Kentucky Crowd Cheers Valedictorian’s President Trump Quote, Then Learns President Obama Said It


cons have always had trouble discerning reality from fantasy
Big deal it's a quote. Every clown and their grandma can put together a few fancy words, many of them don't even write the stuff themselves. Sure it's nice at the time, but in reality men are measured by ACTION.

If the kid had a pair he would recite all that both presidents accomplished int he first 500 days. I can tell you, at this point all Obama had done was bailout his corporate pals while the Chinese stole another million jobs.

Here's the quote he will most be remembered for "those jobs are gone, they aren't coming back". Appears he was very wrong, thank God for that.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
Barack H Obama does not own the english language. this is a Trump quote. deal with it, NY Times!

Kentucky Crowd Cheers Valedictorian’s Trump Quote, Then Learns Obama Said It

Yes, this young man has a great future in the Kentucky Democratic Party. he already knows how to lie with a straight face.

What a dumbass!

Thanks for pointing out conservative/tRump supporter stupidity.

Trump supporter?

He quoted Obama, expecting everyone to believe it was Trump. Who was the liar in that instance?

Democrats will do well in our next election since the Republicans decided to throw all of the teachers and state retirement system members under the bus!
Pretty funny stuff. Showing the level of sheepdom of trumpanzees.
Barack H Obama does not own the english language. this is a Trump quote. deal with it, NY Times!

Kentucky Crowd Cheers Valedictorian’s Trump Quote, Then Learns Obama Said It

Yes, this young man has a great future in the Kentucky Democratic Party. he already knows how to lie with a straight face.

What a dumbass!

Thanks for pointing out conservative/tRump supporter stupidity.

Trump supporter?

He quoted Obama, expecting everyone to believe it was Trump. Who was the liar in that instance?

Democrats will do well in our next election since the Republicans decided to throw all of the teachers and state retirement system members under the bus!
I hope the Dems win the House.
Then they can spend the next two years trying to impeach the President only to have the REP Senate stop them. That will go over GREAT in 2020.
"What have the DEM House accomplished in the last two years? They've spent the two years doing nothing but 'circle jerking' and waisting time and tax payer money farting in the wind".
Which, dannyboys, the GOP did for six years of Obama's presidency.

What you really mean is that either a party has the Presidency and a super majority in Congress, or the two parties start working together again.
Big deal it's a quote. Every clown and their grandma can put together a few fancy words, many of them don't even write the stuff themselves. Sure it's nice at the time, but in reality men are measured by ACTION.

If the kid had a pair he would recite all that both presidents accomplished int he first 500 days. I can tell you, at this point all Obama had done was bailout his corporate pals while the Chinese stole another million jobs.

Here's the quote he will most be remembered for "those jobs are gone, they aren't coming back". Appears he was very wrong, thank God for that.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
The jobs are still gone, and will only come back if Trump follows through on massive tariffs and subsidies. The nation and all its people will be poorer, but maybe some coal miners won’t have to get an education or learn a skill amd can go back to wasting their time on an obsolete occupation.
So coal doesn't have value anymore? Don't tell that to China, Australia, India, Russia or others. If it's used ina clean manner it still has great value and is a legitimate industry. $$$$$

The Top 10 Coal Producers Worldwide

Coal is the key to the worldwide structure of energy. It accounts for about 40% of the world’s electricity production, hence it is a leading source of electricity. It will soon replace oil and become the largest source of primary energy. Coal dominates the global energy arena due to its abundance, affordability and wide distribution across the world. Coal reserves are estimated at 869 billion tons based on the current production rate. This means that coal should last about 115 years longer compared to the conventional reserves of oil and gas. Especially noteworthy are the significant coal reserves in Asia and southern Africa, two areas of the world that face major challenges in supplying energy to their populations. Coal reserves are highly underestimated in comparison with conventional reserves of oil and gas.

The ten leading countries based on hard coal production
China is the chief coal producer while the United States comes in second. Other major coal producers are India and Australia. Five countries, namely China, the United States, Russia, India and Japan accounted for over 75% of worldwide coal consumption. Despite the swift deployment of renewable energy, mainly in the background of debates around climate change, it is coal that is responsible for the largest upsurge in energy requirement of all energy sources.

Approximately 90% of the total global coal is produced by ten countries with China running in the lead. The statistics below show countries that have substantial coal resources. The data has been based on a wide assortment of material, as well as data acquired from the World Energy Council and both national and international publications.
So coal doesn't have value anymore? Don't tell that to China, Australia, India, Russia or others. If it's used ina clean manner it still has great value and is a legitimate industry. $$$$$

The Top 10 Coal Producers Worldwide

Coal is the key to the worldwide structure of energy. It accounts for about 40% of the world’s electricity production, hence it is a leading source of electricity. It will soon replace oil and become the largest source of primary energy. Coal dominates the global energy arena due to its abundance, affordability and wide distribution across the world. Coal reserves are estimated at 869 billion tons based on the current production rate. This means that coal should last about 115 years longer compared to the conventional reserves of oil and gas. Especially noteworthy are the significant coal reserves in Asia and southern Africa, two areas of the world that face major challenges in supplying energy to their populations. Coal reserves are highly underestimated in comparison with conventional reserves of oil and gas.

The ten leading countries based on hard coal production
China is the chief coal producer while the United States comes in second. Other major coal producers are India and Australia. Five countries, namely China, the United States, Russia, India and Japan accounted for over 75% of worldwide coal consumption. Despite the swift deployment of renewable energy, mainly in the background of debates around climate change, it is coal that is responsible for the largest upsurge in energy requirement of all energy sources.

Approximately 90% of the total global coal is produced by ten countries with China running in the lead. The statistics below show countries that have substantial coal resources. The data has been based on a wide assortment of material, as well as data acquired from the World Energy Council and both national and international publications.
Sure coal has value; just coal mining as a profession in the U.S. is obsolete. Trump’s current plan to bring back coal? Massive subsidies, punishing taxpayers to bring back a few low skill, low wage jobs. Why is he proposing those subsidies? Beciase there is no new demand for coal. It’s a dying industry in places with a high quality of life.
It is what is said that matters, not who says it.

But with all of the blather from all of the politicians who is supposed to remember who said what?

If Trump says something I agree with I will admit it. If Obama says something I think is stupid bullsh!t I will say so.
Obama owns his own quotes, and the valedictorian had fun sticking the President and the crowd.

Good for him.

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