Kill Them Now Or Kill Them Later


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the left in this Country.

'Kill them now': AL Dem State Rep. John Rogers' argument FOR abortion is VILE so media runs with 'Conservatives POUNCE'

Democrats elect horrible, terrible people.

Sorry, not sorry.

The comments from this Democratic State Rep out of Alabama are some of the vilest and most disgusting this editor has had the unfortunate ‘privilege’ to hear.

Ryan Saavedra


Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) on abortion: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”


7:14 PM - May 1, 2019


So how would the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media spin something so impossible to spin??

Take a guess.

Ready? No? Take a minute......






Ryan Saavedra


A Democrat politician literally talks about killing “unwanted,” “retarded,” and “half deformed” babies and far-left publications like The Hill frame their report on it as “conservatives pounce”


12:07 AM - May 2, 2019

dimocraps should get free abortion on demand if we are allowed to sterilize them

I'd even go so far as to give them $5 from Crime Stop
Blacks democrats are surpassing White dems as the most outrageous racists
Democrats are well known for saying stupid shit. That’s especially true for the black ones.....

Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.
Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.

Yeah . . . no. Problem with that is a conceived child has no decision in who his or her parents are. Abortion fucking removes entirely the right of the child to live. In other words, legal abortion makes deleting another independent, living human being from the planet a legal and viable option--genocide to go. To hell with the worthiness of the parents, how the hell would any one of us feel about someone having the authority to murder us for their own supposed well being. The entire abortion debate misses the most crucial/poignant important bit: the child's right to exist in the first place. This idiot politician has no respect for human life; human life is just a quantity to be spent or saved depending on convenience, finances, votes, etc. That's pure barbarism circa about 500 B.C.
Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.

Yeah . . . no. Problem with that is a conceived child has no decision in who his or her parents are. Abortion fucking removes entirely the right of the child to live. In other words, legal abortion makes deleting another independent, living human being from the planet a legal and viable option--genocide to go. To hell with the worthiness of the parents, how the hell would any one of us feel about someone having the authority to murder us for their own supposed well being. The entire abortion debate misses the most crucial/poignant important bit: the child's right to exist in the first place. This idiot politician has no respect for human life; human life is just a quantity to be spent or saved depending on convenience, finances, votes, etc. That's pure barbarism circa about 500 B.C.

I would disagree. First, let’s get serious for a minute, and leave the hyperbole on the table. We can always get it back in a minute.

As for getting serious. Even the staunchest anti abortion individuals believe it would be acceptable if the Mother’s life was jeopardized by the baby. Most of them even agree it may be acceptable in the cases of Incest, or Rape.

Like Guns, you can’t un-invent them. It isn’t practical to even pretend that you can get the hundreds of millions of firearms out of the population. All the claims otherwise are merely pipe dreams, at best.

Abortion is like that. You can’t un-invent it. Now, we talked a moment ago about the cases in which an Abortion would be acceptable to a majority of the population. Only a few people out of a hundred would not permit Abortion in those cases.

How many false rape claims are you prepared to deal with? Because there will be hundreds of thousands in the first year alone. Now, even if the Fellow is found to have engaged in consensual sex, even if it is before the trial, his reputation is just destroyed. There is no way to convince everyone that he was really innocent. If it goes to trial, and is found to have been consensual, then he would be found Not Guilty. Not guilty. It isn’t a finding of innocence, just lack of sufficient evidence to get a Guilty Verdict.

Do you charge all the women? If you think the courts are backed up now, try tacking on a few hundred thousand false rape claims. Even if there is evidence, more than enough, to convict, the chances are the Jury would find Not Guilty. They can despite the evidence. It is called Jury Nullification.

Like Prohibition, it would rapidly become an unenforceable crime. The woman just has to swear she was raped, and she has the abortion. If later, she is found guilty, of what? Filing a false police report? Perhaps of murder? Not likely on the Murder Charge.

Realistically, Abortions are never going to be eliminated. And even if you did, then how do you prevent people from crossing borders to get an Abortion? Vacation to somewhere and while you’re there, get rid of your little problem.

So the only people who would be stuck with the child, would be the poor who couldn’t take the vacation, or who were afraid of filing the fake rape charges to make it “legal”. So then we could hear the Conservatives screaming about how awful it is that these single mothers have so many kids on Welfare. They’ll scream about how much money it is costing taxpayers.

So we are back to the realistic answer, the only realistic answer. Keeping them legal.
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the left in this Country.

'Kill them now': AL Dem State Rep. John Rogers' argument FOR abortion is VILE so media runs with 'Conservatives POUNCE'

Democrats elect horrible, terrible people.

Sorry, not sorry.

The comments from this Democratic State Rep out of Alabama are some of the vilest and most disgusting this editor has had the unfortunate ‘privilege’ to hear.

Ryan Saavedra


Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) on abortion: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”


7:14 PM - May 1, 2019


So how would the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media spin something so impossible to spin??

Take a guess.

Ready? No? Take a minute......






Ryan Saavedra


A Democrat politician literally talks about killing “unwanted,” “retarded,” and “half deformed” babies and far-left publications like The Hill frame their report on it as “conservatives pounce”


12:07 AM - May 2, 2019

dimocraps should get free abortion on demand if we are allowed to sterilize them

I'd even go so far as to give them $5 from Crime Stop
this guy is almost as smart as Maxine Waters.
Maybe he should run for US Congress.
He's a perfect Dummyrat.
Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.
I've been saying that for years too. Leftists should get abortions every chance they get. Although most of the feminist hags I've seen are too repulsive to have a man maintain an erection in their presence unless he's a queer or likes to fuck angry manatees.

Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.

Yeah . . . no. Problem with that is a conceived child has no decision in who his or her parents are. Abortion fucking removes entirely the right of the child to live. In other words, legal abortion makes deleting another independent, living human being from the planet a legal and viable option--genocide to go. To hell with the worthiness of the parents, how the hell would any one of us feel about someone having the authority to murder us for their own supposed well being. The entire abortion debate misses the most crucial/poignant important bit: the child's right to exist in the first place. This idiot politician has no respect for human life; human life is just a quantity to be spent or saved depending on convenience, finances, votes, etc. That's pure barbarism circa about 500 B.C.

I would disagree. First, let’s get serious for a minute, and leave the hyperbole on the table. We can always get it back in a minute.

As for getting serious. Even the staunchest anti abortion individuals believe it would be acceptable if the Mother’s life was jeopardized by the baby. Most of them even agree it may be acceptable in the cases of Incest, or Rape.

Like Guns, you can’t un-invent them. It isn’t practical to even pretend that you can get the hundreds of millions of firearms out of the population. All the claims otherwise are merely pipe dreams, at best.

Abortion is like that. You can’t un-invent it. Now, we talked a moment ago about the cases in which an Abortion would be acceptable to a majority of the population. Only a few people out of a hundred would not permit Abortion in those cases.

How many false rape claims are you prepared to deal with? Because there will be hundreds of thousands in the first year alone. Now, even if the Fellow is found to have engaged in consensual sex, even if it is before the trial, his reputation is just destroyed. There is no way to convince everyone that he was really innocent. If it goes to trial, and is found to have been consensual, then he would be found Not Guilty. Not guilty. It isn’t a finding of innocence, just lack of sufficient evidence to get a Guilty Verdict.

Do you charge all the women? If you think the courts are backed up now, try tacking on a few hundred thousand false rape claims. Even if there is evidence, more than enough, to convict, the chances are the Jury would find Not Guilty. They can despite the evidence. It is called Jury Nullification.

Like Prohibition, it would rapidly become an unenforceable crime. The woman just has to swear she was raped, and she has the abortion. If later, she is found guilty, of what? Filing a false police report? Perhaps of murder? Not likely on the Murder Charge.

Realistically, Abortions are never going to be eliminated. And even if you did, then how do you prevent people from crossing borders to get an Abortion? Vacation to somewhere and while you’re there, get rid of your little problem.

So the only people who would be stuck with the child, would be the poor who couldn’t take the vacation, or who were afraid of filing the fake rape charges to make it “legal”. So then we could hear the Conservatives screaming about how awful it is that these single mothers have so many kids on Welfare. They’ll scream about how much money it is costing taxpayers.

So we are back to the realistic answer, the only realistic answer. Keeping them legal.

I appreciate your well written response. However, you're still missing the point: a child's right to live; a human being who is an independent entity--independent of the mother's desire or will. That, and you've subscribed to the fruit of falsified statistics. No worries, you've company in that regard . . . numbering in the tens of millions who believe as you do. Perhaps the better solution is to deprogram yourself of the ideology, junk science and culture war rhetoric.

Research the political alignment of those who published statistics describing the number of women seeking abortions nationwide, annually--prior to Roe v. Wade. You'll have to go back decades, but if you dig deeply enough, who knows what you'll find. Learn about the so-called social scientists, when social science was in its infancy, who published papers, wrote academic texts in support of abortion and the pill. Breadcrumbs. Follow them or don't. It's your soul.
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Personally, I support Abortion. I turned it around, George Carlin famously said. “Most of the women who are against Abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.”

I turned it around. Most of the women who have Abortions are women you wouldn’t want as Parents.

Yeah . . . no. Problem with that is a conceived child has no decision in who his or her parents are. Abortion fucking removes entirely the right of the child to live. In other words, legal abortion makes deleting another independent, living human being from the planet a legal and viable option--genocide to go. To hell with the worthiness of the parents, how the hell would any one of us feel about someone having the authority to murder us for their own supposed well being. The entire abortion debate misses the most crucial/poignant important bit: the child's right to exist in the first place. This idiot politician has no respect for human life; human life is just a quantity to be spent or saved depending on convenience, finances, votes, etc. That's pure barbarism circa about 500 B.C.

I would disagree. First, let’s get serious for a minute, and leave the hyperbole on the table. We can always get it back in a minute.

As for getting serious. Even the staunchest anti abortion individuals believe it would be acceptable if the Mother’s life was jeopardized by the baby. Most of them even agree it may be acceptable in the cases of Incest, or Rape.

Like Guns, you can’t un-invent them. It isn’t practical to even pretend that you can get the hundreds of millions of firearms out of the population. All the claims otherwise are merely pipe dreams, at best.

Abortion is like that. You can’t un-invent it. Now, we talked a moment ago about the cases in which an Abortion would be acceptable to a majority of the population. Only a few people out of a hundred would not permit Abortion in those cases.

How many false rape claims are you prepared to deal with? Because there will be hundreds of thousands in the first year alone. Now, even if the Fellow is found to have engaged in consensual sex, even if it is before the trial, his reputation is just destroyed. There is no way to convince everyone that he was really innocent. If it goes to trial, and is found to have been consensual, then he would be found Not Guilty. Not guilty. It isn’t a finding of innocence, just lack of sufficient evidence to get a Guilty Verdict.

Do you charge all the women? If you think the courts are backed up now, try tacking on a few hundred thousand false rape claims. Even if there is evidence, more than enough, to convict, the chances are the Jury would find Not Guilty. They can despite the evidence. It is called Jury Nullification.

Like Prohibition, it would rapidly become an unenforceable crime. The woman just has to swear she was raped, and she has the abortion. If later, she is found guilty, of what? Filing a false police report? Perhaps of murder? Not likely on the Murder Charge.

Realistically, Abortions are never going to be eliminated. And even if you did, then how do you prevent people from crossing borders to get an Abortion? Vacation to somewhere and while you’re there, get rid of your little problem.

So the only people who would be stuck with the child, would be the poor who couldn’t take the vacation, or who were afraid of filing the fake rape charges to make it “legal”. So then we could hear the Conservatives screaming about how awful it is that these single mothers have so many kids on Welfare. They’ll scream about how much money it is costing taxpayers.

So we are back to the realistic answer, the only realistic answer. Keeping them legal.

I appreciate your well written response. However, you're still missing the point: a child's right to live; a human being who is an independent entity--independent of the mother's desire or will. That, and you've subscribed to the fruit of falsified statistics. No worries, you've company in that regard . . . numbering in the tens of millions who believe as you do. Perhaps the better solution is to deprogram yourself of the ideology, junk science and culture war rhetoric.

No one has a right to life. Not the way you are using the term. A drowning man in the Atlantic Ocean has no right to life.

The Declaration of Independence used Right to Life as a way of saying free to live your life your way.

But let’s talk about this right to life. Where is it when a prisoner is executed? Where is this right to life in an automobile accident? Where is this right to life when a poor person appears in the Emergency Room, is giving a cursory medical examination, and then released to die a few hours later?

Now, we can have a great debate on where to draw the line. After a certain point, Abortions are no longer an option unless the Mother is in danger. And speaking of the Right to Life, does the unborn child’s right to life supersede the right of the Mother to life?

Why is it that this right to life seems to end the moment that the child is squeezed out of the Play Doh Fun Factory of birth? If a man needs a heart transplant to survive, doesn’t his right to life supersede the recently deceased guy who is not an organ donor? I mean, we are talking about Right to Life here right?

Now, to the falsified statistics. What the hell does that even mean? We know that there are roughly speaking, a million abortions a year performed in the United States. We stopped counting them, but it seems unlikely that the rate has dropped. If even half of those women would be willing to file a false rape charge to get the abortion, then that is half a million false rape reports every year. Let’s make it one in ten. A hundred thousand false rape reports.

The cops would not be able to investigate anything else. All other crimes would be ignored. This isn’t false statistics, that is dealing with the reality. Almost nobody supports an outright ban on Abortion. That’s not my false statistics, that’s from the Knights of Columbus, who would love nothing more than to see Abortion go the way of the Dodo.

46% of the Pro Life people believe that Abortion should be legal for Rape, Incest, or Danger to the Mother. That is nearly half. So again, honestly, we have to admit that any ban is going to have those exceptions don’t we? Unless we want to base our argument on a sand castle of something that sounds good, if overly simplified.

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