Keep that Atheism to Yourself


So, did you not read my links? It seems to me you are ignoring cases that directly contradict your claim. The ACLU has zero to do with this discussion. I'm talking Athiests and their activists. People like the "Freedom from Religion Foundation."

No, you're exhibiting your ignorance of the law and numerous logical fallacies.

You've contrived this ridiculous straw man fallacy about 'atheists' and 'activists.' As private citizens those free from faith are at liberty in the context of private society to express their opinions, where such expression in no way adversely effects theists.

Private organizations such as the Freedom from Religion Foundation are in no way representative of all persons free from faith, to maintain otherwise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy. References to liberals is just as ridiculous, as the vast majority of liberals are persons of faith.

And only government has the authority and ability to adversely effect citizens' rights with regard to religious practice or expression, not private citizens.


“What in your worldview compels you to mock my faith?”

It's not your faith being 'mocked,' it's your unwarranted and unfounded complaining about being 'persecuted.'
What makes you think that atheism is defined by the loudest in the political sphere?

Actually, it is defined by those Atheists who don't speak out against their activity. Cue the aspect of the "silent majority."

No, atheism is defined as not believing in any God.

It's not defined by the actions of any atheists.
What makes you think that the majority of atheists are not like me?

I was unaware you were an athiest. As you asked with Huggy, what makes you think you speak out for Athiests all?

I'm not an atheist.

Then what gives you the right to opine about their worldview? You, and I (as you claim) know zilch about their worldview. So, while you lecture me about broad brushing, you sit there doing the same thing, hence "They are all on the same page as me."
What makes you think that atheism is defined by the loudest in the political sphere?

Actually, it is defined by those Atheists who don't speak out against their activity. Cue the aspect of the "silent majority."

No, atheism is defined as not believing in any God.

It's not defined by the actions of any atheists.

In America specifically, their campaigns are directed solely at Christians. So yes, the definition matches their behavior in this instance. I have never seen them sue Muslims, for example. Nor have I seen them sue Buddhists or Wiccans.
What makes you think that the majority of atheists are not like me?

I was unaware you were an athiest. As you asked with Huggy, what makes you think you speak out for Athiests all?

I'm not an atheist.

Then what gives you the right to opine about their worldview? You, and I (as you claim) know zilch about their worldview. So, while you lecture me about broad brushing, you sit there doing the same thing, hence "They are all on the same page as me."

See my edit.

I was raised an atheist. All of my family and most of my friends are atheists. Atheism is not unknown to me.
What makes you think that atheism is defined by the loudest in the political sphere?

Actually, it is defined by those Atheists who don't speak out against their activity. Cue the aspect of the "silent majority."

No, atheism is defined as not believing in any God.

It's not defined by the actions of any atheists.

In America specifically, their campaigns are directed solely at Christians. So yes, the definition matches their behavior in this instance. I have never seen them sue Muslims, for example. Nor have I seen them sue Buddhists or Wiccans.

When was the last time a Muslim attempted to spread their religion through the government?

If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

I can promise you right now, Todd Starnes would have written an entirely different sort of OP - ed about it.
TK, do you believe it is your responsibility to "speak out" against all Christians that you disagree with on any issues?

Yes, I do.

“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.”

Galatians 6:1
What makes you think that atheism is defined by the loudest in the political sphere?

Actually, it is defined by those Atheists who don't speak out against their activity. Cue the aspect of the "silent majority."

No, atheism is defined as not believing in any God.

It's not defined by the actions of any atheists.

In America specifically, their campaigns are directed solely at Christians. So yes, the definition matches their behavior in this instance. I have never seen them sue Muslims, for example. Nor have I seen them sue Buddhists or Wiccans.

Atheism doesn't "campaign" about anything, also. Specific atheists do.

Would it make sense to say that "Christianity believes all dead US soldiers are going to Hell because of the gays"?
If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

Entirely different. I know for a fact that people have an ingrained fear of offending a Muslim, based on a conception they are exactly alike to the terrorists overseas.
If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

Entirely different. I know for a fact that people have an ingrained fear of offending a Muslim, based on a conception they are exactly alike to the terrorists overseas.

You're damn right that the reaction would be different. People like Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel would accuse the coach or terrorism, and they'd be a hundred threads on this message board full of Christians calling for the coach to be fired and ranting about how Mohammed was a pedophile.
What makes you think that atheism is defined by the loudest in the political sphere?

Actually, it is defined by those Atheists who don't speak out against their activity. Cue the aspect of the "silent majority."

No, atheism is defined as not believing in any God.

It's not defined by the actions of any atheists.

In America specifically, their campaigns are directed solely at Christians. So yes, the definition matches their behavior in this instance. I have never seen them sue Muslims, for example. Nor have I seen them sue Buddhists or Wiccans.

Atheism doesn't "campaign" about anything, also. Specific atheists do.

Would it make sense to say that "Christianity believes all dead US soldiers are going to Hell because of the gays"?

Wow. "Specific atheists." When they create foundations aimed at purging all expressions of religions from the public square, sue schools and government agencies who "endorse" religion or who don't do enough to minimize it, move to remove religious displays or symbolatry from public property and etc; that is a campaign.

It makes no sense, to you, to pigeonhole atheists is one group because of the actions of a specific other. The flaw there is that to avoid such a label, you speak out. I work on the idea that silence, in the face of actions by one's fellows, implies support, agreement, or consent of their behavior.
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If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

Entirely different. I know for a fact that people have an ingrained fear of offending a Muslim, based on a conception they are exactly alike to the terrorists overseas.

You're damn right that the reaction would be different. People like Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel would accuse the coach or terrorism, and they'd be a hundred threads on this message board full of Christians calling for the coach to be fired and ranting about how Mohammed was a pedophile.

Sorry, now you're the one broadbrushing. What you don't understand is that I support the religious rights of everyone, NOT JUST MY OWN, that also includes your views. You won't see me making threads about stuff like that. It doesn't suit me. You forget that despite this thread, I am extremely tolerant of the views and beliefs of others. It however does not stop me from expressing support or discontent with them. Those who make such comments about Muslims are childish. And I have been seen here defending the rights of Muslims here in America.

Just who are Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel? Are you assuming I know who they are?
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If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

Entirely different. I know for a fact that people have an ingrained fear of offending a Muslim, based on a conception they are exactly alike to the terrorists overseas.

You're damn right that the reaction would be different. People like Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel would accuse the coach or terrorism, and they'd be a hundred threads on this message board full of Christians calling for the coach to be fired and ranting about how Mohammed was a pedophile.

Sorry, now you're the one broadbrushing. What you don't understand is that I support the religious rights of everyone, NOT JUST MY OWN, that also includes your views. You won't see me making threads about stuff like that. It doesn't suit me. Those who make such comments about Muslims are childish. And I have been seen here defending the rights of Muslims here in America.

Just who are Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel? Are you assuming I know who they are?

So now you know what it feels like to the "liberals" and "atheists" that you constantly assign opinions to.
If a high school football coach had insisted his players say "Allah Akbar" before a football game, what do you think the reaction would be?

Entirely different. I know for a fact that people have an ingrained fear of offending a Muslim, based on a conception they are exactly alike to the terrorists overseas.

You're damn right that the reaction would be different. People like Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel would accuse the coach or terrorism, and they'd be a hundred threads on this message board full of Christians calling for the coach to be fired and ranting about how Mohammed was a pedophile.

Sorry, now you're the one broadbrushing. What you don't understand is that I support the religious rights of everyone, NOT JUST MY OWN, that also includes your views. You won't see me making threads about stuff like that. It doesn't suit me. Those who make such comments about Muslims are childish. And I have been seen here defending the rights of Muslims here in America.

Just who are Pamela Gellar and Debbie Schussel? Are you assuming I know who they are?

So now you know what it feels like to the "liberals" and "atheists" that you constantly assign opinions to.

How do I "assign opinions?" A person's opinion is their own. Speak plainly. You asked me earlier, just because someone else does something wrong, does it make it okay for you to do it? You intentionally broadbrushed all the conservatives, anti-Islamic or otherwise, and now you claim it to be as a means to an end. Two wrongs don't make a right.
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How would you react to that hypothetical, TK?

Be honest.

I would say "what right is it of yours to demand that a man be fired for expressing his beliefs? The students have every right to stay or go, because in the end, they came there to play football, not discriminate against each other over religion."

Ironically, it would also apply to what actually occurred.

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