Kayleigh McEnany: "Biden could gaffe his way into World War 3"...President Macron lashes out At Biden For Ruining Peace Talks

The Generals in charge said that our troops degraded their equipment as they withdrew. Since most (80-85%) of the Troops were withdrawn by Trump after the Surrender Accord was signed and before Biden took office, what exactly are you saying?
Your name fits you blind
And large numbers of people, both civilian and military, still died because of the incompetence near the end.

Want to watch some videos of refugees falling off of planes or maybe some military being blown to shreds?

The incompetence started long before Jan 21st 2021. It's too bad there were so few troops left by then that the generals had to rely on the Afghan Army way too much when they developed the final evacuation plan. Certainly the fact that the Afghan Army had been under attack by the Taliban and we were unmolested while preparing to leave, had to hurt their troops morale. That truce was one of many unmet conditions by the Taliban from the Surrender Accords that didn't stop Trump from withdraws over ten thousand troops in his final months in office. Another one they fail to met was cracking down on other Islamic Extremist. ISIS was actively blown shit up in Kabul during 2020.

Your name fits you blind

Most of the withdrawals happened under Trump. Do you think they were lying about disabling the equipment they had to leave behind when Trump abandoned those 5 bases and withdrew ten thousand + troops you never hear about?

That dog could perceive more with her nose than most can with all their senses. Especially bags of potato chips.
The incompetence started long before Jan 21st 2021. It's too bad there were so few troops left by then that the generals had to rely on the Afghan Army way too much when they developed the final evacuation plan. Certainly the fact that the Afghan Army had been under attack by the Taliban and we were unmolested while preparing to leave, had to hurt their troops morale. That truce was one of many unmet conditions by the Taliban from the Surrender Accords that didn't stop Trump from withdraws over ten thousand troops in his final months in office. Another one they fail to met was cracking down on other Islamic Extremist. ISIS was actively blown shit up in Kabul during 2020.

The incompetence began when Biden was elected to Senate 200 years ago. Now he appoints a SCOTUS judge who has ties to ANTIFA, he blunders his way to embarrassing situations in Europe making his handlers have to back track. His corrupt crack head son has been his bag man for years and Joe lies about it, we have out of control record inflation, people completely drop off the unemployment roles and just resign forever because of this fool, or exhaust their unemployment. We have supply chain issues directly as the result of his policies. Shelves are bare in stores, food shortages are coming, what's next? More pestilence famine and war. You guessed it....in the land of plenty Joe tipped his hat to tell you a manufactured famine is on it's way?


Cuz New World Order needs to be installed and if necessary over our dead bodies.

That's your hero?

You might as well vote for a terrorist that wants to destroy America, because that's how bad Joe is mucking up everything.

Almost like he was installed to do that very thing.

Weird, huh?

Oh, nice move Joe taking Genocidal China off of sanctions, instead of promoting domestic production, and dealing with our issues here.
The incompetence started long before Jan 21st 2021. It's too bad there were so few troops left by then that the generals had to rely on the Afghan Army way too much when they developed the final evacuation plan. Certainly the fact that the Afghan Army had been under attack by the Taliban and we were unmolested while preparing to leave, had to hurt their troops morale. That truce was one of many unmet conditions by the Taliban from the Surrender Accords that didn't stop Trump from withdraws over ten thousand troops in his final months in office. Another one they fail to met was cracking down on other Islamic Extremist. ISIS was actively blown shit up in Kabul during 2020.


So you're only capable of blaming others for their incompetence like some little whiner.

Milley has been in charge since 2019 it falls on him and the CIC for those last few months of our involvement there.

If they felt they needed longer they should have made it happen.

But you seem to think the CIC should take orders from the Taliban.


Most of the withdrawals happened under Trump. Do you think they were lying about disabling the equipment they had to leave behind when Trump abandoned those 5 bases and withdrew ten thousand + troops you never hear about?

That dog could perceive more with her nose than most can with all their senses. Especially bags of potato chips.
the withdrawal wasn't the issue it was the execution of the withdrawal that is the problem.
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If US troops are sent to Ukraine Russia will lose. Putin does want American intervention when his army cannot crush the Ukrainian resistance.
PUtin is a psychopath---he would rather see Ukraine nuked than admit defeat.....If Us troops go to ukraine---ww3 will have officially started.
The Generals in charge said that our troops degraded their equipment as they withdrew. Since most (80-85%) of the Troops were withdrawn by Trump after the Surrender Accord was signed and before Biden took office, what exactly are you saying?
Biden has been around for 50 years! A half century! The United States constitution was ratified in 1789. 2022 minus 1789 equals 233. 233 minus 50 is 21.5% of the total time the United States has been in existence. 21.5% and he is a moron. Over one fifth.
Most of the withdrawals happened under Trump. Do you think they were lying about disabling the equipment they had to leave behind when Trump abandoned those 5 bases and withdrew ten thousand + troops you never hear about?

That dog could perceive more with her nose than most can with all their senses. Especially bags of potato chips.

Who cares. The epic failure, and catastrophic loss of life occurred on XIDENS watch.

He would have to be insane to do that but you never know.
That's the problem, it's obviously he has little, if any control of what he says without a teleprompter.

He makes some off the top comment about using nukes, God only knows what happens next.
So you're only capable of blaming others for their incompetence like some little whiner.

These are not events that happened under Biden and they are not unrelated to the collapse of the Afghan Army and entire government.

The attacks on the Afghan Army, the Government, and the Afghan citizens continued throughout 2020. A truce was between them was one of the Conditions of the Accords. We ignored that breach and continued to withdraw our forces throughout the year 2020. He hamstrung the US military and purposefully limited their options. It's' not like he bragged about what he did....oh wait he did.....

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."
Donald Trump: (22:53)

Milley has been in charge since 2019 it falls on him and the CIC for those last few months of our involvement there.

If they felt they needed longer they should have made it happen.

The voiced their opposition to Trumps withdrawals but their job was to take orders,
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Who cares. The epic failure, and catastrophic loss of life occurred on XIDENS watch.


Another Saul Biden dude.

0 killed in combat. 13 killed in a terrorist attack. Sure wish Trump had enforced that condition on the Taliban were they agreed to stop other Islamic extremists from operating in Afghanistan before he took most of our troops out and gave up those 5 bases.

But you know the Generals assured President Biden that with just 20 or 25 thousand fresh bodies they could turn things arround......
Another Saul Biden dude.

0 killed in combat. 13 killed in a terrorist attack. Sure wish Trump had enforced that condition on the Taliban were they agreed to stop other Islamic extremists from operating in Afghanistan before he took most of our troops out and gave up those 5 bases.

But you know the Generals assured President Biden that with just 20 or 25 thousand fresh bodies they could turn things arround......
Zero killed under Trump the last 8 months he was in office.
Biden's foreign trip was a complete disaster.

Biden called for regime change in Russia, said U.S. troops were being sent to Ukraine, and suggested he would use chemical weapons against Putin.

His staff had to correct him each time.

The Final Mouthpiece for the now-disgraced Orange Baboon-God has nothing to say worth listening to...
He would have to be insane to do that but you never know.
Neither President Biden or President Putin are of sound mind.

The world could be in worse danger but I don't know how.
Zero killed under Trump the last 8 months he was in office.

The only condition the Taliban ever met from the Skedaddle Accords was the truce with the US and EU forces. Trump allowed the Taliban to get away with continuing to attack the Afghan's all throughout those 8 months. That didn't alter the Trumpybears Skedaddle Plans.
The only condition the Taliban ever met from the Skedaddle Accords was the truce with the US and EU forces. Trump allowed the Taliban to get away with continuing to attack the Afghan's all throughout those 8 months. That didn't alter the Trumpybears Skedaddle Plans.
Um, Your Vegetable Messiah is the one that "skedaddled", Dumbass. And he didn't follow any part of the plan Trump signed, so you can stop with that lie right now.
PUtin is a psychopath---he would rather see Ukraine nuked than admit defeat.....If Us troops go to ukraine---ww3 will have officially started.
I'm not sure it hasn't already started.
Um, Your Vegetable Messiah is the one that "skedaddled", Dumbass. And he didn't follow any part of the plan Trump signed, so you can stop with that lie right now.
What was Trump's plan, mouth breather?

Please omit his bullshit if possible.

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