Katie Pavlich, gun fighter, addresses the NRA convention. The new wave of gun owners.

The old wave was gun enthusiasts.

The new wave.....want protection.

Notice the dates before you post things......

The image you posted, twit was 16 years ago........

obama was against gay marriage until 2 years into his first term in office....when he changed his mind.......

Please....try thinking before you post.....

... ban on assault weapons...

Try again.
Drumpf before he began telling people what they want to hear….

obama...changed his mind on gay marriage after being President for 2 years..........till then...against it...

President Barack Obama's shifting stance on gay marriage

In 2008, he said: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage."

On Wednesday, by contrast, he said: "I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."

... ban on assault weapons...

Try again.
Drumpf before he began telling people what they want to hear….

You still don't know what assault weapon is.

I do know Donald wants to ban them…and have a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.

He told me so.

You agree with him, don't ya?

Are you voting for Mr. Trump this year? I’m not. I’m voting for Ms. Clinton.
Wonder where he went? Oh well…another one bites the dust.

Nope, just waiting for you to answer my question first.
As I stated, I’m not voting for him.

Your turn

That was not the question.

I do not support the Assault Weapons ban.
Now, Are you going to vote for Mr. Trump or not?

You see, that was easy.

Of course, I will be voting for Trump.

Btw. assault weapons are already banned for civilian use, except in special circumstances.

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