Kelly, Mattis, Trump sending the Deep State a message


Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.

As much as I detest Priebus- he gets the last laugh.

Actually Michael Steele does. Priebus really screwed him over so Steele is relishing this moment in time. Michael Steele was a good man and worked hard for the RNC.

Ex-RNC head Michael Steele on Priebus's ouster: 'Karma's a b----, ain't it?'

Michael Steele has simply evolved from a major asshole to a minor asshole.

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.

Yep, with all those Generals he's surrounding himself with just maybe we'll have a military coup. Afterall they are much smarter that trumpie.

Yeah, he's such a dummy.

He and his people spank you tards daily.

Watching it has become comic escapism for hard working Americans, it's better than Shakespeare...



It is truly amazing to see how detached from reality it is possible to do. I'm glad you find comfort in your delusions.
New York Times Forced To Retract Longstanding '17 Intel Agencies' Lie About Russian Hacking | Zero Hedge
Corrections: June 29, 2017
A Costly Retraction for CNN and an Opening for Trump
Dow closes at record high as Street cheers strong earnings season
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What's been leaked since Preibus is out?

If Preibus was the leaker, that would be very disappointing. He was head of the RNC and should have been more in the republican corner than to be destroying a republican president. Sad, if true. Really sad.
There's more than one leaker. These leakers see the chaos and how badly Trump is hurting America and feel it's their patriotic duty to alert the country.
I don't think there are any leaks about substantive policy because any policy seems to be from the golden tweets. Bannon and Trump used Nunes to leak themselves. The "leaks" about Trump screwing up legislation come from CONGRESS. The leaks are more about WH dysfunction, and they come from Trump pitting one advisor against another to find out "who loves him more."
Yup because Trump needs to be loved and adored. Remember that disgusting display a few weeks ago when everyone around the table had to say something positive about him. Who does that?
kindergarten classes..
Yeah but it's just not the sycophant aspect, but the Orange Don decides on who's advice to follow based upon who wins the game of intimidating the other guy. But increasingly Trump is just flailing. The boy scout thing was just him going off message and saying the crazy shit in his head. He tries to intimidate senators in his own party. You cannot intimidate Collins or Murkowski. I dont' think even Bannon saw the transgender thing coming.

So, I think the leaks are just personal and not about policy, and there is no consistent policy. Kelly may be able to bring some order, but how chiefs of staff usually end leaks is to impose a discipline about message. Everybody is pulling to succeed on message. There's no reason to leak. We'll see but it seems to me that getting discipline in this WH is like trying to get a river to run uphill.
The gov can pardon him in state preventing his arrest.

You realize a pardon means the person committed a crime. A governor can only pardon somebody for crimes against his state.
The gov can pardon him for crimes in the state. Now granted Joe would not be able to leave but at 85 why go anywhere?
More proof that these rubes think anything Trump does is awesome.

Last week hiring The Mooch was a bold choice meant to shake up the world.

This week they fired him because he was part of the deep state.

LMAO!! Trump could take a shit in his MAGA hat and they'd praise him for water conservation.
More proof that these rubes think anything Trump does is awesome.

Last week hiring The Mooch was a bold choice meant to shake up the world.

This week they fired him because he was part of the deep state.

LMAO!! Trump could take a shit in his MAGA hat and they'd praise him for water conservation.

Trump can do nothing wrong, even when he does a total 180. He was right before he reversed his position, and he's right taking the polar opposite.
Mooch was a disgusting individual that did not belong at the White House.

Three cheers for Kelly!

Two more disgusting individuals at the White House to go and this nation may start getting it's dignity restored.

Unfortunately, getting rid of one of them will require an act of Congress.

Kelly's recent firing is Mooch sends a clear, unequivocal message to the Deep State: We're here, we have Trump's back and you fuck with this Administration at your peril.

Think of it when the Bushes were entertaining one of the Hinkleys for dinner the day of the Reagan assassination, it was a message.

Yep, with all those Generals he's surrounding himself with just maybe we'll have a military coup. Afterall they are much smarter that trumpie.

Yeah, he's such a dummy.

He and his people spank you tards daily.

Watching it has become comic escapism for hard working Americans, it's better than Shakespeare...



It is truly amazing to see how detached from reality it is possible to do. I'm glad you find comfort in your delusions.

What's funny is it was supposedly leaked to NYT before the actual firing. Trump is the leaker lol.
What a rough 11 days for mooch, lost his wife, job and probably his health insurance, not to mentioned he sold his company sometime this or last year just so he could get in the WH. He might want to consider jumping off a tall bridge. Sure sucks to be mooch today.
What a rough 11 days for mooch, lost his wife, job and probably his health insurance, not to mentioned he sold his company sometime this or last year just so he could get in the WH. He might want to consider jumping off a tall bridge. Sure sucks to be mooch today.
He hasn't sold it yet. It was the last impediment to joining the WH.

Let's see if that Chinese company is still interested in buying it, now that they're not also buying some WH influence.
What a rough 11 days for mooch, lost his wife, job and probably his health insurance, not to mentioned he sold his company sometime this or last year just so he could get in the WH. He might want to consider jumping off a tall bridge. Sure sucks to be mooch today.
He hasn't sold it yet. It was the last impediment to joining the WH.

Let's see if that Chinese company is still interested in buying it, now that they're not also buying some WH influence.

Oh I thought he did, but doesn't matter today really has to suck for him.

That will be interesting to see if the Chinese co goes through with the deal.
What a rough 11 days for mooch, lost his wife, job and probably his health insurance, not to mentioned he sold his company sometime this or last year just so he could get in the WH. He might want to consider jumping off a tall bridge. Sure sucks to be mooch today.
He's a liberal pos, who cares.
Trump brings these statist fools in, exposes them, then chases them out.

It's great.
More proof that these rubes think anything Trump does is awesome.

Last week hiring The Mooch was a bold choice meant to shake up the world.

This week they fired him because he was part of the deep state.

LMAO!! Trump could take a shit in his MAGA hat and they'd praise him for water conservation.

Trump can do nothing wrong, even when he does a total 180. He was right before he reversed his position, and he's right taking the polar opposite.

Perfect example: "I won't have time to play golf, I'll be too busy"

Then golf's more than Tiger Woods and still gets high fives
More proof that these rubes think anything Trump does is awesome.

Last week hiring The Mooch was a bold choice meant to shake up the world.

This week they fired him because he was part of the deep state.

LMAO!! Trump could take a shit in his MAGA hat and they'd praise him for water conservation.

Trump can do nothing wrong, even when he does a total 180. He was right before he reversed his position, and he's right taking the polar opposite.

Perfect example: "I won't have time to play golf, I'll be too busy"

Then golf's more than Tiger Woods and still gets high fives


you people are pathetic.
What a rough 11 days for mooch, lost his wife, job and probably his health insurance, not to mentioned he sold his company sometime this or last year just so he could get in the WH. He might want to consider jumping off a tall bridge. Sure sucks to be mooch today.
He's a liberal pos, who cares.
Yes, but Trump is a liberal pos, so what can ya do?
More proof that these rubes think anything Trump does is awesome.

Last week hiring The Mooch was a bold choice meant to shake up the world.

This week they fired him because he was part of the deep state.

LMAO!! Trump could take a shit in his MAGA hat and they'd praise him for water conservation.

Trump can do nothing wrong, even when he does a total 180. He was right before he reversed his position, and he's right taking the polar opposite.

Perfect example: "I won't have time to play golf, I'll be too busy"

Then golf's more than Tiger Woods and still gets high fives


you people are pathetic.
You made a big HORRIFIC! deal about Obama playing golf 1/10th of the time.

This is why people don't take you seriously.

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