Keep your eye on the INDEPENDENT voters...not just on R-W'ers on here

and when they see who he will be running against....many of them will once again vote for the guy they dont like.....

Nahhh, THAT rationale only worked once with the weak and overly hated, Hillary Clinton.....

If you have any objectivity left, ask yourself if this country's voters can stomach FIVE more fucking years of this clown's daily antics????........and then vote.
i have to ask myself if i can stomach trump or the 20 percenters running against him.....i will write in Rufus T. Firefly again...
Anyone care to bookmark this thread in preparation for Trump's certain victory?
Most independents are "conservative" on economic issues and liberal on social matters. In other words:

literally the worst kind of person.

...and they're the deciding factor in our nation's future?

God help us.

God must be an "independent" ALSO......

As of last month, voters are classified as.....

Repub....29% (most of the posters on here)



Party Affiliation

"Didn't you get my memo?
I don't vote; never have, never will!"

We have always (or should have) known that regardless of which party we wish to back, it is the INDEPENDENT voters who will vote in a president into the oval office.

In 2016, independent voters gave Trump 46%, while Clinton received only 42% of that political affiliation.

NOW, after almost 3 years of this miserable and corrupt clown show from the WH, independent voters have realized that changes MUST be made....if not through impeachment and the ballot box 13 months from now.

The latest poll shows that among independent voters who think Trump should be impeached, 96 percent said they disapprove of the job he is doing and only 3 percent approve. But 24 percent of independents who do not think Trump should be impeached still disapprove of the job he is doing, indicating job approval and impeachment do not necessarily go hand-in-hand for independents..

Americans split down party lines on Trump impeachment

Do you whistle when passing ALL cemeteries?
Trump~2020 Because there is no such thing as free healthcare...

Trump 2020....Because he does not want to go to prison......(Better???) is a list of all those countries who have a HIGHER longevity than the U.S. and who....SOMEHOW....can do better than our own HC system.......LOL

List of Countries Offering Universal Health Care Systems
  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. Bahrain
  4. Belgium
  5. Brunei
  6. Canada
  7. Cyprus
  8. Denmark
  9. Finland
  10. France
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Iceland
  15. Ireland
  16. Israel
  17. Italy
  18. Japan
  19. Kuwait
  20. Luxembourg
  21. Netherlands
  22. New Zealand
  23. Norway
  24. Portugal
  25. Singapore
  26. Slovenia
  27. South Korea
  28. Spain
  29. Sweden
  30. Switzerland
  31. United Arab Emirates
  32. United Kingdom
Which Countries Offer Free or Universal Health Care

And which countries are moving back to private ins. because gov. insurance sucks:

As conservatives have long explained, government-run health care tends toward a subpar product; bad service, long wait times, lack of innovation, and little customer recourse. The beauty of a free market, capitalist system is that it fosters competition, which in turn benefits the customer by producing a higher-quality product, increased innovation, and speed of service. This is the reason why the U.S. has led the world in health care developments. And this is why the Scandinavian countries are moving away from welfare-based health systems.
Scandinavia Moving Away From Socialized Health Care

Not to mention taxing everyone to death... :slap:
Last edited:
We have always (or should have) known that regardless of which party we wish to back, it is the INDEPENDENT voters who will vote in a president into the oval office.

In 2016, independent voters gave Trump 46%, while Clinton received only 42% of that political affiliation.

NOW, after almost 3 years of this miserable and corrupt clown show from the WH, independent voters have realized that changes MUST be made....if not through impeachment and the ballot box 13 months from now.

The latest poll shows that among independent voters who think Trump should be impeached, 96 percent said they disapprove of the job he is doing and only 3 percent approve. But 24 percent of independents who do not think Trump should be impeached still disapprove of the job he is doing, indicating job approval and impeachment do not necessarily go hand-in-hand for independents..

Americans split down party lines on Trump impeachment
Even democrats are fleeing the Socialist democrat Party in record numbers
Even democrats are fleeing the Socialist democrat Party in record numbers

Have a link for that piece of dog turd nugget, Frankie???

You can always rely on Frankie to come up with some bullshit from his underwear...throw it on this forum....and get some other idiot to "thank" him for his "brilliance."................LOL
All the polls said Hillary would win.

She DID you fucking idiot.........Polls gauge POPULAR VOTES not the electoral college....

Above is why Trump said he "loves the poorly educated."
Even democrats are fleeing the Socialist democrat Party in record numbers

Have a link for that piece of dog turd nugget, Frankie???

You can always rely on Frankie to come up with some bullshit from his underwear...throw it on this forum....and get some other idiot to "thank" him for his "brilliance."................LOL

Maybe it's an accurate opinion based on precedent.
Even democrats are fleeing the Socialist democrat Party in record numbers

Have a link for that piece of dog turd nugget, Frankie???

You can always rely on Frankie to come up with some bullshit from his underwear...throw it on this forum....and get some other idiot to "thank" him for his "brilliance."................LOL

Google: democrats leaving the party in droves
About 579,000 results (0.63 seconds)

What's that tell you?
We have always (or should have) known that regardless of which party we wish to back, it is the INDEPENDENT voters who will vote in a president into the oval office.

In 2016, independent voters gave Trump 46%, while Clinton received only 42% of that political affiliation.

NOW, after almost 3 years of this miserable and corrupt clown show from the WH, independent voters have realized that changes MUST be made....if not through impeachment and the ballot box 13 months from now.

The latest poll shows that among independent voters who think Trump should be impeached, 96 percent said they disapprove of the job he is doing and only 3 percent approve. But 24 percent of independents who do not think Trump should be impeached still disapprove of the job he is doing, indicating job approval and impeachment do not necessarily go hand-in-hand for independents..

Americans split down party lines on Trump impeachment

Perhaps you should be less concerned about Independents and more concerned about the dumbass Democrat candidates.
Even democrats are fleeing the Socialist democrat Party in record numbers

Have a link for that piece of dog turd nugget, Frankie???

You can always rely on Frankie to come up with some bullshit from his underwear...throw it on this forum....and get some other idiot to "thank" him for his "brilliance."................LOL

Google: democrats leaving the party in droves
About 579,000 results (0.63 seconds)

What's that tell you?

How a sane critical thinking individual can carry water for this gazooks-bananas current Democrat Party is NOT LOGICAL!
That number has to be 4-5x more than that!!
We have always (or should have) known that regardless of which party we wish to back, it is the INDEPENDENT voters who will vote in a president into the oval office.

In 2016, independent voters gave Trump 46%, while Clinton received only 42% of that political affiliation.

NOW, after almost 3 years of this miserable and corrupt clown show from the WH, independent voters have realized that changes MUST be made....if not through impeachment and the ballot box 13 months from now.

The latest poll shows that among independent voters who think Trump should be impeached, 96 percent said they disapprove of the job he is doing and only 3 percent approve. But 24 percent of independents who do not think Trump should be impeached still disapprove of the job he is doing, indicating job approval and impeachment do not necessarily go hand-in-hand for independents..

Americans split down party lines on Trump impeachment
The Democrats lost me when they stated Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian agent. Idiots.
Scandinavia Moving Away From Socialized Health Care

.....your fucking citation "Patriot Post"


Second, Scandinavia is NOT a damn country, it is an ethnic group of DANES, NORWEGIANS, SWEDES, etc.

God these Trump morons are DUMB......

Perhaps you should be less concerned about Independents and more concerned about the dumbass Democrat candidates.

Why should anyone with half a brain NOT be concerned about independents?????
They're the ones that elect a president....

But, I forget, you're a fucking, my apologies......LOL
We don't elect Presidents by popular vote. You live in an alternative universe. Donkey face.

I know that you fucking moron........You ...YOU brought up polls.....and got your fat ass kicked.......LOL

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