Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

No one finds the timing of this odd?

Not really, the Democrats are pretty good at timing things, and with the goal of delaying this confirmation past the election, they couldn't have timed it better.

But they thought the same thing with their Access Hollywood scoop, and the Trumpster blew that up pretty well.

You don’t find the timing odd? Simple yes or no will suffice

No, not at all.

The timing of this antic was exactly what I would have expected.
Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?

ummmmmm, probably not

Why are you afraid of an investigation?
Why is Ford afraid of testifying on her behalf at the hearings Monday?
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
/——-/ The only cloud is on the whore and her bogus claim.
If the dems history wan't one of playing dirty politics as much as they have. As lying about the opposition
such as Reid lying about Mitt Romney, as about Testor lying about Ronny Jackson. This is just another
game being played by the dems. Perhaps, things might have been different if they didn't have such a sleazy track record.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for seventh.

Yeah, people have came forward and have denied it even happened. Or they don't recall any of that allegation. Not to mention the accuser can't remember anything about it. Kavanaugh has had hundreds of signatures saying he is not what the DNC is projecting about him. But yeah, let it drag on. Cause this will help Kavanaugh much better now.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
Until now.

Yeah, until now this Di Fi lady threw shit against the wall and it's been able to stick. Since clearly the Fake News will project anything to have it their way.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
Until now.
I called this yesterday where they would drag out someone.
'Rumors', 'might have', 'could have', 'don't know the details', 'might have been Kavanaugh'

Yeah, it's part of the Democrat game.
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
/——-/ Republic are saying she should be heard but no democRATs are saying Kavanaugh is presumed innocent
Seriously, did all these DNC leaders at the swamp forget there was already six FBI investigations already? Do they think the public is stupid to forget there has been?
No they didn't forget. Also, the investigation went back to his high school days and interviewed his classmates, he came out squeaky clean
/——-/ Republic are saying she should be heard but no democRATs are saying Kavanaugh is presumed innocent

But she's hiding and flip flopping her story.

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