Kent: Attack on Israel is an attack on Canada


Mar 28, 2010
According to Toronto daily The Globe And Mail, Canada’s junior foreign minister, Peter Kent, in an interiew with one of Canada’s Israeli Hasbara publications Shalom Life said that Stephen Harper government is ready to throw its full military weight behind the Zionist entity, saying: “An attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada”. Kent’s chief of staff, Norm McIntosh defended his boss by telling the newspaper that “It’s not too far from what the prime minister (Stephen Harper) has said”. Stephen Harper and his immigration minister Jason Kenney who supported Israeli genocide of 1.5 million Gaza inhabitantans during Dec.-Jan. 2009 – are known for their blind support for Israel and their hatred toward Arab and Muslim communities in Canada (Edward C. Carrigan in The Canadian Charger, Feb. 10, 2010).

Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper has gone to the extreme by saying that criticism of Israel is an old-fashion anti-Semitism.

Jason Kenney is on record of boasting that Canada was the first government in the world to remove funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) following election of Islamic Resistance Hamas in 2006. He was also instrument in banning British MP George Galloway’s entry to Canada in March 2009. Last December, Kenney also cut government funding for Christian charity KAIROS for carrying out some humanitarian work in occupied Palestine. Interesting while KAIROS was labeled anti-Semite, the group in fact recognizes the state of Israel to exist on the stolen Arab land. It only wants Zionist thugs to pull-back from the occupied Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Jason took that action on his return from attending the Global Forum for fighting Anti-Semitism in Israel.

The Canadian Charger in its January 21, 2010 editorial, titled Israel in Ottawa, wrote:”Few politicians dare ignore an organization like the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), which Chief Executive Bernie Farber says has more clout in the halls of power than most minority groups even though it (pretends to) represent only 360,000 people across the country. Muslims (over 800,000), on the other hand, make the largest religious minority in Canada.

“They (CJC) seem to be spending more time in relation to Israel than in relation to anything else…… They wanted to be more than a Zionist organization in 1919 (when the CJC was founded)” says Abraham Arnold, who has been active in the CJC for more than 50 years.

Historian John English said the Harper government’s strident support of Israel, has damaged Canada’s international image: ““Ironically, the zealous pursuit of Jewish votes in Canada, accompanied by outrageous suggestions of Liberal anti-Semitism, has destroyed Canada’s reputation as a balanced and sensible voice on Middle Eastern issues.

Islamic Iran has recalled its diplomat from Ottawa after it was revealed last month that former Canada’s ambassador to Iran, Kenneth Taylor (1977-80), was head of CIA espionage network in Iran.

These Zionism’s poodle don’t want to acknowledge the fact that Israel has not only invaded each and every of its neighors since its creation by United Nation Security Council in 1948 – but has been threatening Lebanon, Syria and Islamic Iran on daily basis. Futhermore, Israel’s intelligence network (Mossad, etc.) has been terrorizing and assassinated people in the US, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Islamic Iran, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Spain, Indonesia, Kenya, Turkey, Argentina, Venezuela, etc. Mossad’s latest victim was Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. According to British daily, Guardian, the Israeli assassins used six British stolen passports and at least five other European passports. See the video below.
Too funny. On the world stage the Canucks are about as relevant as Burkina Fasso. What are they gonna do? Stop clearing the occasional terrorist through customs? Challenge Hamas to a wheat growing contest? Ship some of their buzzard sized mosquitoes to Gaza?
Well - Canada shares at least one medal with the US and Israel - these are the only three ZOGs which have declared Lebanese Hizb'Allah as the "terrorist group".
Well - Canada shares at least one medal with the US and Israel - these are the only three ZOGs which have declared Lebanese Hizb'Allah as the "terrorist group".

Criricize anything that has to do with Israel or Judiasm or whatever, then you have to be prepared for the attack and to be immediately labeled anti-semetic. It is a fact of life in Canada and around the world that no one must be allowed to say anything negative about Israel, the pampered pooch of the world. Canada,America and so many other countries are under ZOG control. Israel is no friend to anybody. It's all and only about Israel and the rest of the world must go along with them or be prepared to be labelled an enemy of peace and security and declared a terrorist country and invaded for their disobedience. Canada should be ashamed of sharing that medal with a country that respects no country. You should go to website and read what they have to say about how things really work in the world. That website makes a lot of sense at times.
Too funny. On the world stage the Canucks are about as relevant as Burkina Fasso. What are they gonna do? Stop clearing the occasional terrorist through customs? Challenge Hamas to a wheat growing contest? Ship some of their buzzard sized mosquitoes to Gaza?

Pretty odd as not too long ago, both Britain and the US were asking Canada to stay in Afghanistan. In another thread, another American was complaining Canada doesn't do enough to combat terrorism.

So which is it? Some Americans are saying we're as relevant as Burkina Faso. Then Hillary Clinton and Obama ask us to continue our combat mission in Afghanistan.

I have a question for you. If Americans like you do not recognize the sacrifice Canada has made in response to a major terrorist attack on YOUR soil (9/11), why should another almost 150 young Canadian men and women die to support your nation and bring the man responsible for that attack to justice? I'm honestly curious to hear your answer.
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Well - Canada shares at least one medal with the US and Israel - these are the only three ZOGs which have declared Lebanese Hizb'Allah as the "terrorist group".

you forgot the uk and australia, nutbar.
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