Keeping Obama's unemployment numbers in perspective


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??
The republicans had a tough task in the last election.
An incumbent president.A popular one at that,one that enjoys the protection from 99% of the media.A Democrat philosophy that offers a a tremendous safety net that pretty much makes it easy
for people to just hang around and collect benefits instead of pushing themselves.

And a republican party that offered a candidate that despite his years in the political arena was inept at best in getting his ideas out there.A republican party that shot itself in the foot at almost every opportunity with their obsession with birth control,abortion,and rape.

What the fuck were these ass clowns doing.Shut the hell up already.
Stay on message about the economy,the debt,UE...

It should be easy to fix this mess of a party and we need to clean out the old guard.
John McCain is at the top of my list as a Senator I would love to see out the door.
Impeach him for what? Why don't Republicans stop putting up the worst candidates like ever and stop their bitching?

Obama is a lying two-faced nut sack hack job. That in itself should stand on its own merit.

The point is that Democrats haven't elected anyone since Carter. Clinton and Obama are accidental presidents, elected because the horror represented by the alternatives were too great for rational people to contemplate.

Further, Obama is the direct consequence of the election of 2004. Halfwit America elected Obama by proxy in 2004.

Thank God I made my money before the turn of the century and had enough sense to convert investments to treasuries after the election of 2000 and sell most of real estate investments in 2005 and 2006. It was crystal clear to me that a nation degenerate enough to re elect a political hack as obviously failed as Junebug was headed to a bad place.

One wishes nutballs accepted the facts about Reagan and fake liberal fascists admitted Clinton was more of a ReagaNUT than the bobbleheaded old moron was himself. But that seems unlikely.

The Kellys seem prescient: living well is the best revenge. Right or not, it's going to have to do.
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U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Because Article 2, Section 4 states:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Bad unemployment numbers aren't a crime.
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Because Article 2, Section 4 states:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Bad unemployment numbers aren't a crime.

Obammys' approval rate drops big time, once again, according to a Gallup Poll. 47%

For the graph:

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Though I don't blame "Obama" - solely - for the high unemployment numbers (I mean, the crash was decades in the making), I do blame Obama for diverting attention away from the important issues (ie "assault rifle" ban, ect).
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Though I don't blame "Obama" - solely - for the high unemployment numbers (I mean, the crash was decades in the making),

has he done one pro growth thing to expand economy??
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Though I don't blame "Obama" - solely - for the high unemployment numbers (I mean, the crash was decades in the making),

has he done one pro growth thing to expand economy??

I just said I don't solely blame Obama, that's it.
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??
You're such a pathological liar.

When Bush left office there were 12.079 million U-3 unemployed (7.8%), up from 6.023 million when the POS started. Today there are 12.032 unemployed.

U-6 went from 7.3% when Bush started to 14.2% when he ended.
U3 (official unemployment) went from 8 million to today's 12 million(7.7%)

U6 ( includes those discouraged etc) went from 12 to 22 million (14%)

Why not impeach Obama??

Because Article 2, Section 4 states:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Bad unemployment numbers aren't a crime.

But Bribery is.
He promised the people more money (residtrubution of wealth) and other incentives (like free contraceptives for women) to persuade the people to vote for him.
All Progressives should be removed from office for doing this, not just Obama.
You can't do this in the private sector and Government should not be able to do it.
Impeach him for what?

what about stupid liberal policies that keep 22 million unemployed!!
Your own OP says there are only 12 million unemployed. Your 22 million includes people who are employed as well as people who haven't bothered to look for work.

U3 and U6 are both horrible horrible numbers the likes of which would never be tolerated were it not for liberal guilt over slavery. Imagine if Bush had had 2 Nazi parents and a preacher for 23 years had been a Nazi!!

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