Katrina Hero: Trump Doesn't Care About Brown People

Read a history book, there were no democrats in 1789

history lesson time..

The Democratic-Republican Party was an American political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791–93 to oppose the centralizing policies of the new Federalist Party run by Alexander Hamilton (1755/57-1804), who was secretary of the treasury and chief architect of George Washington's administration

Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia

Thank you for proving my point. Thanks !!!
Traditionally the Democrat Bigots have hated white people and that is why they constantly call them racist

Like the DOJ lawsuit against Donald Trump for discrimination that Trump settled by doing everything the DOJ asked, but without admitting guilt.
Read a history book, there were no democrats in 1789

history lesson time..

The Democratic-Republican Party was an American political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791–93 to oppose the centralizing policies of the new Federalist Party run by Alexander Hamilton (1755/57-1804), who was secretary of the treasury and chief architect of George Washington's administration

Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia

Thank you for proving my point. Thanks !!!

Well, with all that begat/begetting of political affiliations back then it takes a political junkie to get it straight, not me.

So are you a Canadian postman or is that just to obvious...?

Born in London, Ontario many years ago and I'm still waiting for my decoder ring, dang it... :lol:
Nobody cares what the Trump parasites on CNN think, they have the credibility of a lie.. :lmao:

Example of Fake News

Trump said he had the votes to pass healthcare

Yup, Congress .. Republicans/Democrats continue to fail the American people, big surprise..:haha:

He also said Washington DC is a swamp, he sure got that right and they sure want to keep it that way.....
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"They want everything to be done for them."
VERY Little is uglier than envy.....you should get some help to deal with it.
CNN should just run a video loop of calling people "racist" 24/7 because that is all that they really ever do
That so called network is losing it's collective mind. They have 5 Trump haters to 1 Trump supporter and still the one supporter kicks their asses. If you really want to have a good chuckle watch when they read Trump's rise in poll numbers...they look so pissed that they could start to cry any minuet.... :badgrin:
God, you lefties are so predictable

Yeah, we care about civil rights and humanity - as opposed to Trump's history of racism.

You people care about SELECTIVE civil rights and humanity. You say you are for Blacks yet if a Black voices opinions different from you, he is called an Uncle Tom. You people say you are for women yet if a number of women come forward with rape allegations against one of your own, they are all immediately dismissed and smeared. You people say you are for Gays and Lesbians yet when a Muslim targeted and shot gays in the name of his religion, you blamed the guns and mental illness.

In summary, your care "care" is conditional.
What happens when a retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. puts his own skin color above Duty, Honor, Country and disrespects the President of the United States? CNN calls him a hero.
Lakhota the bloody island is super majority white. More white than Texas. Fuck off with the race card eh? Next time you left wing assholes should check your stats before whining.

It's the common perception of who the Puerto rican's are

It's call prejudice.
When the facts don't match the claim....

Ignore them and make shit up.
I can't be....im super mixed and love all. But since I moved to the US I noticed that a racist is more likely to be repulican/conservative it never fails. Infact outside the US we were told to avoid the south and the middle of the US as they are known to be less accepting of foreigners. And that's why I chose Cali...also in This very forum it confirms that....anti immigrants, anti Mexican, anti blacks comments are always from those who voted for trump.

Where did you come from, the Island of Gullible Idiots or North Korea...:lol:

You just confirmed my points.

Nice try but I lived all over California for over 40 years including the Bay Area, I'm fully aware of the radical left wingers and their hate filled intolerant, racism and bankrupting policies. California, a beautiful state filled with hypocrites, lawlessness and freeloaders, you seem like the perfect fit.

btw. welcome to the USMB, normally, I'm nicer but I've been posting for too long and my humor/patience has taken quite a hit.... :dunno:
I have to admit I'm new here but it's quiet toxic.
I love Cali it's a perfect place for me as a Muslim not one single time I was harrased , my friends in red states are having hard times. I don't know why you don't understand this. Conservatives are in majority less welcoming of other cultures and religions and everything that's different.

What the heck you've melted in and you're happy about it, enjoy. I simply disagree with your conclusions, they seem silly to me, believe me... :wink_2:

btw. it's a message board, people tend to blow off some unfettered steam, there's forums on the Board for milk and cookie talk and such.. check them out... or I could point them out if you'd like .. because I'm nice.. :lol:
Nah I'm good. Bon fin de semaine!!!
Here's something you perpetually butthurt minorities STILL don't get: I, a white male, already HEARD your grievance-mongering thousands of times and I DON'T care, nor will I EVER care. All you're about is victim-sob-stories blaming whites for your own shortcomings (which reeks of jealous, small-penis insecurity, the real motive), then making petulant demands that keep getting more and more ridiculous. There's no reason for whites to care about you because you come across as some of the most unsympathetic human beings in the country. You won't lift a finger to improve your own communities, you expect to sit back and expect "whitey" do it for you like a human jump-start battery.

President Donald Trump presented the U.S. team with the trophy after they defeated the international team in the Presidents Cup at Liberty National Golf Club.

Pretty useless to people without power and clean water.

As millions of Puerto Ricans struggle to recover from Hurricane Maria, President Donald Trump attended a golfing event Sunday. And just in case anyone was going to go after him for not paying attention to the disaster, he attempted to pre-empt the criticism: He dedicated the trophy to the victims of the storm.

Trump Dedicates Golf Trophy To Hurricane Victims

Wow. Just wow.
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