Key inflation cause: Republican policy

50-100% huh? Well then you’re a moron because food prices are up 22% since Trump left as a result of him fucking up the economy. Proof that a fool and his money are easily parted.

Oh! 1 guy says?!

Well hey, 3 people agreed with me today that grocery prices are up 50%-100%.

That beats your 1 dude all to hell and I can prove what I say, bitch!

Let's see you take an aggregate of 100 item prices from 2020 and compare them to prices for the same things today, boi!

Name something most people use, dumbass.
Everyone pays taxes dipshit. Everyone.
Up to your usual hair-splitting ways. Concentrate now, the subject is FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.

Oh! 1 guy says?!

Well hey, 3 people agreed with me today that grocery prices are up 50%-100%.

That beats your 1 dude all to hell and I can prove what I say, bitch!

Let's see you take an aggregate of 100 item prices from 2020 and compare them to prices for the same things today, boi!

Name something most people use, dumbass.
Sigh. I respond with data of priced goods that have been measured for decades and universally used as the inflation metric. You respond with some anonymous internet users’ opinions. Tell me. Which of these from my grocery store is hard for your broke ass to buy?


All from Kroger’s Harris Teeter in Charlotte North Carolina.
Up to your usual hair-splitting ways. Concentrate now, the subject is FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.
There are tons of taxes that are regressive. Income tax makes up for that by evening out the burden. I pay more than you pay. In fact your taxes are closer to zero than my number so you are more dead weight to me than someone who pays zero is to you.
I pay more than you pay. In fact your taxes are closer to zero than my number so you are more dead weight to me than someone who pays zero is to you.
Nice straw man.
Unless you have his tax returns, that is. Do you?
Sigh. I respond with data of priced goods that have been measured for decades and universally used as the inflation metric. You respond with some anonymous internet users’ opinions. Tell me. Which of these from my grocery store is hard for your broke ass to buy?

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All from Kroger’s Harris Teeter in Charlotte North Carolina.
All those items are 50%-100% higher than they were 3 years ago. It's everything, you fucking moron.

Not the ground beef, that's not quite 50% higher, but everything else is.

Why do you not care? You don't buy groceries?

Family or Uncle Sam buys them for you?

Milk is $2.39/gal and eggs are $1.78/doz here..

And that's not cheap. :nono:
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ATTN all you jackass stupid/hate America shitbags.

I just came from the grocery store and everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.

That's the kind of bullshit you idiots support! It wasn't this bad even with Carter. :nono:

You can try to deflect all you want; But Joe Biden and his administration did this on day 1 of his presidency right here, you fucking

jackass morons!

"Protecting ruling elite health by pricing necesseties out of reach of everyone else" is what it should be called.


Everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.

I live in Canada and the same thing is happening here. Low income Canadians are getting a grocery supplement payment next month.
All those items are 50%-100% higher than they were 3 years ago. It's everything, you fucking moron.

Not the ground beef, that's not quite 50% higher, but everything else is.

Why do you not care? You don't buy groceries?

Family or Uncle Sam buys them for you?

Milk is $2.39/gal and eggs are $1.78/doz here..

And that's not cheap. :nono:

Yeah, it is. Milk is over $6 a gallon, eggs are $4.32 a dozen. Gas is nearly $6 a gallon.

How can farmers live on the prices you’re paying?
All those items are 50%-100% higher than they were 3 years ago. It's everything, you fucking moron.

Not the ground beef, that's not quite 50% higher, but everything else is.

Why do you not care? You don't buy groceries?

Family or Uncle Sam buys them for you?

Milk is $2.39/gal and eggs are $1.78/doz here..

And that's not cheap. :nono:
No they aren’t. Chicken at $3.99 wasn’t $1.99 you moron. I buy the groceries in my fam since I love to cook. Noodles at $2 is the same. Shit they still go on sale for $1. Sauce for $2.50? That was not $1.25. White bread wasn’t $1.25 since 1980. You’re crazy. That’s why the CPI measures all items and says they are up 22%.
Nice straw man.
Unless you have his tax returns, that is. Do you?
I just know what I pay. But regardless someone is always paying more. It’s arbitrary to pick a point unless you want us all to pay the same dollars which is stupid.
I just know what I pay. But regardless someone is always paying more.
You said that you pay much more than Markle.
Can you prove that, or is it just a guess?
It’s arbitrary to pick a point unless you want us all to pay the same dollars which is stupid.
Why do you think that idea is stupid?
We all have the same rights and protections under the government. Why should one person pay more for them?
Just saying it's stupid is a child's tactic.
You know what causes inflation? Corporate Profits.

There is a formula for what causes inflation, and it's very simple. It is costs plus corporate profits. That's how you get inflation. If costs increase for a company because workers want higher wages or because the cost of raw materials go up, you can get inflation. If corporate profits go up, you can get inflation. Now, you may remember a lot of economists last year saying that corporations or corporate greed was not driving inflation, but

Normally profits contribute less than a third to inflation. But, he found that in 2021, corporate profits could account for about double that, nearly 60% of inflation, meaning it was not costs driving inflation. It was corporate profits. Now, some economists hear this and think this is proof that companies were just using inflation as an excuse to gouge customers. Andrew does not think this. He thinks companies likely raised prices not because their costs went up in 2021 - because they did not, really - but because they were anticipating that their costs would go up a lot in 2022.

If we were to get in a situation where not only in 2021 did firms expect higher inflation but in 2022, they expected it, 2023, they expected it, then we very well could end up in a world where profits are always a major contributing force to inflation.

There is a formula for what causes inflation, and it's very simple. It is costs plus corporate profits.

Why aren't corporate profits triple what they were last year? Or ten times? Fifty?
50-100% huh? Well then you’re a moron because food prices are up 22% since Trump left as a result of him fucking up the economy. Proof that a fool and his money are easily parted.

/——-/ Please tell us how Trump fi*ked up the economy. It would be nice if you posted any proof.
ATTN all you jackass stupid/hate America shitbags.

I just came from the grocery store and everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.

That's the kind of bullshit you idiots support! It wasn't this bad even with Carter. :nono:

You can try to deflect all you want; But Joe Biden and his administration did this on day 1 of his presidency right here, you fucking

jackass morons!

"Protecting ruling elite health by pricing necesseties out of reach of everyone else" is what it should be called.


Everything I bought today was 50%-100% more than when Trump was president.
This all started, don't forget, when Trump gave EVERYONE a tax break. You didn't think that would cause inflation?

And corporate profits and speculation caused inflation. Do you want Biden to regulate these companies better?

And Obama handed Trump a sweet economy, didn't he? But the first crisis, the pandemic, Trump shit the bed and the economy got shut down for longer than it should have why?

a. Republicans didn't wear masks
b. Republicans didn't social distance
c. Republicans didn't get vaccinated
d. Republicans went to super spreader Trump rallies.

You Republicans killed 1 million plus Americans. Nice job Trump. Thanks for hiding from us how serious the virus was. Thanks for not sharing what you knew because you didn't want to fuck up your precious economy. Now The Duke's groceries are more expensive and he can't afford to pay his rent. He has to start a go fund me page.
There is a formula for what causes inflation, and it's very simple. It is costs plus corporate profits.

Why aren't corporate profits triple what they were last year? Or ten times? Fifty?

I don't know why?

Even with today’s slowdown, profit growth remains a big driver of inflation in recent yearsCorporate profits have contributed to more than a third of price growth​

It’s very easy. He cut taxes on the national credit card. Then he increased spending. Just like Reagan, and just like W. And just like Reagan W, the economy crashed.
/------/ "He cut taxes on the national credit card. "
I can't stop laughing. National credit card????? That's your proof???? Is it a Visa or Mastercard? You blithering idiot.
BTW, if the Republican Congress fails to stop the democRATs new spending bill, and Dementia Joe signs it, will you blame him for the increased spending too? Will ya????

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