Kevin McCarthy is kicking all kinds of Joe and Nancy arse!

The dude is an articulate killer of democraps! Love it.

Will they ever get over the ice cream, I like ice cream , most people do!!

It's such a bad look for queen nancy. No. Never. She's fucking bitch who needs to be executed.

I think the majority of suffering people out there are seeing she is indeed to blame as well. I would have guessed she would have discovered this from the last time they were at odds on this. She's more stubborn or clueless than I thought.
Still on the ice cream. Well, may as well, nothing else is sticking. Hey Kev?, you do know Republicans are getting blamed for both the COVID response and their failure to come to a consensus on COVID relief?...Right?
But you go ahead and talk about ice cream if it makes you feel better. :)

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