Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration...

Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

The man has a clear financial interest in Trump not being elected, but I haven't heard anyone saying they wanted to beat him to death like one regressive reporter said about Smith. Your continued hypocrisy is amazing.
Everyone in America and on the entire planet has a clear financial interest in Trump not being elected.

Nice broad brush deflection.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

He was self promoting, playing off his dead kid.

No. I disagree. He was making an important point - that Muslim Americans are AMERICANS, that they have given to this country and that a candidate like Trump thinks otherwise and feeds the flames with his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He had just as much right to respect as Patricia Smith.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

He was self promoting, playing off his dead kid.

No. I disagree. He was making an important point - that Muslim Americans are AMERICANS, that they have given to this country and that a candidate like Trump thinks otherwise and feeds the flames with his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He had just as much right to respect as Patricia Smith.
Who said Americans must be deported? Yet another stupid strawman by the left.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

The man has a clear financial interest in Trump not being elected, but I haven't heard anyone saying they wanted to beat him to death like one regressive reporter said about Smith. Your continued hypocrisy is amazing.

One regressive reporter versus a slew of rightwing media.

Oh there was a lot more left wing media types chiming in, I simply pointed to the worse one. Of course you knew that already.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

He was self promoting, playing off his dead kid.

No. I disagree. He was making an important point - that Muslim Americans are AMERICANS, that they have given to this country and that a candidate like Trump thinks otherwise and feeds the flames with his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He had just as much right to respect as Patricia Smith.

We will have to agree to disagee then, I am not interested in posting with you at this point.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.
The implication he had an association with terrorists turned out to be true.
Two kids died serving their country. One parent condemns terrorists and a government official who had a say in his protection. The other parents lash out at a person who had nothing to do with his death and hold the terrorists blameless.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?
The longer it goes the more the truth will dribble out....,play on baby
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

More like he spoke for his pocket book, his business relies on open muslim immigration, he used his son for regressive propaganda, insinuating the feds don't have the constitutional authority to set immigration rules on what ever criteria they deem fit. That of course was a lie, but what can you expect from a lawyer arguing a case, winning is all that matters.
It's comming out....he's pimping visas.....khan wants.out of the spotlight now....hmmmmmmmmmm
Two kids died serving their country. One parent condemns terrorists and a government official who had a say in his protection. The other parents lash out at a person who had nothing to do with his death and hold the terrorists blameless.

Kahn condemned terrorists. That must have slipped by you.

Kahn lashed out at Trumps anti-Muslim rhetoric and attacks - not blaming Trump for his son's death.

He had every right to lash out at rhetoric that is hateful and divisive. He had as much right, as the grieving parent of a child who was killed in the service of his country - a country, that if Trump leads would never have allowed him in the first place, and who considers his service and his family as less worthy of respect. He had as much right to his words and feelings as Patricia Smith did, and for those that try to somehow claim it is different, I'm simply disgusted.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

He was self promoting, playing off his dead kid.
Because.......some people here can't imagine a father grieving for their son and seeing their religion vilified by a Presidential candidate as incredibly wrong after his son's sacrifice...............?

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