Katherine Coleman Johnson - What education can mean for people of any race


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2021
I just watched Hidden Figures, the Katherine Coleman/Johnson story on FXM.

As I watched the movie, and I have no real idea how accurate the depictions were, I was sometimes ashamed that white people treated her and others alluded to in the movie so badly and at other times proud that there were those who could see above it.

I was ashamed that, 100 years after the end of the Civil War, black Americans were still treated so badly. The feelings are reduced because I know I didn't do it and have never treated any person of any race differently because of their race. As a member of the human race, I am disappointed that so many humans can't see past skin color.

Anyway, it was a very inspirational movie about a very inspirational woman. With stories like hers, I just don't understand why black Americans aren't marching for better education and holding up successes like her as their role models instead of rappers and thugs.
The contributions of these women were slightly inflated, but yes, they were treated badly and should be used as role models more than they are.
I just watched Hidden Figures, the Katherine Coleman/Johnson story on FXM.

As I watched the movie, and I have no real idea how accurate the depictions were, I was sometimes ashamed that white people treated her and others alluded to in the movie so badly and at other times proud that there were those who could see above it.

I was ashamed that, 100 years after the end of the Civil War, black Americans were still treated so badly. The feelings are reduced because I know I didn't do it and have never treated any person of any race differently because of their race. As a member of the human race, I am disappointed that so many humans can't see past skin color.

Anyway, it was a very inspirational movie about a very inspirational woman. With stories like hers, I just don't understand why black Americans aren't marching for better education and holding up successes like her as their role models instead of rappers and thugs.
Because she's not about that WAP. You can say the same about the ideas of MLK. He would hate to see where we are in race relations and the atrocities, crimes, and the sub-culture of African Americans today.
But you are correct. Racism is a terrible and it's terrible that we still have racists in our world today. BUT the actions of race baiters, the media, and politicians are creating greater and greater division in this country. The idea and perception that one cannot complain, criticize, blame, hold accountable, or report negatively about African Americans is an absolute truth. Just the other day an article that I read about a Black man who assaulted a white person in a NYC tunnel. The article said NOTHING about the man's color. Nothing. Only age and height. However it was caught on video, so you knew the race of the assaulter. Had the race roles been reversed, the headline would have been "White man assaults unarmed black man, possible Hate Crime". And we all know that I'm pretty damn accurate on how the media would have reversed the narrative.

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