Kelly, Mattis, Trump sending the Deep State a message


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.
Trump sure needs loyal, strong, smart, decent and very brave people around him. Somebody who would never let him down.

Deep State is a lot deeper than we thought (last week events clearly showed that) and very powerful, it has its puppets all over the country and the whole world and it's very uneasy to confront it. I am not even sure it's possible to defeat it. Putin could be very helpful though.
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Kelly's recent firing of Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: don't worry, we will all be gone soon, no way in hell this circus tent can keep this up.
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What's been leaked since Preibus is out?

If Preibus was the leaker, that would be very disappointing. He was head of the RNC and should have been more in the republican corner than to be destroying a republican president. Sad, if true. Really sad.

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.
Wow that makes sense. Trump hires someone against the advice of his senior staffers. They resign over it. The guy has to go 10 days later but somehow it's a message to some shadowy foe, you can't quantify. At what point do you realise you start sounding ridiculous in your defence? There is other more honest reasonings you can give. Kelly is trying to professionalise a chaotic white house for instance. Instead since in your mental world Trump is not capable of making bad decisions you go for some nonsensical conspiracy theory.

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.

I haven't heard Kelly say anything about any so called deep state. I don't think he's crazy enough to believe that crap. At least I hope he's not that crazy.

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.
The only message is Trump can't get ANYTHING done except rearrange the chairs on the Titanac..
Trump sure needs loyal, strong, smart, decent and very brave people around him. Somebody who would never let him down.

Deep State is very powerful, has its puppets all over the country and the whole world and it's very uneasy to confront it. I am not even sure it's possible to defeat it. Putin could be very helpful though.
Trump putting Kelly in that spot was smart. He needs sharks not goldfish!
What's been leaked since Preibus is out?

If Preibus was the leaker, that would be very disappointing. He was head of the RNC and should have been more in the republican corner than to be destroying a republican president. Sad, if true. Really sad.
There's more than one leaker. These leakers see the chaos and how badly Trump is hurting America and feel it's their patriotic duty to alert the country.
Trump sure needs loyal, strong, smart, decent and very brave people around him. Somebody who would never let him down.

Deep State is very powerful, has its puppets all over the country and the whole world and it's very uneasy to confront it. I am not even sure it's possible to defeat it. Putin could be very helpful though.
Trump putting Kelly in that spot was smart. He needs sharks not goldfish!
Funny you always want someone else to do what the pussygrabber can't do himself.
Organization, hire the right people, know what the hell he is doing.
Trump sure needs loyal, strong, smart, decent and very brave people around him. Somebody who would never let him down.

Deep State is very powerful, has its puppets all over the country and the whole world and it's very uneasy to confront it. I am not even sure it's possible to defeat it. Putin could be very helpful though.
Trump putting Kelly in that spot was smart. He needs sharks not goldfish!
Funny you always want someone else to do what the pussygrabber can't do himself.
Organization, hire the right people, know what the hell he is doing.
The governor of this state can pardon him.
Trump sure needs loyal, strong, smart, decent and very brave people around him. Somebody who would never let him down.

Deep State is very powerful, has its puppets all over the country and the whole world and it's very uneasy to confront it. I am not even sure it's possible to defeat it. Putin could be very helpful though.
Trump putting Kelly in that spot was smart. He needs sharks not goldfish!
Funny you always want someone else to do what the pussygrabber can't do himself.
Organization, hire the right people, know what the hell he is doing.
Who let the dingbats out?
McMaster is now addressing the country.
The pussy Trump is in hiding.

BTW, when was the last real press conference?
He had a laugher last week with only 3 questions.

Trump is in the bunker and only comes out for adulation by his sheep at pep rallies..
What's been leaked since Preibus is out?

If Preibus was the leaker, that would be very disappointing. He was head of the RNC and should have been more in the republican corner than to be destroying a republican president. Sad, if true. Really sad.
There's more than one leaker. These leakers see the chaos and how badly Trump is hurting America and feel it's their patriotic duty to alert the country.
I don't think there are any leaks about substantive policy because any policy seems to be from the golden tweets. Bannon and Trump used Nunes to leak themselves. The "leaks" about Trump screwing up legislation come from CONGRESS. The leaks are more about WH dysfunction, and they come from Trump pitting one advisor against another to find out "who loves him more."
Lowest approval rating in history, nothing getting done, zero legislative achievements, North Korea toying with Trump, his staff in constant turmoil, and his flock calls that "winning"
Mooch's big mistake was trusting any reporter to have a conversation "off the record". Hell's bells if I was a Catholic in the Trump administration I wouldn't trust my Priest to hear my confession just in case the conversation ended up on

What's been leaked since Preibus is out?

If Preibus was the leaker, that would be very disappointing. He was head of the RNC and should have been more in the republican corner than to be destroying a republican president. Sad, if true. Really sad.
There's more than one leaker. These leakers see the chaos and how badly Trump is hurting America and feel it's their patriotic duty to alert the country.
I don't think there are any leaks about substantive policy because any policy seems to be from the golden tweets. Bannon and Trump used Nunes to leak themselves. The "leaks" about Trump screwing up legislation come from CONGRESS. The leaks are more about WH dysfunction, and they come from Trump pitting one advisor against another to find out "who loves him more."
Yup because Trump needs to be loved and adored. Remember that disgusting display a few weeks ago when everyone around the table had to say something positive about him. Who does that?
kindergarten classes..

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