Keep that Atheism to Yourself

I have never done this, so I guess that you are the the asshole.

And I have never advocated for mandatory teacher led prayer in schools, but your side seems fine lumping me in with those who do.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.
Expressions of religious faith on government property are illegal. End of story. Atheists and secular groups are well within their rights to object to that. Notice they aren't standing out in front of churches and synagogues saying don't go in there.

No, they are not. Wherever did you get that idea?

Well he's either lying in order to make people believe it's true..or he's been taught that at one of our fine institutions of higher learning (or lower learning)
There are still more stupid people than smart people but that is changing with the recent inventions of the internet and high capability telephones.

That is an extremely puerile, pompous and arrogant opinion. Without the religious figures I listed above, the internet, telephones or "high capability telephones" would never have been possible. Oh yeah, Alexander Graham Bell was a Unitarian.
I have never done this, so I guess that you are the the asshole.

And I have never advocated for mandatory teacher led prayer in schools, but your side seems fine lumping me in with those who do.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

I'm curious, does the irony of this post escape you, or are you trying to be clever?
And I have never advocated for mandatory teacher led prayer in schools, but your side seems fine lumping me in with those who do.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.

I resent the fact that atheists don't suffer from the same persecution and ridicule that Christians do. I resent that Atheists use the government to repress the religious expression of those particularly belonging to the Christian faith. You can argue about the nuances, but this I have seen with my own eyes.
And I have never advocated for mandatory teacher led prayer in schools, but your side seems fine lumping me in with those who do.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

I'm curious, does the irony of this post escape you, or are you trying to be clever?

There's no need to be snide.

There is an irony. One side wants to repress the other, or vise versa.

But what I see in this day and age is that one side is made to capitulate to the beliefs of the other, while its religious beliefs are conversely repressed via the government apparatus.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.

I resent the fact that atheists don't suffer from the same persecution and ridicule that Christians do. I resent that Atheists use the government to repress the religious expression of those particularly belonging to the Christian faith. You can argue about the nuances, but this I have seen with my own eyes.

First of all, this has nothing to with what I posted.

Secondly, give up the poor persecuted Christians nonsense. It's just silly. Christians are not be persecuted by atheists any more than atheists are being persecuted by Christians.
All that blabbering about how atheism is a religion and other desperate word tricks of equal status are proof of the weakness of your position.

Really, you're the one launching the ad hominem Huggy! So, what does that say about your position? I am far from weak minded. Only those who seek self gratification refer to people as such.

Building huge cathederals used to impress weak minded simple people. Now men construct buildings a hundred times larger in the face of your gods.

My God is bigger than your buildings. He is the creator of this universe. I am now convinced thereto that the rest of your post is nothing but anti-religious diatribe.

Then simple minded men hopped up on the propaganda of a religion not yours flew airplanes built by men into the man made buildings and the buildings fell down.

Dear theDoctorisIn

Need I say more?

You can keep trying to compare atheism to religion in an attempt to make a case for your gods but your words fail. Eventually all make believe fails. You can only sell santa clause to little children or people with minds like little children.

So, where in this OP, or in any of my comments have I referred to Atheism as a religious belief? If you want to get technical, Atheism is the belief that there is no God, or are no gods of any kind. When using the word 'belief' you establish Atheism as a religion. More specifically, a "Double Negative Religion" which is defined as:

A) A belief which rejects the existence of the divine (it either denies the existence of God or the gods or it or it at least refuses to endorse their existence).

B) A belief which rejects the existence of an afterlife (it either denies or more rather refuses to endorse the existence of an afterlife).

So, you, without even experiencing or even studying the belief systems of the faiths of this world, stereotype them all... you have zero basis for which to do so.
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

I'm curious, does the irony of this post escape you, or are you trying to be clever?

There's no need to be snide.

There is an irony. One side wants to repress the other, or vise versa.

But what I see in this day and age is that one side is made to capitulate to the beliefs of the other, while its religious beliefs are conversely repressed via the government apparatus.

Of course there's a reason to be snide, you were trying to be snide when you broadbrushed the "other side" as being at fault for broadbrushing.

How have any atheists persecuted you, or made you capitulate, or prevented you from exercising your religion?
You do realize that Huggy doesn't speak for anyone other than himself, right?

Why is it so hard for you to recognize individuals rather than using anecdotes to define entire groups?
Who on 'my side' did that? All atheists do not think the same. All liberals do not think the same. All conservatives do not think the same.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

I'm curious, does the irony of this post escape you, or are you trying to be clever?

There's no need to be snide.

There is an irony. One side wants to repress the other, or vise versa.

But what I see in this day and age is that one side is made to capitulate to the beliefs of the other, while its religious beliefs are conversely repressed via the government apparatus.

No one is seeking to 'repress' anyone, nor is anyone being compelled to 'capitulate,' and government is not 'repressing' any religion. This is unfounded nonsense.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies only to government, not private persons or organizations, which are at liberty to engage in religious expression in any appropriate venue – public or private.

Moreover, there are times when religious expression in the context of government is appropriate and times when it is not, and when theists error and violate the First Amendment by seeking to conjoin church and state, their admonishment is lawful and in accordance with the Constitution.
Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.

I resent the fact that atheists don't suffer from the same persecution and ridicule that Christians do. I resent that Atheists use the government to repress the religious expression of those particularly belonging to the Christian faith. You can argue about the nuances, but this I have seen with my own eyes.

First of all, this has nothing to with what I posted.

Secondly, give up the poor persecuted Christians nonsense. It's just silly. Christians are not be persecuted by atheists any more than atheists are being persecuted by Christians.

I directly addressed it. "You seem to have more of an issue with it than I do." I just explained why I do have an issue with it. Please read more carefully, sir.

And, you can look to the implementation of Obamacare and its abortion mandate. Our government bore down on those of faith to provide for a procedure that went against their religious beliefs. A school in my state caved in to the complaints of an Atheist group who sued and had them remove a monument at the entrance of their football field.

Here's more for you. A Colonel in the US Military has his column removed for mentioning "Faith", "Jesus,":

Does the military have a problem with Jesus Fox News

In Houston, openly gay mayor Annise Parker tried to subpoena the sermons of five pastors. She caved under pressure and backed down.

In the State of Idaho, the government there told pastors to perform gay weddings or go to jail. They then backed off (tell me doc, do you see the government telling Atheists to convert to Christianity or go to jail?).

Last month, Twitter censored a faith based campaign, Faith Based Consumer and its petition asking Houston Mayor Annise Parker to rescind subpoenas of Pastors sermons. As with the others, they reversed the block.

In California, seven Churches were forced to provide abortion coverage. They have since filed a Federal Civil Rights appeal.

In New York, a high school prevents 20 teens from forming a Christian themed club, two years running. Again, they were forced to reverse their decision.

In Arizona, a high school football coach is suspended for two weeks for holding prayers with his team.

That all happened within the past oh, two and a half months. So, how are Atheists persecuted in this manner?
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You do realize that Huggy doesn't speak for anyone other than himself, right?

Why is it so hard for you to recognize individuals rather than using anecdotes to define entire groups?

I do. But he doesn't mind using his own anecdotes to describe me or other people of faith. You say both sides are guilty of it, but then only call me, the one defending religion, down for using 'anecdotes to define entire groups.'

Bias, bias everywhere.
No one should be allowed to use coercive government to push their personal beliefs on others.

So, keep your religion out of our faces and all will be well.

The 1st amendment does not require religion to be hidden in the closet.
Nor atheism. But believers sure are scared by us, because we are the ones who make sense.

But Atheism is not hidden in the closet. It is being more openly acknowledged in the public forum, Christianity it seems is being weened out of it.
Are you sure about that?

Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

I'm curious, does the irony of this post escape you, or are you trying to be clever?

There's no need to be snide.

There is an irony. One side wants to repress the other, or vise versa.

But what I see in this day and age is that one side is made to capitulate to the beliefs of the other, while its religious beliefs are conversely repressed via the government apparatus.

Of course there's a reason to be snide, you were trying to be snide when you broadbrushed the "other side" as being at fault for broadbrushing.

How have any atheists persecuted you, or made you capitulate, or prevented you from exercising your religion?

This was asked back on the first page and, to my knowledge, no one has addressed it.
No one should be allowed to use coercive government to push their personal beliefs on others.

So, keep your religion out of our faces and all will be well.

The 1st amendment does not require religion to be hidden in the closet.
Nor atheism. But believers sure are scared by us, because we are the ones who make sense.

But Atheism is not hidden in the closet. It is being more openly acknowledged in the public forum, Christianity it seems is being weened out of it.

Why shouldn't atheism be openly and frankly discussed? Why are christians so afraid of that?

Links, examples of christianty being weaned from the public forum? That's just patently untrue.
Of course.

The idea that the "other side" all thinks the same is a just a way of making yourself feel better, not something based in any sort of reality. This applies to both sides.

It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.

I resent the fact that atheists don't suffer from the same persecution and ridicule that Christians do. I resent that Atheists use the government to repress the religious expression of those particularly belonging to the Christian faith. You can argue about the nuances, but this I have seen with my own eyes.

First of all, this has nothing to with what I posted.

Secondly, give up the poor persecuted Christians nonsense. It's just silly. Christians are not be persecuted by atheists any more than atheists are being persecuted by Christians.

I directly addressed it. "You seem to have more of an issue with it than I do." I just explained why I do have an issue with it. Please read more carefully, sir.

And, you can look to the implementation of Obamacare and its abortion mandate. Our government bore down on those of faith to provide for a procedure that went against their religious beliefs. A school in my state caved in to the complaints of an Atheist group who sued and had them remove a monument at the entrance of their football field.

Here's more for you. A Colonel in the US Military has his column removed for mentioning "Faith", "Jesus,":

Does the military have a problem with Jesus Fox News

In Houston, openly gay mayor Annise Parker tried to subpoena the sermons of five pastors. She caved under pressure and backed down.

In the State of Idaho, the government there told pastors to perform gay weddings or go to jail. They then backed off (tell me doc, do you see the government telling Atheists to convert to Christianity or go to jail?).

Last month, Twitter censored a faith based campaign, Faith Based Consumer and its petition asking Houston Mayor Annise Parker to rescind subpoenas of Pastors sermons. As with the others, they reversed the block.

In California, seven Churches were forced to provide abortion coverage. They have since filed a Federal Civil Rights appeal.

In New York, a high school prevents 20 teens from forming a Christian themed club, two years running. Again, they were forced to reverse their decision.

In Arizona, a high school football coach is suspended for two weeks for holding prayers with his team.

That all happened within the past oh, two and a half months. So, how are Atheists persecuted in this manner?

None of those are examples of Christians being "persecuted" - and I'd avoid using Todd Starnes as a source if I were you, he's a nutjob with a proven track record of lying who has made a career out of playing the "persecuted Christians" card. It'd be the same as me using Louis Farrakhan as a source to "prove" that all white people are evil.

Christians don't have some special right that allows them to break laws or force publications to publish their opinions.
All that blabbering about how atheism is a religion and other desperate word tricks of equal status are proof of the weakness of your position.

Really, you're the one launching the ad hominem Huggy! So, what does that say about your position? I am far from weak minded. Only those who seek self gratification refer to people as such.

Building huge cathederals used to impress weak minded simple people. Now men construct buildings a hundred times larger in the face of your gods.

My God is bigger than your buildings. He is the creator of this universe. I am now convinced thereto that the rest of your post is nothing but anti-religious diatribe.

Then simple minded men hopped up on the propaganda of a religion not yours flew airplanes built by men into the man made buildings and the buildings fell down.

Dear theDoctorisIn

Need I say more?

You can keep trying to compare atheism to religion in an attempt to make a case for your gods but your words fail. Eventually all make believe fails. You can only sell santa clause to little children or people with minds like little children.

So, where in this OP, or in any of my comments have I referred to Atheism as a religious belief? If you want to get technical, Atheism is the belief that there is no God, or are no gods of any kind. When using the word 'belief' you establish Atheism as a religion. More specifically, a "Double Negative Religion" which is defined as:

A) A belief which rejects the existence of the divine (it either denies the existence of God or the gods or it or it at least refuses to endorse their existence).

B) A belief which rejects the existence of an afterlife (it either denies or more rather refuses to endorse the existence of an afterlife).

So, you, without even experiencing or even studying the belief systems of the faiths of this world, stereotype them all... you have zero basis for which to do so.

Huggy is right.

And "your" god couldn't be bothered to save those buildings or the people in them.
It would be great if both sides would drop the stereotypes, but as I see it, one is less willing than the other.

Which side would that be?

At least between the two of us, you seem to have more of an issue with it than I do.

I resent the fact that atheists don't suffer from the same persecution and ridicule that Christians do. I resent that Atheists use the government to repress the religious expression of those particularly belonging to the Christian faith. You can argue about the nuances, but this I have seen with my own eyes.

First of all, this has nothing to with what I posted.

Secondly, give up the poor persecuted Christians nonsense. It's just silly. Christians are not be persecuted by atheists any more than atheists are being persecuted by Christians.

I directly addressed it. "You seem to have more of an issue with it than I do." I just explained why I do have an issue with it. Please read more carefully, sir.

And, you can look to the implementation of Obamacare and its abortion mandate. Our government bore down on those of faith to provide for a procedure that went against their religious beliefs. A school in my state caved in to the complaints of an Atheist group who sued and had them remove a monument at the entrance of their football field.

Here's more for you. A Colonel in the US Military has his column removed for mentioning "Faith", "Jesus,":

Does the military have a problem with Jesus Fox News

In Houston, openly gay mayor Annise Parker tried to subpoena the sermons of five pastors. She caved under pressure and backed down.

In the State of Idaho, the government there told pastors to perform gay weddings or go to jail. They then backed off (tell me doc, do you see the government telling Atheists to convert to Christianity or go to jail?).

Last month, Twitter censored a faith based campaign, Faith Based Consumer and its petition asking Houston Mayor Annise Parker to rescind subpoenas of Pastors sermons. As with the others, they reversed the block.

In California, seven Churches were forced to provide abortion coverage. They have since filed a Federal Civil Rights appeal.

In New York, a high school prevents 20 teens from forming a Christian themed club, two years running. Again, they were forced to reverse their decision.

In Arizona, a high school football coach is suspended for two weeks for holding prayers with his team.

That all happened within the past oh, two and a half months. So, how are Atheists persecuted in this manner?

None of those are examples of Christians being "persecuted" - and I'd avoid using Todd Starnes as a source if I were you, he's a nutjob with a proven track record of lying who has made a career out of playing the "persecuted Christians" card. It'd be the same as me using Louis Farrakhan as a source to "prove" that all white people are evil.

Christians don't have some special right that allows them to break laws or force publications to publish their opinions.

But they are given tacit permission to trespass at will. Even non-fundies will support and/or defend groups of them, spreading out through entire neighborhoods, forcing their publications on people who are too well bred and polite to do what they would like to do.
You do realize that Huggy doesn't speak for anyone other than himself, right?

Why is it so hard for you to recognize individuals rather than using anecdotes to define entire groups?

I do. But he doesn't mind using his own anecdotes to describe me or other people of faith. You say both sides are guilty of it, but then only call me, the one defending religion, down for using 'anecdotes to define entire groups.'

Bias, bias everywhere.

So, the fact that he does it makes it alright for you to do it too?

You're the one that I've seen broadbrushing in this thread, which is why I called you on it. I don't have any obligation to be "fair" or "even", I call bullshit when I see it - and I actually like you and want you to understand what I'm talking about, whereas I don't give a shit either way about Huggy.

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