Kentucky wants to ban junk food from SNAP (food stamps)

I was in a convient store and a woman bought 3 20 Oz mountain dews with her ebt card. Total waste of money, she could've got a 2 liter for a little over the cost of one 20 Oz. But she shouldn't be buying soda with the card at all.
I have no issue with using SNAP to buy cookies or stuff like it. What about the mother who is raising kids by herself through no fault of her own. Sometimes sh!t just happens and people need help. How is this going to be regulated in the stores? Is there a SNAP food section?

Easy, the non-qualified things won't be allowed to be purchased. It is stopped at the POS. You already can't buy alcohol with it. If you try to buy something that doesn't qualify with SNAP, it will stop you at the POS. This is not a new concept. SNAP benefits cards are not a "buy what you want" program.
I have no issue with using SNAP to buy cookies or stuff like it. What about the mother who is raising kids by herself through no fault of her own. Sometimes sh!t just happens and people need help. How is this going to be regulated in the stores? Is there a SNAP food section?
Easy. Put the money on a card, and have it only allow acceptable purchases. Much like a TASC card, or flexible spending.
The person buying it...

For some reason, these negros don't believe that if someone GIVES you something, that they can tell you how they want it used.

To use his words, WTF makes you think you can do whatever you want with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY? SNAP benefits are not a Christmas present, they are a gov't issued FREE BENEFIT for the sole purpose of putting food in your gut. That means I can determine what I consider to be food. If they don't want to buy junk food with THEIR MONEY, then they can tell you that you can't buy it with their money either. If you want junk food, negro, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF.
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The government should not ever dictate what the people eat. That is some Orwellian shit there.
No, public assistance money should only purchase staple foods. If welfare recipients want junk food and luxuries they should get jobs and pay taxes instead of sponging off the taxpayer.
For some reason, these negros don't believe that if someone GIVES you something, that they can tell you how they want it used.

To use his words, WTF makes you think you can do whatever you want with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY? SNAP benefits are not a Christmas present, they are a gov't issued FREE BENEFIT for the sole purpose of putting food in your gut. That means I can determine what I consider to be food. If they don't want to buy junk food with THEIR MONEY, then they can tell you that you can't buy it with their money either. If you want junk food, negro, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF.
Stop being a racist asshole. People of all races take welfare and SNAP and all behave the same way.
If it comes out of their own pocket I don’t care either. When it comes out of my pocket, I give a damn. Any governmental assistance should go for necessities, not luxuries.

I've had several "unfortunates" outside of grocery stores offer to sell me their benefits for like half the value
Stop being a racist asshole. People of all races take welfare and SNAP and all behave the same way.

No, they don't. I don't see a single white person coming in here saying they should have a RIGHT to other people's money and to spend it the way they want. And superdumbnegro has a history in here, he's the second most racist person on this forum, behind IM2. He's a race baiting troll. So I'll be just as racist as he is. I live in south LA, one of the places with the most racist negros on Earth. We live with this shit every day, we are tired of it.

And I got shot by a negro trying to rob me of money to pay his druggie. So don't preach to me about racism. Because I don't give a flying fuck.
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I’m good with banning junk food being able to be purchased with food stamps or whatever they call it now.
They're not dictating what they eat. They're dictating what kind of food they get for free, on the gov't dime. That they CAN do. They want junk food? Fine, but you're going to buy it with your own money like everyone else does.

After I got fired from a job for refusing to do illegal work to an airplane that later crashed and killed 5 people, I was briefly on SNAP. I bought very very little "junk" food. In fact, I ate better on SNAP than I did OFF of it because then I could afford good wholesome quality food that I couldn't working for the hangar. I had just bought a brand new car and a house. I had very little left over for food. I was literally towing 20 million dollar aircraft out onto the ramp, and then hopping off the tug and eating a TV dinner for lunch. On a good day. Most days it was a cheese sandwich. It was nuts. One of the hangar owners pilots felt so bad for me, he told me "You single handedly run this place to perfection and you can't afford a decent lunch" most of the time when he came over to tinker with his jet, he would take me out to eat at Piccadilly. THAT WAS A TREAT.

So losing my job I was able to budget 100% SNAP into food. That helped a ton. 8 years of Obama ensured I didn't get paid well. Within 6 months of Trump starting his first term, my pay doubled.
Unfortunately there is so much abuse in SNAP that some people that deserve help may not get it
There are military personnel who are on food stamps, you arrogant, ignorant clowns are fools. Just thank God you don't need it.
Bull, that’s a thing of the past. A private E-2 makes $2,400 a month plus food and housing, a married corporal E-4 makes $3,600 a month plus up to $4,000 a month housing allowance (that number fluctuates depending on where he is stationed), plus a food allowance. That’s over $94,000.00 a year. The average American salary is $64,000.00 a year. A private E-2 which most troops get within six months makes $29,000.00 a year plus free food and housing which probably pushes that base pay up to the national average.

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