Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
/——-/ Republic are saying she should be heard but no democRATs are saying Kavanaugh is presumed innocent

But she's hiding and flip flopping her story.
So let’s say the FBI agent decides to actually take this further and in a very respectful way says, “Well, Miss, were you raped or injured?”

“Uh, no, not really.”

“Did you report this or tell anyone at the time, 36, 35 years ago?”

“Uh, no.”

“What year was this, again, that this happened?”

“Uhhh, I’m not — I’m not sure. I think it was 1982.”

“Where did this happen?”

“I don’t know! I don’t know. I was so traumatized; I don’t remember any of it. I just remember some guy jumping on me and I was drunk and — and I don’t know. But I want you to investigate it.”

“Okay. Ma’am, were there any witnesses?”

“Just the one friend of his that pushed him off, and then they left before he could do anything.”. ——Rush
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
/——-/ Republic are saying she should be heard but no democRATs are saying Kavanaugh is presumed innocent

That's because Democrats hate our justice system; innocent until proven guilty.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean

I'm sure they went farther back than that. A son of a friend of mine tried to get a job with the state troopers. They sent people to his parents house where he grew up, intervened family members including cousins, aunts and uncles, talked to neighbors up to ten houses away from where he lived. They asked questions about his childhood and if he ever got into trouble.

I'm sure that's nothing compared to how the FBI investigates.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.

One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
...The only cloud is on the whore and her bogus claim.
Typical TrumpBot Misogyny... paying attention, Ladies? Remember this in November.
Yeah, I'm sure minds have been changed on this message board. :auiqs.jpg:
The point being that the Pubs are shooting themselves in the foot over this, with respect to the female voting public.

I don't think most women are that dumb not to be able to see through all this.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean

I'm sure they went farther back than that. A son of a friend of mine tried to get a job with the state troopers. They sent people to his parents house where he grew up, intervened family members including cousins, aunts and uncles, talked to neighbors up to ten houses away from where he lived. They asked questions about his childhood and if he ever got into trouble.

I'm sure that's nothing compared to how the FBI investigates.
The only trouble with that is that investigators miss stuff all the time; they're only human.

It may very well be, that they missed this incident...

Not because it never happened (entirely possible), but because it was not widely known, and friends were unlikely to "out" him on such a thing.

The only way to put this one to be is to investigate it more thoroughly.

If the Pubs have an ounce of brains in their heads, they will do just that.

November is coming.
If the dems history wan't one of playing dirty politics as much as they have. As lying about the opposition
such as Reid lying about Mitt Romney, as about Testor lying about Ronny Jackson. This is just another
game being played by the dems. Perhaps, things might have been different if they didn't have such a sleazy track record.

You are correct, but none have been this transparent. Ray Charles could have seen through this.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.

One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
Good point.

Time to send the FBI out to talk to Mark Judge.

Time to subpoena Mark Judge to testify before Congress.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
/——/ Look like the truth about the whore is coming out.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean

I'm sure they went farther back than that. A son of a friend of mine tried to get a job with the state troopers. They sent people to his parents house where he grew up, intervened family members including cousins, aunts and uncles, talked to neighbors up to ten houses away from where he lived. They asked questions about his childhood and if he ever got into trouble.

I'm sure that's nothing compared to how the FBI investigates.
The only trouble with that is that investigators miss stuff all the time; they're only human.

It may very well be, that they missed this incident...

Not because it never happened (entirely possible), but because it was not widely known, and friends were unlikely to "out" him on such a thing.

The only way to put this one to be is to investigate it more thoroughly.

If the Pubs have an ounce of brains in their heads, they will do just that.

November is coming.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations does not take orders from Congress on who to investigate; especially since it's out of their purview. I don't know how many times we have to repeat this, but this is not a federal issue at all. There is nothing to investigate. There are only three people involved: one who said he did it, the other who said he didn't, and a third person who said it never happened; nothing even close.

So what are they supposed to investigate beyond that?
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.

One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
Good point.

Time to send the FBI out to talk to Mark Judge.

Time to subpoena Mark Judge to testify before Congress.

Good idea. I can see it now:

Mr. Judge, did Brett Kavanaugh attempt to rape Mz. Ford?

Absolutely not.

So what other questions should they ask him?
No one finds the timing of this odd?

Not really, the Democrats are pretty good at timing things, and with the goal of delaying this confirmation past the election, they couldn't have timed it better.

But they thought the same thing with their Access Hollywood scoop, and the Trumpster blew that up pretty well.
So what are you afraid of then?

The Democrats possibly dragged this out as planned hoping they would take over leadership of the Senate. Then it wouldn't matter what allegations are against Kavanaugh. He would never be confirmed.

That's why the Republicans need to take action now and not cater to these ridiculous demands.
No one finds the timing of this odd?

Not really, the Democrats are pretty good at timing things, and with the goal of delaying this confirmation past the election, they couldn't have timed it better.

But they thought the same thing with their Access Hollywood scoop, and the Trumpster blew that up pretty well.
So what are you afraid of then?

The Democrats possibly dragged this out as planned hoping they would take over leadership of the Senate. Then it wouldn't matter what allegations are against Kavanaugh. He would never be confirmed.

That's why the Republicans need to take action now and not cater to these ridiculous demands.
So you think the American people would vote to change the control of the Senate?

Shouldn't the voters have a say in this then?

That was the "logic" behind blocking Obama's appointee for a full year...to "let the voters decide" ya know
No one finds the timing of this odd?

Not really, the Democrats are pretty good at timing things, and with the goal of delaying this confirmation past the election, they couldn't have timed it better.

But they thought the same thing with their Access Hollywood scoop, and the Trumpster blew that up pretty well.
So what are you afraid of then?

The Democrats possibly dragged this out as planned hoping they would take over leadership of the Senate. Then it wouldn't matter what allegations are against Kavanaugh. He would never be confirmed.

That's why the Republicans need to take action now and not cater to these ridiculous demands.
So you think the American people would vote to change the control of the Senate?

Shouldn't the voters have a say in this then?

That was the "logic" behind blocking Obama's appointee for a full year...to "let the voters decide" ya know
The people voted for those in now......

Push the vote and confirm him.................this is garbage..............let them cry about it..........who cares............
Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime

Because they would just laugh at it?
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.

One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
Good point.

Time to send the FBI out to talk to Mark Judge.

Time to subpoena Mark Judge to testify before Congress.

That should help the circus.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
/——-/ Republic are saying she should be heard but no democRATs are saying Kavanaugh is presumed innocent

That's because Democrats hate our justice system; innocent until proven guilty.
They also hate Constitutional judges.

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