Kevin McCarthy Hands The Detonator To The Bomb Throwers

Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will
The Democrats before Trump was even elected we’re talking about impeaching him and you went right along with it, now you are against payback Because it isn’t you paying back. The same old partisan bull crap just on the other side, have either side ever thought about growing up?

The Democrats set themselves up for this and now you are squealing like a pig, one thing both parties should always remember, payback is bitch. Maybe you need to remember when you get back in power, right?
How is this going to help the economy or gas prices? :26:
It won’t but it will just keep playing into the two party games. Neither side gives a damn about prices or the working class, just revenge and their rich corporate donors, we see it every election.
Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will
Jim Jordan is going to make life a living hell for the Democrats. They deserve it.

First they will start with the massive corruption of the Biden family. Then how the Potatohead administration fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and then where in the hell the money is really going in Potatohead's fucked up spending bills.
are you really this stupid ... look how Hillary made Trey Goudy look so incompetent ... he had to not run because she made such a fool of him ... and your bozo republicans Jim Jorden and his ignorance tribe is going to go after Nancy Pelosi ... now that will be fun to watch jorden meltdown ... then they keep trying to go after hunter Biden that's funny ... you republicans keep putting your head in the noose every time you come to the mic ...

Irony in response noted.
Jim Jordan is going to make life a living hell for the Democrats. They deserve it.

First they will start with the massive corruption of the Biden family. Then how the Potatohead administration fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and then where in the hell the money is really going in Potatohead's fucked up spending bills.
Jordon is a hunting dog. Give him the scent and turn him loose. Love that guy, a true Patriot.
Jordon is a hunting dog. Give him the scent and turn him loose. Love that guy, a true Patriot.
He has been pissed at the the Democrats for getting away with dishonesty and corruption and now he will have the power to hold them accountable.
How is this going to help the economy or gas prices? :eusa_think:
Why would you think these investigations would have anything to do with the economy? Or are you suggesting that the only thing republicans should do in congress is work on the economy? If so, why didnt the democrats do that?
are you really this stupid ... look how Hillary made Trey Goudy look so incompetent ... he had to not run because she made such a fool of him ... and your bozo republicans Jim Jorden and his ignorance tribe is going to go after Nancy Pelosi ... now that will be fun to watch jorden meltdown ... then they keep trying to go after hunter Biden that's funny ... you republicans keep putting your head in the noose every time you come to the mic ...

"Hillary made Trey Goudy look so incompetent?" You have a vivid imagination.
Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.
The Dem zero majority in the Sentate didn't stop them from cramming through the Dem agenda now did it. Also, what "popular stuff"? :auiqs.jpg:
You love to spread vicious lies, don't you?
and you want to be in denial we get it ... he sat back and watched children get raped the turn his head
The Democrats before Trump was even elected we’re talking about impeaching him and you went right along with it, now you are against payback Because it isn’t you paying back. The same old partisan bull crap just on the other side, have either side ever thought about growing up?

The Democrats set themselves up for this and now you are squealing like a pig, one thing both parties should always remember, payback is bitch. Maybe you need to remember when you get back in power, right?
you are so full of shit never seen so much lying on one post … I’m not even going to waste my time … you republicans whine so much over bull shit … over nothing that has ever happen … that some right wing nut case blogger or conspiracy theory has told you … they keep trying to go after Hunter Biden and the FBI clearly has no case … their case is over his taxes and gun possession and they can’t even get a good case for that … then you bozo’s bring up his lap top … the FBI has his lap top and they could find anything their either … but you loser republicans keep wasting tax payers money … when are you going to realize this past election where you took the house barely by the skin of your teeth … here’s what’s going to happen nothing will happen … now garland I’d going after trump and there’s nothing you losers can do … trump is going down and I’m laughing my ass off at you losers
and you want to be in denial we get it ... he sat back and watched children get raped the turn his head

you are so full of shit never seen so much lying on one post … I’m not even going to waste my time … you republicans whine so much over bull shit … over nothing that has ever happen … that some right wing nut case blogger or conspiracy theory has told you … they keep trying to go after Hunter Biden and the FBI clearly has no case … their case is over his taxes and gun possession and they can’t even get a good case for that … then you bozo’s bring up his lap top … the FBI has his lap top and they could find anything their either … but you loser republicans keep wasting tax payers money … when are you going to realize this past election where you took the house barely by the skin of your teeth … here’s what’s going to happen nothing will happen … now garland I’d going after trump and there’s nothing you losers can do … trump is going down and I’m laughing my ass off at you losers

again, I have stated over and over that the GOP should not investigate Hunter nor should they try to impeach Joe, but the Dems helped set the table in 2016 and they may pay. We really need to quit the petty bullshit but for an ignorant person like yourself to deny facts is just more stupid partisan BS. Grow up dumb ass and educate himself.

BTW, the only reason I want a Republican majority in the House is because it stops Biden's spending, I root for Dems to win when the President is a Republican because neither side can be trusted to do the right thing. Idiot!
Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will

Hardly, Rs are nadless wonders. They'll yak yak yak with strong words and then whimper away.
Why is it a shit show when Republicans investigate Dims, but it's never a shit show when Democrats investigate Republicans? Why weren't the two Trump impeachments a "shit show?"

Democrats investigate things that Republcians have actually done, after they've happened. Then they call witnesses and hold hearings with witnesses who were there. Republican witnesses.

Republicans make up shit abut Democrats, and then inviestigate to find evidence that it really happened and Democrats did what they claimed. When they fail to find a single witness or a shred of eviidence, they continue to claim Democrats did it and they'll keep investigating until they prove it.

Finally, they declare Democrats "got away with it". Uranium one being a prime example.
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Republicans have been promising for weeks that if they took the House of Representatives, it would be payback time for Democrats. Sure, they had a big show around releasing their “Commitment to America” to attempt to show that they had some kind of intent to act like real responsible adults put in charge of a nation, but it was all show and no substance.

Now they have their teeny-tiny majority, they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do: seek revenge on Democrats for winning and doing popular stuff.

This was the first public statement from the House GOP after securing their gerrymandered, tiny majority.


That’s previewing the first official press conference where Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, the incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively, announce their ridiculous probes into Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. They gave a preview—where else—on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday. “We are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigation of President Biden,” Comer told Hannity. Because bogus investigations have worked out so well for them.

This isn’t going to work out for them like they think it will
First off you sound like the idiots on the right with their stolen election when you proclaim the GOP was based on gerrymandering.

Both sides do it and let not even start with that nonsense.

Second, if Democrats had any sense in their heads they would work with Never Trumpsters and have them go rogue to keep the GOP from gaining control of the House.

They ( Democrats ) should convince the Never Trumpers to flip to Independent and get enough to put the control of the House back into the Democrats hands.

It sounds insane but it should be attempted!
What's ridiculous about them? Biden is obviously a criminal who's been selling out America.

Dims won't be asking what we are going to impeach Biden for any longer.
You can Impeach until your balls turn blue but you lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove!

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