEM EID...I guessing we'll be hearing quite a bit more about this guy soon. He's an Architect who fled Syria, and tried to get his Green Card as a Syrian refugee in Seattle back in the summer of 2014. His Asylum Case was turned down because he didn't pass the extreme vetting. He now lives in Berlin. He has close ties to the the Free Syrian Army. John McCain supports these guys. Be aware that he is a Turkish proxy and hates the Kurds. The FSA might be a good prospect to fill the vacuum created by the impending removal of Assad...but if the FSA takes Syria...the Kurds will not have any allies. KNOW WHO YOU'RE SUPPORTING. Ending the Assad regime and making Syria safe for Syrians to come home solves a great many problems, including the travel ban. But lets think ahead...How much do we want to spend to help Syria become another post invasion Iraq? Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria?...how many of those countries were made better by our military actions? Our President is easily flattered, and will no doubt repeat things that cause "nice things" to be said about him by the media.

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