Kellyanne Conway Slammed For Saying There Was No Supply Chain Crisis Under Trump

Panic buying is not supply chain issues you fucking moron. Just because something runs out doesn't mean its because of a supply chain issue. It could just be because a bunch of idiots bought up all the supply in a hurry.

You are the moron. There were supply chain issues. I work with a major retailer and I know many things were in short supply.
You are the moron. There were supply chain issues. I work with a major retailer and I know many things were in short supply.
Because of hoarding. Not because of a shortage of transportation. In early 2020 there was such a surplus of freight trucks, rates dropped below a dollar per mile.
There were 2 reasons for it being cheap. We had 14% unemployment and OPEC was in disarray. Then Trump cut a deal with OPEC+ which includes Russia., to cut production. In addition we have American frackers who are conspiring with OPEC to keep prices high.
Or maybe we were energy independent 10 months ago.
How are those peace deals working now? They were a illusion and nothing else.
Iran waws not in a box.
The fighting increased in Afghanistan after Trump signed the surrewnder document.
China was doing the same thing they are doing now.
US was not feared or respected.The pandemic was the reason for the drop in border crossings.
If you want 14% unemployment, we can go back to cheap gas.
USA is still a major producer and still No 1 or near the top. The reason production fell was less demand.. Also worth noting that natural gas prices are way lower in the US than in Europe.
No soldiers died in Afghanistan 18 months prior Trump leaving. 13 in one day because of Biden's screw up. No we aren't near the number one producer of oil. Biden is giving that to Putin after Hunter got 3.5 million. If you live up north, don't freeze to death because of the high energy prices. Maybe your hatred of Trump will keep you warm.
Why should we believe you. Meat, eggs and canned goods were hard to find among other things. Many electronics were in short supply.
I never asked you to believe me. Believe whatever you need to believe, it matters not to me.
There were no supply chain problems. There was a panic buying problem. Fully stocked stores wouldv open at 7. By ten the shelves were bare. Our store had a 6am special hours for seniors. No problem getting anything.

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