Keto pancakes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I am.
Luckily, I have a long history of high fat high protein cooking. Essentially keto for me is just elmiinating flour and sugar (and thus, bread and pasta).

I dropped ten lbs in a week, which is impressive. Of course, I am impressive, so nobody should be surprised.

But if you have awesome keto recipes, I'd love to see them.

Currently I'm all about this:

Keto Pancakes

4 oz softened/melted cream cheese
2 eggs, beaten.
1/8 tsp baking soda
Beat together till smooth, thin batter. Pour by 1/8 cups into buttered non stick frying pan. Cook them like pancakes.

About 1 carb per pancake, and they satisfy the craving for high carb food.

Keeping the carbs below 20 g (net) a day.

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