Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Gas isn't priced that way. Nor does it determine investor flows or rig counts.

Gas was $5.00 plus. The argument everywhere was the reasons was Biden and the war in the Ukraine. (I didn't make that argument)

Prices are half that now in many places but Biden is still president and the war continues on.
Gas was $5.00 plus. The argument everywhere was the reasons was Biden and the war in the Ukraine. (I didn't make that argument)

Prices are half that now in many places but Biden is still president and the war continues on.
and thanks to senile joe, our strategic reserves are at record lows.
I've posted the links time and time again. You don't read them.

Are you asking for socialist policies here? Drilling is SUPPOSED to be done on private land in a capitalist country. And if, as you say, Obama had "zero impact", why did exploration and drilling drop off after Trump took office and opened up sales of leases on public lands again.

Obama time limited these leases in a "use it or lose it" plan which didn't renew the leases automatically. If the Lessee didn't drill, the lease was lost.

If I were in the oil business, I'd rather OWN the land than lease it. If you hit oil, you don't have to pay a royalty to the Lessor in perpetuity. You don't have to deal with federal environment issues and oversight, and you're not paying rent on land you're not using. THAT's why oil companies have lost interest in drilling on federal lands.
Drilling didn’t drop off after Trump opened up leases, Dumbass. It skyrocketed to over 400,000 bbl per month.

It dropped off when the Fauci Flu hit and Dimwinger Governors shut down, Simp.

And did you really just post oil companies don’t have to follow regulations if they own the land they are drilling in? Holy shit what a colossal dumbass you are. Completely clueless.
Drilling didn’t drop off after Trump opened up leases, Dumbass. It skyrocketed to over 400,000 bbl per month.

It dropped off when the Fauci Flu hit and Dimwinger Governors shut down, Simp.

And did you really just post oil companies don’t have to follow regulations if they own the land they are drilling in? Holy shit what a colossal dumbass you are. Completely clueless.
Whose regulations?
I've posted the links time and time again. You don't read them.

Are you asking for socialist policies here? Drilling is SUPPOSED to be done on private land in a capitalist country. And if, as you say, Obama had "zero impact", why did exploration and drilling drop off after Trump took office and opened up sales of leases on public lands again.

Obama time limited these leases in a "use it or lose it" plan which didn't renew the leases automatically. If the Lessee didn't drill, the lease was lost.

If I were in the oil business, I'd rather OWN the land than lease it. If you hit oil, you don't have to pay a royalty to the Lessor in perpetuity. You don't have to deal with federal environment issues and oversight, and you're not paying rent on land you're not using. THAT's why oil companies have lost interest in drilling on federal lands.
on what planet do you live on that you think if you own property you don’t have to follow federal regulations????
Gas was $5.00 plus. The argument everywhere was the reasons was Biden and the war in the Ukraine. (I didn't make that argument)

Prices are half that now in many places but Biden is still president and the war continues on.
It's a "fungible" commodity...sold on a world market...when people started eschewing Russian oil, the supply had to be redistributed to compensate for the shortfall..

Absent Ukraine, Reg. would be less than 2.50
Canada is better than the best of the US?
I doubt that, especially when it comes to emergency and elderly health care.
The Scandanavian countries are at least 95% White and you have to be wealthy to be admitted.

You doubt that??? On what evidence????

Elder health care in Canada is amazing compared to the US. Our co-pays are $100 per year for drugs. Everything else is fully covered, and there's no paperwork. Just swipe my 0HIP card and I'll be on my way.

We have a Conservative government in Ontario at the moment so we're having a health care "crisis", which means that the province closed a lot of beds, and abused nurses and staff over contracts. Canadian Conservatives try to do with health care what Republicans do with public education: make it so bad that everyone will clamor for an end to government run health care in Canada, and education in the USA.

Conservatives always destroy something as an excuse to turn it over to profiteers. Conservatives were re-elected solely because all of the parties on the left ran terrible campaigns and split the vote. They also did a good job during the pandemic, basically following Trudeau's lead, and the SARS Pandemic Report playbook. But Canadians aren't as gullible as Republican voters. You fuck with our health care, or our schools, you're gone.

Our publicly owned elder care facilities had 1/3 of the death rate from covid that the privately owned facilities had. Many of these private facilities are American owned and operated. They use the same hiring practices as American institutions - part time nurses who don't qualify for same benefits full time workers get, working at multiple institutions just to make a living.

My DIL was a nurse at one of these places - 2 days a week. They were told not to wear masks or PPE because it "frightened" the residents. She quit when the pandemic hit because she could see where this was headed, and she has a toddler at home. Most of the staff worked at 2 or three such jobs, to make a full time wage. When the inevitable outbreak came at the home where she had worked, it was no surprise. The home was fully stocked with PPE, because nobody used it. Workers going from home to home, spread the virus as they worked, even with visitors banned.

People thought that the extra money they paid for these homes ensured a higher standard of care than the publicly owned facilities, but what it was buying was part time staff, and big dividends for shareholders. There is now a public outcry post-covid to ban "for profit" homes.
haha wow another brilliant dembot…geez why do you think you don’t have to follow federal regulations if you own property??

There is a vast, vast difference between regulations which govern private land, and those which govern public land, especially around environmental issues, drilling, and restoration of the land. Not to mention, you can NEVER own this land, or do with it as you see fit, because the government can change the rules at any time.
You doubt that??? On what evidence????

Elder health care in Canada is amazing compared to the US. Our co-pays are $100 per year for drugs. Everything else is fully covered, and there's no paperwork. Just swipe my 0HIP card and I'll be on my way.

We have a Conservative government in Ontario at the moment so we're having a health care "crisis", which means that the province closed a lot of beds, and abused nurses and staff over contracts. Canadian Conservatives try to do with health care what Republicans do with public education: make it so bad that everyone will clamor for an end to government run health care in Canada, and education in the USA.

Conservatives always destroy something as an excuse to turn it over to profiteers. Conservatives were re-elected solely because all of the parties on the left ran terrible campaigns and split the vote. They also did a good job during the pandemic, basically following Trudeau's lead, and the SARS Pandemic Report playbook. But Canadians aren't as gullible as Republican voters. You fuck with our health care, or our schools, you're gone.

Our publicly owned elder care facilities had 1/3 of the death rate from covid that the privately owned facilities had. Many of these private facilities are American owned and operated. They use the same hiring practices as American institutions - part time nurses who don't qualify for same benefits full time workers get, working at multiple institutions just to make a living.

My DIL was a nurse at one of these places - 2 days a week. They were told not to wear masks or PPE because it "frightened" the residents. She quit when the pandemic hit because she could see where this was headed, and she has a toddler at home. Most of the staff worked at 2 or three such jobs, to make a full time wage. When the inevitable outbreak came at the home where she had worked, it was no surprise. The home was fully stocked with PPE, because nobody used it. Workers going from home to home, spread the virus as they worked, even with visitors banned.

People thought that the extra money they paid for these homes ensured a higher standard of care than the publicly owned facilities, but what it was buying was part time staff, and big dividends for shareholders. There is now a public outcry post-covid to ban "for profit" homes.
You claim KKKanada’s healthcare system is awesome, then bring a laundry list of how bad it sucks.

Nice job, Moron.

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