Keto Diet

A friend of mine is on the carnivore diet... basically he eats meat fish eggs and some vegetables.... he eats bacon for breakfast burger patty for lunch and a steak or bacon for dinner.... he said the hardest part of the diet was to quit drinking beer and yes believe it or not a person can get sick of
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Have you tried this diet?

No, but when I worked as a trainer, many of my clients were on it. It works short term, but long term, a keto diet (where you are in continuous ketoacidosis) is not healthy, and has diminishing returns. It's essentially a metabolic shock diet that upsets your metabolic system and results in weight loss, but once you have achieved the weight loss you want, you need to switch to a diet that does not unbalance your glucose levels or risk high levels of ketones and urea in your system.
Blaster, I don't do diet plans for I keep myself slender and in check every morning by weighing on my bathroom scale after rising from bed and before I eat or drink anything, AND counting calories, however, I will say this for the Keto Diet...I know many, many people who have dropped tons of pounds on it and have kept that weight loss for over a year and into many years. They rave about it and that would be the one I would choose if I ever wanted to lose weight. These people look years younger also somehow. I have to applaud them. Sometimes the husband and wife start the plan at the same time and seriously lose 70 plus pounds in a fairly short amount of time. I admire them greatly as they all have stayed on the plan after achieving their weight-loss goals. They love the way they look and feel and they like the food plan. They talk about having energy they didn't ever have before the Keto Plan. They seriously look fabulous. A real WOW factor. The women start dressing differently, more youthfully and it all makes me very happy for them. :up:
No, but when I worked as a trainer, many of my clients were on it. It works short term, but long term, a keto diet (where you are in continuous ketoacidosis) is not healthy, and has diminishing returns. It's essentially a metabolic shock diet that upsets your metabolic system and results in weight loss, but once you have achieved the weight loss you want, you need to switch to a diet that does not unbalance your glucose levels or risk high levels of ketones and urea in your system.
This right here. I find well timed fasting works best. Essential!y I eat what I want (within reason) with long periods of not eating and I stop eating hours before bedtime. I sometimes skip breakfast and even lunch, scatter such days to confuse the body
This right here. I find well timed fasting works best. Essential!y I eat what I want (within reason) with long periods of not eating and I stop eating hours before bedtime. I sometimes skip breakfast and even lunch, scatter such days to confuse the body

Intermittent fasting is the way to go for most people. I have been doing 18/6 IF for years (7 days a week), and my weight almost never fluctuates more than 2-3 pounds in a given month, and I pretty much eat whatever I want as well (within reason). Obviously, exercise is key as well. Sedentary lifestyle will make you sick faster than just about anything else.
It is fortunate that there are more and more options available these days of many foods with little or no carbs/sugar/etc.
A friend of mine is on the carnivore diet... basically he eats meat fish eggs and some vegetables.... he eats bacon for breakfast burger patty for lunch and a steak or bacon for dinner.... he said the hardest part of the diet was to quit drinking beer and yes believe it or not a person can get sick of

This is kind of like the "caveman diet". Not unhealthy per se, but not sustainable long term. I go to a boxing gym, and some of the younger guys are on this kind of diet. Some of them also smoke, which I don't get, but whatever...:dunno:
This is kind of like the "caveman diet". Not unhealthy per se, but not sustainable long term. I go to a boxing gym, and some of the younger guys are on this kind of diet. Some of them also smoke, which I don't get, but whatever...:dunno:
I wouldn't do it... I too think its dangerous to Kidneys and Liver and heart... but my friend lost 20 pounds in just 6 weeks and he refuses to exercise which I often bug him about....
I’m skeptical of all fad diets. You’d be better of eating a low carb diet that’s sensible and flexible enough to be on for the long term.

Cutting out stuff like bread, potatoes and rice is a lot harder than it sounds.

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