Kerry Gives Iran the A-Bomb

Israel was wrong about Iraq, and well they have been saying the same thing about Iran since 1992, and by the way,

who in the hell is Israel to have nukes and not allow anyone in the country to check it out, whereas Iran has had their country checked inside and out. Sick of Israel and their propaganda BS.

I guess you've forgotten how many SCUDs Saddam fired into Israel during the Gulf War, eh? Some of them held chemical munitions but our Patriot missiles knocked those down before there were mass casualties. But remind us how many times Israel has threatened to wipe Iran off the map? As to inspections, you're full of shit on that too.....Iran won't allow anybody into their underground facilities at Chalus and other locations. This isn't "propaganda"..this is the survival of the Israeli people.
But Bull, she's only spewing the bigoted hate jews rhetoric kids are pumped full of in schools nowadays. They love those muslims because their messiah is a muslim, never mind that muslims hate their pet homos, they don't talk about that, but those JEWS... gotta get some REAL HATIN' goin' on, on them JEWS!

That's what they're taught.
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Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran
All these talks and delays will come down to the question of when the Israelis bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. If Iran manages to stall until they are launch capable, Israel will destroy the facilities. If the talks fizzle out, Israel will take out the nuclear facilities. I will predict sometime in May 2015.
But Bull, she's only spewing the bigoted hate jews rhetoric kids are pumped full of in schools nowadays. They love those muslims because they're messiah is a muslim, never mind that muslims hate their pet homos, they don't talk about that, but those JEWS... gotta get some REAL HATIN' goin' on, on them JEWS!

That's what they're taught.

Unreal isn't it? Do these kids learn about the Holocaust anymore? Do they know who guided the founding of Israel and their right to that land since Biblical times? Ah....wait a minute....Biblical.....there it is. None of that is allowed in public schools these days. What amazes me is how the Rats keep the Jewish vote despite their clear bigotry.
All these talks and delays will come down to the question of when the Israelis bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. If Iran manages to stall until they are launch capable, Israel will destroy the facilities. If the talks fizzle out, Israel will take out the nuclear facilities. I will predict sometime in May 2015.

Problem is getting there and back.....the IDF has to overfly Iraq to do it.....will the Iraqis try to shoot them down considering what else they have on their plate at the moment? Will Obama order them shot down? He can't be trusted to be told in advance. Also any blockbusters we may have supplied them probably won't do it....cave them in on the technicians but some of those may be russian. The only fool-proof way is for the IDF to use tactical nukes around those sites to make them glow in the dark for 500 years....They may as well locate the Iranian government leaders and kill their asses too.....make a day of it.
All these talks and delays will come down to the question of when the Israelis bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. If Iran manages to stall until they are launch capable, Israel will destroy the facilities. If the talks fizzle out, Israel will take out the nuclear facilities. I will predict sometime in May 2015.

Problem is getting there and back.....the IDF has to overfly Iraq to do it.....will the Iraqis try to shoot them down considering what else they have on their plate at the moment? Will Obama order them shot down? He can't be trusted to be told in advance. Also any blockbusters we may have supplied them probably won't do it....cave them in on the technicians but some of those may be russian. The only fool-proof way is for the IDF to use tactical nukes around those sites to make them glow in the dark for 500 years....They may as well locate the Iranian government leaders and kill their asses too.....make a day of it.
We have to remember that Israel and Azerbaijan have strong ties and Israel now has access to Azer's airfields, next door to Iran.

Cooperation against Iran[edit]
Further information: Azerbaijan–Iran relations
On 29 March 2012, officials said that Israel was granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan through a "series of quiet political and military understandings." These airbases could potentially be used in a strike against Iran over its nuclear program and other tensions with Iran, and would be allowed by Azerbaijan.[25]

On 30 September 2012, it was reported that Azerbaijan and Israel jointly examined the use of Azeri air bases and spy drones to help Israeli jets perform a long-range strike on Iran. This would help Israel in regards to issues with refueling, reconnaissance, and rescuing crews, and could make an attack more feasible.[26] The plan apparently involves using an Israeli tanker aircraft painted in the colors of a third country airline company that would land and refuel in Azerbaijan and then refuel the Israeli strike aircraft.[27]

Azerbaijan Israel relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All these talks and delays will come down to the question of when the Israelis bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. If Iran manages to stall until they are launch capable, Israel will destroy the facilities. If the talks fizzle out, Israel will take out the nuclear facilities. I will predict sometime in May 2015.

Problem is getting there and back.....the IDF has to overfly Iraq to do it.....will the Iraqis try to shoot them down considering what else they have on their plate at the moment? Will Obama order them shot down? He can't be trusted to be told in advance. Also any blockbusters we may have supplied them probably won't do it....cave them in on the technicians but some of those may be russian. The only fool-proof way is for the IDF to use tactical nukes around those sites to make them glow in the dark for 500 years....They may as well locate the Iranian government leaders and kill their asses too.....make a day of it.
We have to remember that Israel and Azerbaijan have strong ties and Israel now has access to Azer's airfields, next door to Iran.

Cooperation against Iran[edit]
Further information: Azerbaijan–Iran relations
On 29 March 2012, officials said that Israel was granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan through a "series of quiet political and military understandings." These airbases could potentially be used in a strike against Iran over its nuclear program and other tensions with Iran, and would be allowed by Azerbaijan.[25]

On 30 September 2012, it was reported that Azerbaijan and Israel jointly examined the use of Azeri air bases and spy drones to help Israeli jets perform a long-range strike on Iran. This would help Israel in regards to issues with refueling, reconnaissance, and rescuing crews, and could make an attack more feasible.[26] The plan apparently involves using an Israeli tanker aircraft painted in the colors of a third country airline company that would land and refuel in Azerbaijan and then refuel the Israeli strike aircraft.[27]

Azerbaijan Israel relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweet! I missed that....thanks.
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.
Israel has had nukes since Christ was a Corporal and haven't used any. Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system. Your statement is juvenile.
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.

Did your nutsack just drop boy? Nobody lives through a nuclear war that begins in the ME....if the Russians lose technicians in Iran they might attack Israel....that will bring us nose to nose with the Ivans. STFU
And BTW, if the Iranians get the bomb, the Saudis will have one within two years....Pakistan will gladly sell their program to anybody with the money to spend. And if the Saudis get the bomb, Egypt will respond in kind. This isn't just about iran.
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.

Did your nutsack just drop boy? Nobody lives through a nuclear war that begins in the ME....if the Russians lose technicians in Iran they might attack Israel....that will bring us nose to nose with the Ivans. STFU
How do the "Russians lose technicians in Iran?" and what prevents that?
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.
Israel has had nukes since Christ was a Corporal and haven't used any. Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system. Your statement is juvenile.
Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system
BS. Your statement is dishonest ..and juvenile
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.
Israel has had nukes since Christ was a Corporal and haven't used any. Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system. Your statement is juvenile.
Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system
BS. Your statement is dishonest ..and juvenile
  • Thanks
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How do the "Russians lose technicians in Iran?" and what prevents that?

When, not if, the IDF is forced to protect itself and attacks the nuclear sites. Those are full of russians and russian don't think these raghead lunatics built their program by themselves did you? The way Putin is throwing his weight around, that would not go unanswered and an attack on Tel Aviv would seem inevitable. Getting the picture yet?
Flippy couldn't negotiate his way through a ham sandwich. The IDF estimates Iran needs another 6 months of uranium enrichment to be "on the threshold" of making a bomb. Long John just gave them 7 months in case there's a problem. Of course he's just following orders from the Kenyan Coward, but the smiles and the handshakes with the dirtbags are pure Kerry.



Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran

Oh and Israel has no business with Iran, bad enough what they are doing to the Pals. Who in the hell does those Zionuts think they are?

you are confused-----Israel has already had business with Iran----
via the perverted meccaist pig nus-kharah-allah
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.
Israel has had nukes since Christ was a Corporal and haven't used any. Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system. Your statement is juvenile.
Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system
BS. Your statement is dishonest ..and juvenile

wrong----you are not entirely correct-------I would agree that Iran did not specifically say "WE WILL BOMB ISRAEL"----the Iranian meccaist dogs simply said that they want to destroy Israel . Logically ----and intelligent person would be concerned that such pigs and dogs NOT be equipped with the definite ability to do so------nuclear bombs should not be in the hands of homicidal meccaist pigs and dogs
Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran

Israel was wrong about Iraq, and well they have been saying the same thing about Iran since 1992, and by the way,

who in the hell is Israel to have nukes and not allow anyone in the country to check it out, whereas Iran has had their country checked inside and out. Sick of Israel and their propaganda BS.

Israel was not "wrong" about Iraq-----your hero pig sadaam
was killing lots of people and supporting world wide terrorism that involved your all time fave-----the murder of innocent children AND he was involved in the production of biological war fare AND
he had stores of your all time fave nitrogen mustard gas--------he was a typical kind of guy scum like you enjoy
I'd trust Iran with the bomb, as much, if not more than Israel.
I hope they get it.
Israel has had nukes since Christ was a Corporal and haven't used any. Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system. Your statement is juvenile.
Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system
BS. Your statement is dishonest ..and juvenile

wrong----you are not entirely correct-------I would agree that Iran did not specifically say "WE WILL BOMB ISRAEL"----the Iranian meccaist dogs simply said that they want to destroy Israel . Logically ----and intelligent person would be concerned that such pigs and dogs NOT be equipped with the definite ability to do so------nuclear bombs should not be in the hands of homicidal meccaist pigs and dogs
My comment is 100% accurate. It is dishonest to claim: "Iran has repeatedly informed the world of their intention to bomb Israel when they have a bomb and delivery system"

And from the Iranian perspective nuclear bombs are already in the hands of homicidal pigs and dogs

Now let's compare words and deeds. The Israeli/neoncon plan for regime change throughout the ME and redrawing the ME map is well documented. Iran saw what happened to Iraq, what's being attempted in Syria, etc. - why would Iran have anything to fear??

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