Key Democrats, Led By Hillary Clinton, Leave No Doubt That Endless War Is Official U.s. Doctrine


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Long before Americans were introduced to the new 9/11 era super-villains called ISIS and Khorasan, senior Obama officials were openly and explicitly stating that America’s “war on terror,” already 12 years old, would last at least another decade. At first, they injected these decrees only anonymously; in late 2012, The Washington Post - disclosing the administration’s secret creation of a “disposition matrix” to decide who should be killed, imprisoned without charges, or otherwise “disposed” of -reported these remarkable facts:

Among senior Obama administration officials, there is a broad consensus that such operations are likely to be extended at least another decade. Given the way al-Qaida continues to metastasize, some officials said no clear end is in sight. . . . That timeline suggests that the United States has reached only the midpoint of what was once known as the global war on terrorism.”

In May, 2013, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing on whether it should revise the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF). A committee member asked a senior Pentagon official, Assistant Secretary Michael Sheehan, how long the war on terror would last; his reply: “At least 10 to 20 years.” At least. A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed afterward “that Sheehan meant the conflict is likely to last 10 to 20 more years from today — atop the 12 years that the conflict has already lasted.” As Spencer Ackerman put it: “Welcome to America’s Thirty Years War,” one which – by the Obama administration’s own reasoning – has “no geographic limit.”

Listening to all this, Maine’s independent Sen. Angus King said: “This is the most astounding and most astoundingly disturbing hearing that I’ve been to since I’ve been here. You guys have essentially rewritten the Constitution today.” Former Bush DOJ lawyer Jack Goldsmith – himself an ardent advocate of broad presidential powers – was at the hearing and noted that nobody even knows against whom this endless war is being waged: “Amazingly, there is a very large question even in the Armed Services Committee about who the United States is at war against and where, and how those determinations are made.”

Key Democrats Led by Hillary Clinton Leave No doubt that Endless War is Official U.S. Doctrine - The Intercept

So yes, even Democrats support an endless, self-perpetuating war in an effort to enrich their cronies and throw around American power.
Democrat/Republican isn't the point. Hillary Clinton is the ultimate evil Ruling-Class Globalist Elitist. She's clearly the NWO Globalist choice to be the next American President. And endless war is the goal. Always has been. War and chaos is big business for the Elites. They prosper while the 'little people' suffer.

Hopefully one day Americans will grow weary of endless war and demand an end. But honestly, i think that day is a long long way off. Americans have been conditioned for so long to glorify violence and war. It's all they know now.
There is only one way wars end. There is a victor and a loser. To the United States, to the west generally, both winning and losing is unacceptable. The west intends to fight until islam gives up without victory themselves. This is utter foolishness and deadly nonsense.

Islam means business. They will fight for total victory and fight to the death. They are willing to fight endlessly. They will never give up. Blaming either democrats or republicans for endless war is unthinkingly stupid. The enemy gets a vote. They vote for war as long as it takes until we are all dead.

If you don't want endless war your choices are to totally crush radical islam in a genocidal war of total devastation or kneel down and let them cut off your head. You see those guys getting beheaded. They quietly accept their death. They don't fight. They don't even use bad words. They are worse than sheep in the slaughter. A sheep will at least kick. The captured are a metaphor for the country. Lay down. Bleed and bleat about avoiding endless war.
There is only one way wars end. There is a victor and a loser. To the United States, to the west generally, both winning and losing is unacceptable. The west intends to fight until islam gives up without victory themselves. This is utter foolishness and deadly nonsense.

Islam means business. They will fight for total victory and fight to the death. They are willing to fight endlessly. They will never give up. Blaming either democrats or republicans for endless war is unthinkingly stupid. The enemy gets a vote. They vote for war as long as it takes until we are all dead.

If you don't want endless war your choices are to totally crush radical islam in a genocidal war of total devastation or kneel down and let them cut off your head. You see those guys getting beheaded. They quietly accept their death. They don't fight. They don't even use bad words. They are worse than sheep in the slaughter. A sheep will at least kick. The captured are a metaphor for the country. Lay down. Bleed and bleat about avoiding endless war.

And once the Muslim Boogeyman is gone, they'll simply invent a new Boogeyman. A Permanent state of War keeps the sheeple in fear and in line. The Globalist Elites will always have a Boogeyman for the sheep to fear and hate. The People just need to start understanding the game. They need to demand an end to endless war.
There is only one way wars end. There is a victor and a loser. To the United States, to the west generally, both winning and losing is unacceptable. The west intends to fight until islam gives up without victory themselves. This is utter foolishness and deadly nonsense.

Islam means business. They will fight for total victory and fight to the death. They are willing to fight endlessly. They will never give up. Blaming either democrats or republicans for endless war is unthinkingly stupid. The enemy gets a vote. They vote for war as long as it takes until we are all dead.

If you don't want endless war your choices are to totally crush radical islam in a genocidal war of total devastation or kneel down and let them cut off your head. You see those guys getting beheaded. They quietly accept their death. They don't fight. They don't even use bad words. They are worse than sheep in the slaughter. A sheep will at least kick. The captured are a metaphor for the country. Lay down. Bleed and bleat about avoiding endless war.

And once the Muslim Boogeyman is gone, they'll simply invent a new Boogeyman. A Permanent state of War keeps the sheeple in fear and in line. The Globalist Elites will always have a Boogeyman for the sheep to fear and hate. The People just need to start understanding the game. They need to demand an end to endless war.
Who the hell is 'they' and how do these all controlling elites get to these positions of authority? Do they take online classes? How can I sign up?
There is only one way wars end. There is a victor and a loser. To the United States, to the west generally, both winning and losing is unacceptable. The west intends to fight until islam gives up without victory themselves. This is utter foolishness and deadly nonsense.

Islam means business. They will fight for total victory and fight to the death. They are willing to fight endlessly. They will never give up. Blaming either democrats or republicans for endless war is unthinkingly stupid. The enemy gets a vote. They vote for war as long as it takes until we are all dead.

If you don't want endless war your choices are to totally crush radical islam in a genocidal war of total devastation or kneel down and let them cut off your head. You see those guys getting beheaded. They quietly accept their death. They don't fight. They don't even use bad words. They are worse than sheep in the slaughter. A sheep will at least kick. The captured are a metaphor for the country. Lay down. Bleed and bleat about avoiding endless war.

And once the Muslim Boogeyman is gone, they'll simply invent a new Boogeyman. A Permanent state of War keeps the sheeple in fear and in line. The Globalist Elites will always have a Boogeyman for the sheep to fear and hate. The People just need to start understanding the game. They need to demand an end to endless war.
Who the hell is 'they' and how do these all controlling elites get to these positions of authority? Do they take online classes? How can I sign up?

You don't sign up. You're chosen. Clearly, you're not in their club. If you were, you wouldn't be asking these questions.
There is only one way wars end. There is a victor and a loser. To the United States, to the west generally, both winning and losing is unacceptable. The west intends to fight until islam gives up without victory themselves. This is utter foolishness and deadly nonsense.

Islam means business. They will fight for total victory and fight to the death. They are willing to fight endlessly. They will never give up. Blaming either democrats or republicans for endless war is unthinkingly stupid. The enemy gets a vote. They vote for war as long as it takes until we are all dead.

If you don't want endless war your choices are to totally crush radical islam in a genocidal war of total devastation or kneel down and let them cut off your head. You see those guys getting beheaded. They quietly accept their death. They don't fight. They don't even use bad words. They are worse than sheep in the slaughter. A sheep will at least kick. The captured are a metaphor for the country. Lay down. Bleed and bleat about avoiding endless war.
Nonsense. There's also the choice of not killing or starving innocent people through bombings or sanctions and not propping up puppet dictators who oppress their people backed by U.S. taxpayer dollars so that those innocent people don't decide that the U.S. is obviously the enemy and turn to radicalism and violence in the first place.

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