Key inflation cause: Republican policy

/----/ "They can't pass all the taxes on to us. "
Oh yes, they can, and they do.
They do even before the taxes are levied on them. They speculate they might, and raise prices. And when taxes aren't levied, they keep the prices where they are.

Then comes along a new company who sees they can do it better/cheaper.

Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy.
They do even before the taxes are levied on them. They speculate they might, and raise prices. And when taxes aren't levied, they keep the prices where they are.

Then comes along a new company who sees they can do it better/cheaper.

Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy.
/----/ "Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy."
Says the little man who uses corporate America's products like the internet 24/7/365. He'd have us all living in caves.
They do even before the taxes are levied on them. They speculate they might, and raise prices. And when taxes aren't levied, they keep the prices where they are.

Then comes along a new company who sees they can do it better/cheaper.

Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy.
First you said they speculate and raise prices. Then you said when they don't raise taxes, they don't raise prices. Which is it? Do they raise prices or do they not raise prices?
First you said they speculate and raise prices. Then you said when they don't raise taxes, they don't raise prices. Which is it? Do they raise prices or do they not raise prices?
/---/ These libtards just spout out whatever sounds plausible in their minds. They have no idea how the economy works or how corporations manage their overhead to set wholesale or consumer prices.
There certainly are... and they don't pay anywhere near their fair share to start with.

Let's be blunt, Lisa. You don't work now, you are getting social security. And I suspect when you did work, it consisted of maybe two hours of work a day and six hours of gossiping about the families of the kids at the school you worked for.

the real problem is, of course, is that people just aren't signing up for the crap jobs flipping burgers anymore. And why should they?
What economic theory supports your belief that rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior will culminate in great results all around?

If the top 1% of earners pay 40% of all Federal Income Taxes paid, how much more would be their fair share?


You're quite the MAN. Jumping online to denigrate someone about which you know nothing.

Since you profess to be an expert and all-knowing on all subjects, what is the typical household income where at least one worker is earning the minimum wage?
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/----/ "Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy."
Says the little man who uses corporate America's products like the internet 24/7/365. He'd have us all living in caves.
Yea but what we call people like you is a house slave. You clearly agree with your masters on everything. Bitch boy. Lap dog.
/——/ You know nothing about me, nor do I have any masters.
Then you must own a corporation and think we're stupid to give you more tax breaks with the same old argument you've used to pass the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. ENOUGH with asking us for more handouts bitch. Pay your taxes.
democrats could control government for the next 20 years, and you'd STILL hear the idiots whining about how everything is the Republicans' fault.

I told you the other day corporate profits caused inflation. For the last 2 or 3 years corporations have raised their prices on speculation. And that speculation didn't happen. They raised their prices just in case and nothing happened. So they just gouged us really. Do you think they will lower the prices when they don't have to? What they found is us consumers buy regardless of what the price is. No need to lower prices.

Notice corporations are starting to give coupons out again? They weren't giving out coupons the last few years. So yes spending has slowed. It's going to cause a minor recession. That's the solution to inflation. It's gonna hurt a little. But we will come out of it just like we did during Carter/Reagan. Reagan didn't do shit it was going to happen anyways. They just blamed inflation on Carter. Like they blame Biden now.

Trump's tax breaks also caused prices to go up. If raising minimum wage causes inflation, so does giving everyone a tax break. Duh.
Then you must own a corporation and think we're stupid to give you more tax breaks with the same old argument you've used to pass the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. ENOUGH with asking us for more handouts bitch. Pay your taxes.
As you know, the Reagan, Bush, and Trump tax cuts resulted in far more revenues.

Please share with us specifically the source of every dollar a corporation pays in taxes.

"Pay your taxes"! Who are you talking to that is not paying their taxes?


I told you the other day corporate profits caused inflation. For the last 2 or 3 years corporations have raised their prices on speculation. And that speculation didn't happen. They raised their prices just in case and nothing happened. So they just gouged us really. Do you think they will lower the prices when they don't have to? What they found is us consumers buy regardless of what the price is. No need to lower prices.

Notice corporations are starting to give coupons out again? They weren't giving out coupons the last few years. So yes spending has slowed. It's going to cause a minor recession. That's the solution to inflation. It's gonna hurt a little. But we will come out of it just like we did during Carter/Reagan. Reagan didn't do shit it was going to happen anyways. They just blamed inflation on Carter. Like they blame Biden now.

Trump's tax breaks also caused prices to go up. If raising minimum wage causes inflation, so does giving everyone a tax break. Duh.
I told you the other day corporate profits caused inflation. For the last 2 or 3 years corporations have raised their prices on speculation. And that speculation didn't happen. They raised their prices just in case and nothing happened. So they just gouged us really. Do you think they will lower the prices when they don't have to? What they found is us consumers buy regardless of what the price is. No need to lower prices.

Notice corporations are starting to give coupons out again? They weren't giving out coupons the last few years. So yes spending has slowed. It's going to cause a minor recession. That's the solution to inflation. It's gonna hurt a little. But we will come out of it just like we did during Carter/Reagan. Reagan didn't do shit it was going to happen anyways. They just blamed inflation on Carter. Like they blame Biden now.

Trump's tax breaks also caused prices to go up. If raising minimum wage causes inflation, so does giving everyone a tax break. Duh.
And the dance commences, carefully weaving, ducking and dodging to avoid casting even a shadow of blame on democrats.
Yes, no doubt you're MUCH more informed than him.

The motherfucker gets state welfare and EBT, so yeah, I'd say I have a bit more sense when it comes to finances than him.

And yes he has a degree in that and a business in that. He doesn't seem to get many clients though, even without him

disclosing to clients what I know about him.

A lot of people have good sense, is what I think.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

View attachment 743240

View attachment 743244

They won't listen or admit anything.

U.S. crude oil exports and refined product exports are both are record highs, at 3.4 million bpd and 3 million bpd respectively. Meanwhile, crude oil imports are declining, falling to 1.1 million bpd in November compared to 7 million bpd five years ago.Dec 20, 2022

The U.S. Could Become A Net Oil Exporter In 2023 › Energy › Energy-General

About featured snippets


U.S. poised to become net exporter of crude oil in 2023 | Reuters › business › energy › us-poised-...

Dec 19, 2022 — HOUSTON, Dec 19 (Reuters) - The United States has become a global crude oil exporting power over the last few years, but exports have not ...

Republican economic policy is largely Democrat economic policy.

Limbaugh convinced the rubes that they're economic experts because dittos.

On no subject do they display the Dunning-Kruger Effect more vividly than economics & markets.

...and a 22 year financial advisor/CFP, ChFC/CLU, 7/63/65.

Tell me, what is your education, training, background and practical experience in analyzing and acting on markets & economics?


Restricted supply in an opening economy was the main driver world wide for sure. That was further driven by terrible Republican stewardship albeit to a lesser extent than the supply issue.

Not true. Inflation is the gradual loss of purchasing power, reflected in a broad rise in prices for goods and services.

Not much else in the shallow end.

Another round of tax cuts for the billionaires will take care of the inflation problem.

General comments that doesn’t address my point that republicans have added the stress to inflation.

You could actually go back to RayGun who said that "deficit spending was good." And proved it by exploding the deficit, percentage wise, more than any other president.

Not my problem you don't know the difference between debt and deficit.

I realize that the lying right wing media told you this, but they were lying. Trump cooperated in the reduction of worldwide oil production, to push up the price of gasoline in the USA, so that oil companies could profit. These links have been posted for you multiple times.

Biden is one of the architects of the policies that created the greatest spike in energy production in American history - the Obama Administration. See links previously posted.

But you continue to believe the lying right wing media, over and over again. Are you really that stupid????? Are you incapable of learning from your past mistakes and having your lies called out time after time after time????

To review what actually happened, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions and trillions and trillions in stimulus are pumped into the economy since 2009
  2. The Fed purposely keeps interest rates as low as possible
  3. We ALL go all those years waiting for all this stimulus to create MASSIVE inflation
  4. COVID hits and the economy falls into complete structural disarray and becomes wildly uneven
  5. COVID subsides, many industries struggle to re-open having lost employees and having made big systemic changes
  6. Flush with cash, demand explodes globally coming out of the COVID lockdowns
  7. Supply chains immediately collapse worldwide, across virtually all industry (production/distribution) strata
  8. Inflation hits and rapidly compounds on itself with supply chains still paralyzed
  9. The Fed waits far too long (maybe 8 to 10 months) to gradually control the inflation with higher rates
  10. Far behind the curve, the Fed has to keep increasing rates and the strain on the real estate market begins
  11. The increased interest rates put a boot on the throat of the economy, sending the real estate market into a tailspin
  12. Today, as inflation has leveled off and is (hopefully) headed back down, we hope for a soft landing or only mild recession
You're welcome.

Oh. Must be time to give ya a checkin on Biden prices! Under $3 near me.

View attachment 743918

Find your own information. Sorry, it didn't lead you right to it. I guess you're going to have to work for it, if you want to know the truth. trump was never a good businessman, that's why so many of his ventures went belly up. Poor business practices. When he attended Wharton College ( part of the University of Pa. ) One of his professors said he was the worst student he ever had. Unfortunately trump never changed. I wouldn't trust him as a dogcatcher and people like you want to see this careless and reckless person in charge of our country again
He did enough damage the first time

Sure ya did…

There certainly are... and they don't pay anywhere near their fair share to start with.

Let's be blunt, Lisa. You don't work now, you are getting social security. And I suspect when you did work, it consisted of maybe two hours of work a day and six hours of gossiping about the families of the kids at the school you worked for.

the real problem is, of course, is that people just aren't signing up for the crap jobs flipping burgers anymore. And why should they?

They do even before the taxes are levied on them. They speculate they might, and raise prices. And when taxes aren't levied, they keep the prices where they are.

Then comes along a new company who sees they can do it better/cheaper.

Quit allowing corporate America to own you like a little bitch boy.
ATTN all you jackass stupid/hate America shitbags.

I just came from the grocery store and everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.

That's the kind of bullshit you idiots support! It wasn't this bad even with Carter. :nono:

You can try to deflect all you want; But Joe Biden and his administration did this on day 1 of his presidency right here, you fucking

jackass morons!

"Protecting ruling elite health by pricing necesseties out of reach of everyone else" is what it should be called.


Everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.
Then you must own a corporation and think we're stupid to give you more tax breaks with the same old argument you've used to pass the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. ENOUGH with asking us for more handouts bitch. Pay your taxes.
/——-/ I don’t own a corporation, nor did I ever. You just love making assumptions about people you don’t know. Typical liberal.
Then you must own a corporation and think we're stupid to give you more tax breaks with the same old argument you've used to pass the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. ENOUGH with asking us for more handouts bitch. Pay your taxes.
The reason to pass tax cuts is so you can keep more of your money, dumbass.

What more reason do you need?
ATTN all you jackass stupid/hate America shitbags.

I just came from the grocery store and everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.

That's the kind of bullshit you idiots support! It wasn't this bad even with Carter. :nono:

You can try to deflect all you want; But Joe Biden and his administration did this on day 1 of his presidency right here, you fucking

jackass morons!

"Protecting ruling elite health by pricing necesseties out of reach of everyone else" is what it should be called.


Everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.
50-100% huh? Well then you’re a moron because food prices are up 22% since Trump left as a result of him fucking up the economy. Proof that a fool and his money are easily parted.

As you know, someone earning less than $43,000 a year pays nothing in Federal Income Tax.I realize you enjoy your free ride but I strongly believe that EVERYONE should have some skin in the game.

Why do you believe that half our citizens should get a free ride? Shouldn't everyone who benefits from living in this great country help foot the bill?

Everyone pays taxes dipshit. Everyone.

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