CDZ Kavanaugh Documents Released Late, How Big A Deal?

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Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Kavanaugh confirmation is not 'normal,' Klobuchar says, claiming too many documents withheld

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

I suppose this is always going to happen and my theory is Kavanaugh is not the worst of fellows Trump could have nominated.

So, if I were a senator in exchange for voting for Kavanaugh I'd demand some rule where senators had to vote on proposed justices before taking any vacation or off time or whatever to prevent that joke we saw last year. Thank goodness we're not waiting 3 or 7 years to get a vote on Kavanaugh lol.

But yeah, what's the take on the document situation? Business as normal? I just don't recall it coming up before.
The democrats received what they always have received, all court documents and decisions relating to Kavanaugh. They are asking for documents predating his enrobing. This is clearly beyond what has been asked of any other judge. It is obviously just more obstruction.
Not a big deal, especially considering the past behavior of those who are screeching the loudest.

Grassley nailed it when he noted they had already made up their minds.

I also note how nauseating it is to hear DiFI say that RvW is important because it is the bulwark to protect individuals from government interference in all of their most personal decisions, such as END OF LIFE CARE. Jeebus, ObabbleCare is paving the way for legal euthanasia due to denial of care.
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We know the Dem's strategy. Delay, delay, delay, as long as possible. Hopefully for 6 more years. Not happening. Kavanaugh will be confirmed before the mid-terms. Suck it up, libs.
Democrats will take their pain and vow to impeach the justices they don't like starting with Clarence Thomas.
Kavanaugh confirmation is not 'normal,' Klobuchar says, claiming too many documents withheld

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

I suppose this is always going to happen and my theory is Kavanaugh is not the worst of fellows Trump could have nominated.

So, if I were a senator in exchange for voting for Kavanaugh I'd demand some rule where senators had to vote on proposed justices before taking any vacation or off time or whatever to prevent that joke we saw last year. Thank goodness we're not waiting 3 or 7 years to get a vote on Kavanaugh lol.

But yeah, what's the take on the document situation? Business as normal? I just don't recall it coming up before.

90% of his past has not been submitted.

If his record is so exemplary, why are those documents being witheld?

In the hearing today, Senator Richard Durbin exposed that Kavanaugh lied under oath during his DC circuit confirmation.

The only joke are these confirmation hearings.

Unless you were speaking of the joke of Mitch McConnell not allowing an August recess to give Democrats no time to go home to campaign ahead of the elections.

There are indeed many jokes in this whole sordid affair.

All of them have (R)'s next to their names.

Fortunately, most of these jokes are over the age of 55, and will be replaced with younger, browner, and more Liberal replacements over the next 30 years that will wipe out the history of conservatism from the end of World War 2 up until that time.

And because the Congress and state legislatures and governorships that will be held by those younger, browner, and more Liberal replacements, are the Constitutional check and balance on the judiciary, all of this will become moot anyway.
Kavanaugh confirmation is not 'normal,' Klobuchar says, claiming too many documents withheld

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

I suppose this is always going to happen and my theory is Kavanaugh is not the worst of fellows Trump could have nominated.

So, if I were a senator in exchange for voting for Kavanaugh I'd demand some rule where senators had to vote on proposed justices before taking any vacation or off time or whatever to prevent that joke we saw last year. Thank goodness we're not waiting 3 or 7 years to get a vote on Kavanaugh lol.

But yeah, what's the take on the document situation? Business as normal? I just don't recall it coming up before.

No, it isn't a big deal...they have hundreds of actual cases where he wrote opinions to look at...they are just trying to gum up the works......the Republicans passed ginsburg through and she was a left wing totalitarian.
Kavanaugh confirmation is not 'normal,' Klobuchar says, claiming too many documents withheld

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

I suppose this is always going to happen and my theory is Kavanaugh is not the worst of fellows Trump could have nominated.

So, if I were a senator in exchange for voting for Kavanaugh I'd demand some rule where senators had to vote on proposed justices before taking any vacation or off time or whatever to prevent that joke we saw last year. Thank goodness we're not waiting 3 or 7 years to get a vote on Kavanaugh lol.

But yeah, what's the take on the document situation? Business as normal? I just don't recall it coming up before.

90% of his past has not been submitted.

If his record is so exemplary, why are those documents being witheld?

In the hearing today, Senator Richard Durbin exposed that Kavanaugh lied under oath during his DC circuit confirmation.

The only joke are these confirmation hearings.

Unless you were speaking of the joke of Mitch McConnell not allowing an August recess to give Democrats no time to go home to campaign ahead of the elections.

There are indeed many jokes in this whole sordid affair.

All of them have (R)'s next to their names.

Fortunately, most of these jokes are over the age of 55, and will be replaced with younger, browner, and more Liberal replacements over the next 30 years that will wipe out the history of conservatism from the end of World War 2 up until that time.

And because the Congress and state legislatures and governorships that will be held by those younger, browner, and more Liberal replacements, are the Constitutional check and balance on the judiciary, all of this will become moot anyway.

Durbin is a less than honorable source, and if this weren't the clean debate zone I would say exactly what he is....
Kavanaugh confirmation is not 'normal,' Klobuchar says, claiming too many documents withheld

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

I suppose this is always going to happen and my theory is Kavanaugh is not the worst of fellows Trump could have nominated.

So, if I were a senator in exchange for voting for Kavanaugh I'd demand some rule where senators had to vote on proposed justices before taking any vacation or off time or whatever to prevent that joke we saw last year. Thank goodness we're not waiting 3 or 7 years to get a vote on Kavanaugh lol.

But yeah, what's the take on the document situation? Business as normal? I just don't recall it coming up before.

And why didn't the democrats look at the records that were actually available to them?

WATCH: Grassley Nukes Democrats Complaining About No Access To Kavanaugh Records

"But not all of these presidential records remain confidential. In fact, nearly two-thirds already became public," Grassley said during the Supreme Court confirmation hearing. "These records are posted on the committee's public website and available to the American people."

"As a result, we provided an unprecedented public access to a record number of presidential records and did it in record time," Grassley continued. "The most sensitive presidential records remain committee confidential under federal law just as they were during the nominations of Kagan or Gorsuch. But we have expanded access to these documents also instead of just providing access to committee members, we've provided access to all 100 senators."

"Instead of just providing access to a very few committee aides, we've provided access to all committee aides," Grassley reminded Democrats. "And instead of just providing access to physical binders of paper, we've provided 24/7 digital and searchable access. This is unprecedented access to committee confidential material.

I would also like to add that my staff set up work stations and have been available 24/7 to help senators who are not on committee access confidential materials, but not once, but not one senator showed up."

"I guess senators complaining about lack of access to confidential documents weren't really interested in seeing them in the first place," Grassley concluded. "But I want to emphasize more documents are widely available than in any prior Supreme Court nomination."
42 thousand documents released 15 hours earlier when it took Republicans 57 days to go over the documents before they released them?

Try to figure out the math.

Why are Republicans in such a hurry?
42 thousand documents released 15 hours earlier when it took Republicans 57 days to go over the documents before they released them?

Try to figure out the math.

Why are Republicans in such a hurry?

The democrats didn't look at any of the previous documents that were available for weeks.....not one document......
42 thousand documents released 15 hours earlier when it took Republicans 57 days to go over the documents before they released them?

Try to figure out the math.

Why are Republicans in such a hurry?

The democrats didn't look at any of the previous documents that were available for weeks.....not one document......
That sounds too absolute to be true.
42 thousand documents released 15 hours earlier when it took Republicans 57 days to go over the documents before they released them?

Try to figure out the math.

Why are Republicans in such a hurry?
Boy did we screw up by not using that Supreme Court block to energize Democratic turnout.

If you like citizens united you’ll love cavanaugh

If you like a woman’s right to choose you’ll hate cavanaugh

If you liked a guy who was part of the swamp who lied us into Iraq

Too late liberals. We fucked up in 2000, 2010, 2016. This has turned the court conservative for 30 years. Corporations and rich have won. Better save
This is called throw spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks until November. 'Cause they don't have anything else.
Uh oh, looks like Kavanaugh may have lied to congress. And he was under oath.

Did Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lie to Congress?

Did Brett Kavanaugh Mislead the Senate About Detainees?

Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh caught lying under oath during Senate testimony

Come on, does it matter? He's a Republicans. They have no morals. They lie all the time.

If they didn't lie, would they even be a REAL Republican?

Clinton lied over a BJ and Republicans freaked.

Not because Clinton lied, but because only Republicans are allowed to tell lies to congress and the American people. Everyone knows that.
Too bad Kavanaugh doesn't own an industrial-Clinton shredding machine. VIOLA.....No records!!!! :113:
I find sort of amusing that many of the same people who couldn't find the time to read the 1990 pages of the ACA before they voted on it would read 42,000 documents releated to Kavanaugh.
They got all his judicial decisions and opinions. Asking for more is just a delaying tactic. They want to push the confirmation back past the mid terms because the idiot democrats are convinced of a blue wave. The echo chamber keeps telling them its in the bag.
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