Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

I'm not even going to attempt to deal with all of your inane ranting. Just one thing. What about the destruction of nuclear family ? Are you saying that two people of the same sex who are loving parents-who have children who love them and regard them as their parents are not a nuclear family. That is just fucking stupid!

You are a faker of reality, not even in the same galaxy with rational. Homosexuality does not produce offspring. Homosexuals raising the offspring of heterosexual couples do no propagate their DNA. Reality is - you can force others to claim that the Emperor is grandly dressed, but reality remains. Homosexuality confers no benefit to the survival of the species, it is a genetic dead end. The cultural impetus of humans to establish marriage is to ensure the survival of the species, not ensure that a special interest votes for their party.

The procreation angle as an argument against same sex marriage is a pathetic loser as is anyone who tries to use it. It was kicked out of court so many times that I lost count. It is nothing but hateful horseshit. I have more respect for people who are honest and just admit that they hate homosexuals, or use some religious idiocy, than someone like you who tries to foist this sort of dishonest garbage on us, claiming that you are concerned about the species.

Marriage is now about much more than having children. It is much more about a status, about economics and about security. If the inability to reproduce is valid reason to deny marriage, should we allow ANYONE who cannot or chooses not to have children to marry? What about heterosexual couples who are past child barring age? What about a younger couple who may not be able to have children? Perhaps marriages should be automatically void after a certain time if no children are produced. If reproduction was the driving force, the compelling government interest in promoting traditional marriage, why are such policies not in place now?

Yet another question that I can’t get an answer to is: Given the fact that gay people do in fact have children in their care, and knowing that children have more legal and financial security when they have married parents, how do you justify denying marriage to those parents on the basis of their not having “reproduced” those children in a manner consistent with your sensibilities? They will argue that children need a “mommy and a daddy, but-putting aside the question of whether or not that is even true-the fact is that there will always be children who, for whatever reason do not live in a traditional mommy-daddy family and some will have gay parent.

Failing to allow gay marriage will in no way ensure that more children will have a mom and a dad. It will only serve to ensure that fewer children will have two legal parents. To deny those children the benefits of married parents is to say that those children are less worthy, or you might say, worth less than other children. To deny them that security shows that any expressed concern for children is disingenuous at best. Not one of these people who claim to care so much about children has been able to answer that.

I will also point out that many heterosexual couples have children in their care with one or both parents not being biologically related. How is that different from gay couples who have a child where only one is the biological parent? Those two parents did not procreate together any more than that gay couple did So how is it different? It is not, yet I continually hear rumblings about how gay couples do not .reproduce and therefor are of no benefit to society( The many benefits-beyond procreation- will be reserved for another time) At the same time, the anti-equality people are silent when it comes to straight couples in the exact same situation. It is a non sequitur because the conclusion-that gay couples should be denied benefits of marriage because they cannot reproduce - does not follow from its premises- that gay couples are fundamentally different in the way that they acquire children. The premis itself is flawed and argument as a whole is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion.

Lastly , I keep hearing about “responsible procreation” Opponents of marriage equality have long argued that reserving marriage for opposite-sex couples is important for promoting “responsible procreation” in society. However the “responsible procreation” argument is not only flawed on its own merits, it is also used to sugarcoat prejudice against homosexuality. It is wrought with logical fallacies, and bizarre assumptions. One of it’s strangest assumptions is that if same-sex couples are allowed to marry, then different-sex couples will have more children out of wedlock. I’m still waiting for an explanation as to how that will actually work. “Another strange variation of the responsible procreation claim is that if a heterosexual couple cannot conceive, marriage still somehow discourages them from cheating on one another. As the proponents of California’s Proposition 8 argued to the U.S. Supreme Court, marriage “decreases the likelihood that a fertile spouse will engage in sexual activity with a third party.” What I’m getting from this is not so much opposition to same sex marriage, but the view that it is just not necessary for gays to marry because there is no chance of having an unintended child. Alternately, I hear it said that same sex marriage will result in fewer heterosexuals having children thus endangering the perpetuation of the species. Quite frankly, I’m confused. Will gay marriage result in more or fewer children and why? I fail to see how what gay folks do can influence what others do with respect to marriage and children, and I have to doubt whether those promoting these ideas really do either.
Complete and utter horseshit!

That is wrong and idiotic for so many reasons, I don’t know where to begin. Do you really believe that same sex marriage is a threat to the survival of our species? Just a few thoughts:

  1. Homosexuality has existed in societies for as long as we have been human and probably longer. Yet we have thrived as a species.
  1. So what? How does this affect the fact that homosexuality provides no advantage to survival. Cancer has existed as well, yet is hardly a means of improving the species.
    [*]Gay people represent a very small percentage of the population and probably smaller than the percentage of heterosexuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have children

    [*]Gay people do in fact have children. A lesbian can get pregnant and carry a child. A gay man can produce sperm and fertilize an ovum.

    [*]While gay people do often utilize surrogates and sperm donors and rely on medical technology to reproduce……SO DO A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES

    [*]Marriage has NOTHING to do with reproduction. People have always had children in and out of marriage

    [*]Restricting marriage to heterosexuals will in no way increase the number of children born, as though we need more children. If you think that it will, please explain how

None of which is relevant to anything.

The left believes that evolution is something which is used to bash their hated foe, the Christians with. The concept that evolution is real, that a process bigger than the desire to tear down society is at work, is completely lost on you. You have a political agenda - which is in fact at odds with the scientific process that has resulted in the human species as we know it.

We have developed as we have in order to promote the survival of the species. Homosexuality is a genetic flaw which under natural conditions removes unwanted genes from the gene pool. The development of marriage in virtually every culture is precisely driven by the need of a community to protect procreation. There is no question that homosexuality is a genetic kill switch, but perhaps leftism is as well? The programs that you promote are tantamount to suicide of a species. You kill your own offspring and promote the union of those who cannot biologically reproduce.
Legal Counsel Firm For Kim Davis Is On The Southern Poverty Law Centers Hate Group Watch List
Things You Should Know About Kim Davis' Legal Counsel
The legal counsel representing Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis has been a longtime anti-LBGT law firm. The Liberty Counsel has a history of making bizarre and mean-spirited comments about the gay community.

At this point, it’s unclear if Davis requested the firm’s legal counsel or if the Liberty legal counsel law firm sought Davis out. Turns out the Davis case has become the Liberty Counsel highest profile case to date. The firm has represented Alabama probate judges who refused to grant same-sex marriages, as well as Scott Lively, the Massachusetts preacher who was involved in the”crimes against humanitycase in Uganda against that countries gay citizens.
Legal Counsel for Kim Davis, Mathew Staver, and his wife, founded Liberty Counsel in 1989. Here is where this side show we now know as the “Kim Davis Affair” gets real slimy. The Liberty Counsel is affiliated with the Liberty University Law School in Lynchburg Virginia. The pet project and strong arm of the late Jerry Falwell, Mr. Extreme Radical Christian Right himself.

Mathew Staver, the legal counsel for Kim Davis, still serves as the director of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy at Liberty University and provides legal assistance concerning religious liberty, abortion, and the family. The organization has incorporated a broad range of radical right dogmas. They’re the organization that accused the Obama Administration of spreading a “Liberal Socialist Agenda.”

Wow, the KLAN has her law team on it's hate list?

Well, perhaps you can burn a cross on her lawn?

The shit you pull out of your butt doesn't count as facts or law. But go ahead and celebrate the alleged victory with all the other revisionists.

In the eyes of a law, are you considered mentally retarded? Do you require a guardian to sign legal documents for you?
Not everyone is in the same situation you are. Stop asking everyone if they are retarded like you.
Complete and utter horseshit!

That is wrong and idiotic for so many reasons, I don’t know where to begin. Do you really believe that same sex marriage is a threat to the survival of our species? Just a few thoughts:

  1. Homosexuality has existed in societies for as long as we have been human and probably longer. Yet we have thrived as a species.
  1. So what? How does this affect the fact that homosexuality provides no advantage to survival. Cancer has existed as well, yet is hardly a means of improving the species.
    [*]Gay people represent a very small percentage of the population and probably smaller than the percentage of heterosexuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have children

    [*]Gay people do in fact have children. A lesbian can get pregnant and carry a child. A gay man can produce sperm and fertilize an ovum.

    [*]While gay people do often utilize surrogates and sperm donors and rely on medical technology to reproduce……SO DO A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES

    [*]Marriage has NOTHING to do with reproduction. People have always had children in and out of marriage

    [*]Restricting marriage to heterosexuals will in no way increase the number of children born, as though we need more children. If you think that it will, please explain how

None of which is relevant to anything.

The left believes that evolution is something which is used to bash their hated foe, the Christians with. The concept that evolution is real, that a process bigger than the desire to tear down society is at work, is completely lost on you. You have a political agenda - which is in fact at odds with the scientific process that has resulted in the human species as we know it.

We have developed as we have in order to promote the survival of the species. Homosexuality is a genetic flaw which under natural conditions removes unwanted genes from the gene pool. The development of marriage in virtually every culture is precisely driven by the need of a community to protect procreation. There is no question that homosexuality is a genetic kill switch, but perhaps leftism is as well? The programs that you promote are tantamount to suicide of a species. You kill your own offspring and promote the union of those who cannot biologically reproduce.

Simple question old sport: How do hetero sexuals who do not reproduce, or do not reproduce in "the usual way" contribute to the survival of the spices. By your standards they clearly do not any more so than a gay couple. That then begs the question, why should that straight couple be allowed to marry, or not be required to have children for the privilege of being allowed to stay married. This isn't a trick quest. It is the type of question that has tripped up numerous lawyers defending states ban on same sex marriage.
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You are the one being dishonest by trying to make it sound like the judge caved in to her in some way. She did not win this.

Bunning wanted her out of his jail. He is smart enough to grasp the implications of holding political prisoners - even if you are not.
He wanted her out of jail, I'll give you that much. Hell, everyone wanted her out of jail. I wanted her out of jail . It was not a good situation.
Oh Christ are you back? !! There was no "modified court order" The was no big compromise.

Well you know that isn't true. Bunning modified the order so that Davis does NOT have to issue licenses but will not interfere with her staff issuing them.

{The court previously offered something similar to the release order as a compromise: Davis could be freed from jail as long as she didn't stop her deputy clerks from giving out marriage licenses. It's unclear whether Davis agreed to the compromise, but the court is now enforcing it in her release order — with a warning that Davis will be punished again if she doesn't cooperate.}

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis to be released from jail — on one condition

What is it you think you gain by lying?

The only think that changed is that she accepted the same compromise that was available to her before this ever got into court and was offered to her before she got locked up---she will allow the deputies to issue the licenses and not interfere.

It's similar, but not the same. Bunning scrambled to get the political prisoner out of his jail.

You are the one being dishonest by trying to make it sound like the judge caved in to her in some way. She did not win this.

Let them think they won. Licenses are being issued and she doesn't have to do it. Win-win
Many more to come....

This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again
Simple question old sport: How do hetero sexuals who do not reproduce, or do not reproduce in "the usual way" contribute to the survival of the spices.

Ah, talking points - never seen those before.. :rolleyes-41:

Marriage developed to protect females during pregnancy and child rearing. This is fact, irrespective of your political agenda.

Reality is.

By your standards they clearly do not any more so than a gay couple. That then begs the question, why should that straight couple be allowed to marry, or not be required to have children for the privilege of being allowed to stay married. This isn't a trick quest. It is the type of question that has tripped up numerous lawyers defending states ban on same sex marriage.

I'm pointing out physical reality, not my standards.

The major gulf between leftists and Libertarians is the simple fact that reality is. Things are what they are, not what you wish them to be.
This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again

You grasp that Westboro is satire, they exist to defame Christians, right?

Those damned Christians would never do the things the left accused them of, so the left created their own "special Krischuns" Thus was born the Westboro Baptist church - with 7 members - under life long democrat Fred Phelps who ran for Congress as a "liberal democrat" twice.

Here is another shocker, Communist Norman Lear's Archie Bunker was meant to mock conservatives.
This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again
I recall a bunch of crazy people in Miami once tried that to prevent authorities from getting custody of Elian Gonzalez. The law prevailed and the crazies got bitch slapped. Not sure why this bunch of crazies think they'll fare any better?
This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again
I recall a bunch of crazy people in Miami once tried that to prevent authorities from getting custody of Elian Gonzalez. The law prevailed and the crazies got bitch slapped. Not sure why this bunch of crazies think they'll fare any better?

Does the name Cliven Bundy, and the fact that PC liberals are a dying breed ring a bell?
This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again
I recall a bunch of crazy people in Miami once tried that to prevent authorities from getting custody of Elian Gonzalez. The law prevailed and the crazies got bitch slapped. Not sure why this bunch of crazies think they'll fare any better?

Does the name Cliven Bundy, and the fact that PC liberals are a dying breed ring a bell?
Ya mean the rightard who was forced to move his herd off of public property? Yeah... another case where the law prevailed over the crazies.
This is getting insane! Does anybody here think that this is a good idea?

The Oathkeepers organization are apparently trying to one-up the Westboro Baptist Church in the department of crazy attention-seeking. In a statement and recorded phone call featuring Oathkeeper's founder Stewart Rhodes, Jackson County (Kentucky) Sheriff Denny Peyman, Missouri Oathkeeper Jon Karriman and West Virginia Oathkeeper Allen Lardieri, the men outlined their plans to head to Kentucky to provide "round-the-clock" protection for Kim Davis to ensure Federal Marshals are not able to take her into custody again if U.S. District Judge David Bunning orders her to be held again on contempt of court charges. The group had previously planned to protest in front of Judge Bunning's home.

Oathkeepers vow to 'intercede' if U.S. Marshals try to take Kim Davis into custody again
I recall a bunch of crazy people in Miami once tried that to prevent authorities from getting custody of Elian Gonzalez. The law prevailed and the crazies got bitch slapped. Not sure why this bunch of crazies think they'll fare any better?

Does the name Cliven Bundy, and the fact that PC liberals are a dying breed ring a bell?
Ya mean the rightard who was forced to move his herd off of public property? Yeah... another case where the law prevailed over the crazies.

What law was that, the BLM fades away and the herd stays?

Lawbreaking Rancher Cliven Bundy Wins Victory That Will ...
The BLM has decided to halt rounding up Cliven Bundy's cattle due to fear that violent resistance might pose a threat to public safety.

Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Federal ...
Apr 12, 2014 · Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With ... Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over the removal of hundreds of …
Simple question old sport: How do hetero sexuals who do not reproduce, or do not reproduce in "the usual way" contribute to the survival of the spices.

Ah, talking points - never seen those before.. :rolleyes-41:

Marriage developed to protect females during pregnancy and child rearing. This is fact, irrespective of your political agenda.

Reality is.

By your standards they clearly do not any more so than a gay couple. That then begs the question, why should that straight couple be allowed to marry, or not be required to have children for the privilege of being allowed to stay married. This isn't a trick quest. It is the type of question that has tripped up numerous lawyers defending states ban on same sex marriage.

I'm pointing out physical reality, not my standards.

The major gulf between leftists and Libertarians is the simple fact that reality is. Things are what they are, not what you wish them to be.

Holy shit! that's your entire response to my extensive posts ??!! You failed to address a single point that I made. All that you seem to be able to do is to speak in generalizations and attack my "political agenda"> My agenda is a humanitarian agenda, something that seems to be alien to you.

You either are to out of touch with reality to know the you have lost this argument, or you are to dishonest to admit that you are out of ammunition. It comes down to this and it's really very simple. Gays are human beings. They deserve equal rights. All of your rationalizing and twisted logical fallacies does not change that.
Hey..................I think that gays should have the right to be just as miserable as straight couples and get married.

And.................I'm also betting that this woman ends up in jail again within 3 days of returning to work.

If she stops another gay marriage, she should be thrown in jail until she agrees to resign.

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