CDZ Keeping the kids safe.

So you see why your false emotion has no impact on us?

We are being propagandized by a foreigner, people. This Tainant character --- not an American, people here are saying. Could be another Russian. Disarming America and/or causing us to fight each other is a major propaganda goal of a lot of governments, who hire people to do this. I suggest only debating issues with other Americans.
One’s nationality has nothing to do with the validity of his argument.

And the international network knows no nationality – the internet allows individuals to claim to be whomever they wish absent proof, even claim to be an American.
The giant elephant in the room for the Commie puppets is that most of the firearms crime isn't committed by those evul white NRA members and white people out in the Burbs, but in black and latino shitholes, and by thugs who could care less about gun laws or parenting. Somehow the NRA is responsible, and again it's assumed they're all white people, which is to be expected from the racists that make up the left these days.
But this is about a domestic situation. Its about an infant picking up a gun in the home and killing himself whilst playing with it.
Why are you resistant to taking measures to better protect the kids from this.
Because like most on the right they fall prey to the ridiculous slippery slope fallacy that to enact common sense measures having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms – such as ensuring the states have the appropriate funding and ability to update the NICS database in a timely manner – will eventually lead to the ‘banning’ of all guns and the ‘confiscation’ of all firearms.

Not only is this fallacy idiotic from a Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment standpoint, but no elected official advocates for ‘banning’ all guns or promoting their ‘confiscation.’
We just had one more school shooting today, pro gun anti idiot, yes a safety lock would be one inexpensive simple solution to help the problem, but we have the cant give an inch mentality. all this political hate & confusion must be hard on children who are still in the process of developing there minds. locks are not going to stop a mass actual research shows, mass shooters plan their shootings 6 months to two years from the attack.....more than enough time to get their gun wether it is in a safe or has a safety lock......they commit murder to get their they can commit more murder...

Do you guys think before you post.....?
A safety lock would have saved Michael Swain. We have protections built into aspirin bottles, why not guns ?
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States with Firearm Laws Designed to Protect Children
One’s nationality has nothing to do with the validity of his argument..

I certainly don't agree with that. The papers today are full of the charges against 13 Russians who were propagandizing Americans as widely as they could to try to make the election go as they liked.

The same thing is happening here. If it's a foreigner, it's propaganda. IMO, the British government has a lot of concern about keeping their country totally disarmed, except for all the criminals. We are not helping with our gun freedoms and ability to defend ourselves, so far. So they are trying to turn us, with propaganda of this sort.

Don't be naïve, people! Of course we are being propagandized by other countries, as hard as they are able.

I would suggest knowing where your interlocutor is from: don't just assume he's American. They conceal it as best they can, of course, but this TT guy is probably British, from his language use. He sure isn't American.
One’s nationality has nothing to do with the validity of his argument..

I certainly don't agree with that. The papers today are full of the charges against 13 Russians who were propagandizing Americans as widely as they could to try to make the election go as they liked.

The same thing is happening here. If it's a foreigner, it's propaganda. IMO, the British government has a lot of concern about keeping their country totally disarmed, except for all the criminals. We are not helping with our gun freedoms and ability to defend ourselves, so far. So they are trying to turn us, with propaganda of this sort.

Don't be naïve, people! Of course we are being propagandized by other countries, as hard as they are able.

I would suggest knowing where your interlocutor is from: don't just assume he's American. They conceal it as best they can, of course, but this TT guy is probably British, from his language use. He sure isn't American.
Im Welsh not British. And I am open about my beliefs. Beyond that I do not understand your point.
One’s nationality has nothing to do with the validity of his argument..

I certainly don't agree with that. The papers today are full of the charges against 13 Russians who were propagandizing Americans as widely as they could to try to make the election go as they liked.

The same thing is happening here. If it's a foreigner, it's propaganda. IMO, the British government has a lot of concern about keeping their country totally disarmed, except for all the criminals. We are not helping with our gun freedoms and ability to defend ourselves, so far. So they are trying to turn us, with propaganda of this sort.

Don't be naïve, people! Of course we are being propagandized by other countries, as hard as they are able.

I would suggest knowing where your interlocutor is from: don't just assume he's American. They conceal it as best they can, of course, but this TT guy is probably British, from his language use. He sure isn't American.

Tommy claims to be from Wales; don't think he's tried to claim otherwise. Clayton is just your run of the mill Communist; they say whatever furthers their 'Cause' at the moment, so don't waste your breath trying to have a real discussion with him, he's just here to spread false info, as usual.

But you're right about Tommy; Euros think the U.S. is one giant gunfight, never mind the stats that show the mostly white areas are as safer or safer than most European areas with the same demographic. Their claims of 'having less violence' less than accurate when you take into account the area of Europe relative to the U.S., and the drastic differences in police staffing per capita as well, not to mention that for a country with hundreds of millions of firearms gun crime is statistically tiny. Most our problems are easily addressed, but the left has way too much lee way here and the result is of course a lot more deaths than would be the case if they were all deported.
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In any case, 'progressive' polices have definitively been proven to be total failures. But then they were never intended to improve schools and education, they were intended to groom children, much as Soviet and Nazi schools were, to be passive puppets for deviants and sickos. here is one of Obama's Safe School Czars, for instance, and his wonderful history of interests in children ...

Memo to Media Matters: Kevin Jennings knew of Harry Hay’s NAMBLA connections
Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:46 pm 213 Comments
[Note: After zomblog's previous post about Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings' misguided praise of NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay, the advocacy group Media Matters has attempted to extinguish the story, issuing a series of press releases dismissing the allegations as "smears." And so my second memo is addressed directly to Media Matters themselves.]

Media Matters –

You have recently assumed the attack-dog role in the Jennings/Hay/NAMBLA scandal, releasing a nonstop barrage of announcements condemning what you characterize as “right-wing smears.” Before you continue down this road, pause to consider the consequences of this strategy.

Memo to Media Matters: Kevin Jennings knew of Harry Hay’s NAMBLA connections · zomblog

And of course 'Progressives' just adore them some pedophiles to this day; they can't promote pedophilia enough.

Meet Pioneer of Gay Rights, Harry Hay

Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name. He wrote: "This courageous and visionary man launched the modern gay-rights movement even in the teeth of McCarthyism." In 1950 Hay started the first modern gay-rights organization, the underground Mattachine Society, which took its name from a dance performed by masked, unmarried peasant men in Renaissance France, often to protest oppressive landlords. According to Hay's 1996 book, Radically Gay, the performances of these fraternities satirized religious and political power.

They like to leave out the pedophile history, of course. Keep this history in mind when discussing anything to do with kids with any 'progressive' and most Democrats; they are the last people you want around your kids, much less working in schools. Their opinions mean zero; they have no interest at all in protecting children, just using them for sex toys and stooges. Read a couple of the gushing blurbs from the 'progressives' at the end of the sicko article over their scumbag hero'.. Truly disgusting vermin.
We just had one more school shooting today, pro gun anti idiot, yes a safety lock would be one inexpensive simple solution to help the problem, but we have the cant give an inch mentality. all this political hate & confusion must be hard on children who are still in the process of developing there minds. locks are not going to stop a mass actual research shows, mass shooters plan their shootings 6 months to two years from the attack.....more than enough time to get their gun wether it is in a safe or has a safety lock......they commit murder to get their they can commit more murder...

Do you guys think before you post.....?
A safety lock would have saved Michael Swain. We have protections built into aspirin bottles, why not guns ?
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States with Firearm Laws Designed to Protect Children
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States like that are the reason there needs to be a federal-level solution.
We just had one more school shooting today, pro gun anti idiot, yes a safety lock would be one inexpensive simple solution to help the problem, but we have the cant give an inch mentality. all this political hate & confusion must be hard on children who are still in the process of developing there minds. locks are not going to stop a mass actual research shows, mass shooters plan their shootings 6 months to two years from the attack.....more than enough time to get their gun wether it is in a safe or has a safety lock......they commit murder to get their they can commit more murder...

Do you guys think before you post.....?
A safety lock would have saved Michael Swain. We have protections built into aspirin bottles, why not guns ?
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States with Firearm Laws Designed to Protect Children
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States like that are the reason there needs to be a federal-level solution.

Clayton didn't read Heller...mandatory lock laws are unConstitutional....
Police believe accidental shooting killed Moulton 4-year-old

Lets spare a thought for 4 year old Zachary Jace Duke who shot himself yesterday. it is a relief to me that his death is statistically insignificant or I would be getting upset over another tragic death.

Here are the the majority of children die in accidents.....and it isn't by, drowning........those kill far more children...but you don't care about those...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


Age by year:











































































Drinking deaths by kids....

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).
We just had one more school shooting today, pro gun anti idiot, yes a safety lock would be one inexpensive simple solution to help the problem, but we have the cant give an inch mentality. all this political hate & confusion must be hard on children who are still in the process of developing there minds. locks are not going to stop a mass actual research shows, mass shooters plan their shootings 6 months to two years from the attack.....more than enough time to get their gun wether it is in a safe or has a safety lock......they commit murder to get their they can commit more murder...

Do you guys think before you post.....?
A safety lock would have saved Michael Swain. We have protections built into aspirin bottles, why not guns ?
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States with Firearm Laws Designed to Protect Children
39 states currently have measures that are either designed to prevent children from gaining access to firearms or have a safe storage/gun lock requirement.

Alabama has neither.

States like that are the reason there needs to be a federal-level solution.

No.....there doesn't. Gun locks and safes do not prevent gun accidents.....and gun accidents are rare...compared to car accidents and drowning...why are you guys obsessed with gun deaths when they are the least likely way a child will die accidentally?
Police believe accidental shooting killed Moulton 4-year-old

Lets spare a thought for 4 year old Zachary Jace Duke who shot himself yesterday. it is a relief to me that his death is statistically insignificant or I would be getting upset over another tragic death.

again, we know nothing of the home......any criminal record in the home?
If Zacharys parents are bad people does he deserve to die ?
So MILLIONS should lose a protected right cause a couple kids accidentally shot themselves? Using your logic pools should be banned cars should be banned and plastic bags should be banned.
Police believe accidental shooting killed Moulton 4-year-old

Lets spare a thought for 4 year old Zachary Jace Duke who shot himself yesterday. it is a relief to me that his death is statistically insignificant or I would be getting upset over another tragic death.

again, we know nothing of the home......any criminal record in the home?
If Zacharys parents are bad people does he deserve to die ?
So MILLIONS should lose a protected right cause a couple kids accidentally shot themselves? Using your logic pools should be banned cars should be banned and plastic bags should be banned.
Using your logic we should all have nukes. The responsible amongst us of course.
Police believe accidental shooting killed Moulton 4-year-old

Lets spare a thought for 4 year old Zachary Jace Duke who shot himself yesterday. it is a relief to me that his death is statistically insignificant or I would be getting upset over another tragic death.

again, we know nothing of the home......any criminal record in the home?
If Zacharys parents are bad people does he deserve to die ?
So MILLIONS should lose a protected right cause a couple kids accidentally shot themselves? Using your logic pools should be banned cars should be banned and plastic bags should be banned.
Using your logic we should all have nukes. The responsible amongst us of course.
Wrong stupid keep making shit up it suits you.

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