Kevin McCarthy Hands The Detonator To The Bomb Throwers

again, I have stated over and over that the GOP should not investigate Hunter nor should they try to impeach Joe, but the Dems helped set the table in 2016 and they may pay. We really need to quit the petty bullshit but for an ignorant person like yourself to deny facts is just more stupid partisan BS. Grow up dumb ass and educate himself.
how did the dems set the table to try and impeach Biden
McCarthy and Jim Jorden has stated if they get the house that they were going to start impeachment against Biden... they have said this so many times it's like they are a broken record nice try Skippy but like all you republicans you try and push the republicans poor leadertship on the Dems that boat doesn't float if anyone needs to grow up the dumb ass it's you ... you have no clue... why don't you try and grow up to the reality around you instead of blaming the Dems for every fuck up you republicans cause...

BTW, the only reason I want a Republican majority in the House is because it stops Biden's spending, I root for Dems to win when the President is a Republican because neither side can be trusted to do the right thing. Idiot!
the Dems and the republican have been trying for years to pass an infrastructure bill ... we Dems got it done ... and dumb fuck the bill is paid for there is no debt there are no tax increases that were created by Bidens infrastructure bill ... the CBO state this bill is paid for by the current budget ...but you dumb fuck republicans never take the time to read any factual information ...some namby-pamby republican yells they are spending and they way you go with all their disinformation go educate your self moron ..

now the second bill Biden signed into law that bill too is paid for by the current budget .. there are no new taxes, stated by the CBO ...that the bill is paid for in the current budget and since bide took control of the country the CBO stated he has paid back the national debt 1.3 trillion dollars ... so now what do we get a house that only cares about getting even with the Biden administration for make fool of the republicans ... believe me when I say in 2024 Biden will win the presidency...the Dems will take the house back and many republican senators will lose their seat ... why becasue they aren't concerned about doing anything for the people ...they ARE ONLY CONCERNED IN GETTING BACK AT THE DEMOCRATS FOR GOING AFTER TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, for wrongdoing to the country...the only politician that's shouldn't be trusted with anything its the republicans and you will get to see the collapse of the republican party like you never seen it happen like this in your life time .. you can take that to the bank ... dems are the ones that causing the republicans to go after hunter bide ... never heard so mush bull shit from one person ...grow up ...
"Hillary made Trey Goudy look so incompetent?" You have a vivid imagination.
oh that's why trey Goudy is still in the house cause he didn't make him look like the fool he is ... oh waut trey quit after his p[athetic attempt to go after Hillary ... made trey look incompetent she did here's the video where hillary made a fool of trey goudy... he's trying his damndest and still failed ...
Hunter Biden isn’t in government.
he has been…and his father is president. and his father has allowed him to fly in air force 2 to close million dollar deals with china…so we need to know everything…
McCarthy and Jim Jorden has stated if they get the house that they were going to start impeachment against Biden... they have said this so many times it's like they are a broken record nice try Skippy but like all you republicans you try and push the republicans poor leadertship on the Dems that boat doesn't float if anyone needs to grow up the dumb ass it's you ... you have no clue... why don't you try and grow up to the reality around you instead of blaming the Dems for every fuck up you republicans cause...

the Dems and the republican have been trying for years to pass an infrastructure bill ... we Dems got it done ... and dumb fuck the bill is paid for there is no debt there are no tax increases that were created by Bidens infrastructure bill ... the CBO state this bill is paid for by the current budget ...but you dumb fuck republicans never take the time to read any factual information ...some namby-pamby republican yells they are spending and they way you go with all their disinformation go educate your self moron ..

now the second bill Biden signed into law that bill too is paid for by the current budget .. there are no new taxes, stated by the CBO ...that the bill is paid for in the current budget and since bide took control of the country the CBO stated he has paid back the national debt 1.3 trillion dollars ... so now what do we get a house that only cares about getting even with the Biden administration for make fool of the republicans ... believe me when I say in 2024 Biden will win the presidency...the Dems will take the house back and many republican senators will lose their seat ... why becasue they aren't concerned about doing anything for the people ...they ARE ONLY CONCERNED IN GETTING BACK AT THE DEMOCRATS FOR GOING AFTER TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, for wrongdoing to the country...the only politician that's shouldn't be trusted with anything its the republicans and you will get to see the collapse of the republican party like you never seen it happen like this in your life time .. you can take that to the bank ... dems are the ones that causing the republicans to go after hunter bide ... never heard so mush bull shit from one person ...grow up ...
I have stated over and over again, but you don’t seem to understand English. The GOP should not impeach Biden, nor go after his son Hunter, however they are acting just as stupidly as the Democrats did, I am ashamed at both parties as they both seem to be stuck in party over country. The best Congressman in office is Manchin, he saved the Democrats with is no vote on spending $6.4 trillion. He helped curb inflation. I didn’t vote for Trump, I’m not a Republican, I am a fiscal conservative that realizes that down the road our grandchild are going to pay for our debt. You are fine for a lesser quality of life for our grandkids and great grandkids I am wanting better for them. I grew up long ago and saw that the two party system has gotten us poor quality politicians. Cortez, Jordan, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump and Hillary, these are terrible choices to lead a great nation but we picked them and until we wake up, this is the poor quality we will continue to get.
oh that's why trey Goudy is still in the house cause he didn't make him look like the fool he is ... oh waut trey quit after his p[athetic attempt to go after Hillary ... made trey look incompetent she did here's the video where hillary made a fool of trey goudy... he's trying his damndest and still failed ...

You're a babbling fool.
I have stated over and over again, but you don’t seem to understand English. The GOP should not impeach Biden, nor go after his son Hunter, however they are acting just as stupidly as the Democrats did, I am ashamed at both parties as they both seem to be stuck in party over country. The best Congressman in office is Manchin, he saved the Democrats with is no vote on spending $6.4 trillion. He helped curb inflation. I didn’t vote for Trump, I’m not a Republican, I am a fiscal conservative that realizes that down the road our grandchild are going to pay for our debt. You are fine for a lesser quality of life for our grandkids and great grandkids I am wanting better for them. I grew up long ago and saw that the two party system has gotten us poor quality politicians. Cortez, Jordan, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump and Hillary, these are terrible choices to lead a great nation but we picked them and until we wake up, this is the poor quality we will continue to get.
How is impeaching Biden foolish?
What does it accomplish? He gets impeached the Senate votes not to convict and nothing changes. Just like with Trump, it just shows us how petty and divided the two parties are.
One thing will change: progs won't go around saying "impeached President Trump" ever again.
One thing will change: progs won't go around saying "impeached President Trump" ever again.
Yes they will, they will say twice impeached President Trump and it has gained them nothing but looking childish and foolish because voters outside of hardcore Democrats don’t really care.
Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will

Republicans voiced the intent to investigate the Biden crimes the Democrats, DOJ, & FBI have been hiding & refusing to investigate...

...and that is what your pathetic, Democrat aplogist / ass-kissing self calls 'handing the detonator to the bomb throwers'?!

Yes they will, they will say twice impeached President Trump and it has gained them nothing but looking childish and foolish because voters outside of hardcore Democrats don’t really care.
If they didn't care, then progs wouldn't say it. One thing is certain, progs understand propaganda a lot better than you do.

This "turn the other cheek" bullshit doesn't have a place in American politics. It's the sure sign of a loser.
Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will
RCP Average11/3 - 11/17--26.966.1-39.2

70% of the country thinks that Biden has taken this country on the wrong track....You cheer him?

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