Kennedy's exit from Congress leaves a family void

A friend and I have a mutual entry on our bucket lists. To piss on Ted's grave. I agreed to pop for the plane tickets and he's buying the Jameson.
Wow for the first time in how many decades there isn't a Kennedy sucking on the tax payers teat?

No great loss IMO.
imho the one with the most promise got it early, and no not john.

The one with the most? Who do you think it was?

I'd say it was grampa Kennedy. From wanted rum running criminal to openly supporting the Nazis bombing England, and no one ever said squat.

The support for the Nazis came from a deep seated hatred for the English - because he was Irish Catholic. Lots of Irish Catholics hated the English - some still do. No big deal.
imho the one with the most promise got it early, and no not john.

The one with the most? Who do you think it was?

I'd say it was grampa Kennedy. From wanted rum running criminal to openly supporting the Nazis bombing England, and no one ever said squat.

The support for the Nazis came from a deep seated hatred for the English - because he was Irish Catholic. Lots of Irish Catholics hated the English - some still do. No big deal.

well yeah. If you want to be "reasonable".
It sounds like he is very troubled. It's ridiculous how a family name can prop up someone who would be living from unemployment check to unemployment check in real life... :rolleyes:
He has often spoken candidly about his personal struggles with depression and substance abuse. Kennedy has been treated for substance abuse since crashing his car outside the Capitol in 2006, and he has struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction for much of his life.
Thee Kennedys were void long before the Ted left Congress.

I agree.

Their day came and went long ago with John and Robert.

Don't think any of the younger Kenendy members are even interested in politics.

No great loss in my book.

Who was that one girl that tried to run on the name brand? When people talked to her, in depth they found out she didn't know jack, but she almost made it on name alone.

I beleive that was Caroline Kennedy. She's the daughter of JFK.

She really didn't know shit from shinola about politics and was quick to realize it and withdraw.
It sounds like he is very troubled. It's ridiculous how a family name can prop up someone who would be living from unemployment check to unemployment check in real life... :rolleyes:
He has often spoken candidly about his personal struggles with depression and substance abuse. Kennedy has been treated for substance abuse since crashing his car outside the Capitol in 2006, and he has struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction for much of his life.

Everything was handed to him. He didn't have to earn or do anything. All he had to do was check in with the family and support that idea.

Constant living in the shadow of everyone else in your family will do that to you.

Poor little rich boy
I don't much care for dynasties anyway. Bush or Kennedy or Daley or Romanov or Hohenzolleren. But the Kennedies were a bit worse for this country than the Hohenzollerens and the Romanovs were for theirs.
I don't much care for dynasties anyway. Bush or Kennedy or Daley or Romanov or Hohenzolleren. But the Kennedies were a bit worse for this country than the Hohenzollerens and the Romanovs were for theirs.

Worse than the Ronamovs?

Man that's harsh.

Can't really disagree though
It sounds like he is very troubled. It's ridiculous how a family name can prop up someone who would be living from unemployment check to unemployment check in real life... :rolleyes:
He has often spoken candidly about his personal struggles with depression and substance abuse. Kennedy has been treated for substance abuse since crashing his car outside the Capitol in 2006, and he has struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction for much of his life.

Everything was handed to him. He didn't have to earn or do anything. All he had to do was check in with the family and support that idea.

Constant living in the shadow of everyone else in your family will do that to you.

Poor little rich boy

His older brother has done well.

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