Killer Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion

Even the babies that are not healthy, but born alive are kept alive, until they die on their own.... they are NOT killed at the hands of the doctor.

Not healthy, in general for these late term abortions, is the baby is born with their organs, OUTSIDE of their bodies...they do not survive, when born alive.... but they are not killed either.... they simply die.
Oh, okay. NOW I see how you see things. A baby that COULD be kept alive and allowed to gain strength and recover
from the ordeal of an attempt on its life will not be will only be not helped.

Like a starving dog by the side of the road, you would not try to harm the dog You will only not help the animal either, even though you could. I get it.

Do I have things straight? You mention an extreme case where the child has no internal organs but what about a child
without this dire condition? A normal relatively healthy child who just didn't die when he or she survived an intentional attempt to kill him/her?

It would be nice if the pro infanticide left would simply come out and say what they would do with a child who wasn't dead and NOT horribly impaired.

You know allowing something to die is the same as killing it....right?
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Even the babies that are not healthy, but born alive are kept alive, until they die on their own.... they are NOT killed at the hands of the doctor.

Not healthy, in general for these late term abortions, is the baby is born with their organs, OUTSIDE of their bodies...they do not survive, when born alive.... but they are not killed either.... they simply die.
Oh, okay. NOW I see how you see things. A baby that COULD be kept alive and allowed to gain strength and recover
from the ordeal of an attempt on its life will not be will only be not helped.

Like a starving dog by the side of the road, you would not try to harm the dog You will only not help the animal either, even though you could. I get it.

Do I have things straight? You mention an extreme case where the child has no internal organs but what about a child
without this dire condition? A normal relatively healthy child who just didn't die when he or she survived an intentional attempt to poison him/her?

You know allowing something to die is the same as killing it....right?
These things happen because the child is very sick and won’t survive. You want to prolong the misery.
These things happen because the child is very sick and won’t survive. You want to prolong the misery.
You know there are many people that survive their attempted demise, right? Babies Who Survived Abortions and are Now Adults: Time for Our Voice to be Heard

No. I guess that doesn't fit your agenda and misinformation.
Many? Your link has few and not sure they are really confirmed vs fantasy. There are laws in place now that save healthy babies.
Many? Your link has few and not sure they are really confirmed vs fantasy.
:icon_rolleyes: I'm not sure the link presented itself as a comprehensive listing of every person who ever survived their botched abortion and lives a healthy adult life as a result.
As for your suspicions about them being really real people that's just immaterial and your problem only.

There are laws in place now that save healthy babies.
According to Cuomo, Beto O'Rourke and you, I guess, there is no such thing. All such children are seen as "very sick" and therefore okay to exterminate. I certainly haven't heard any of you admit or hypothesize that a child who survived an abortion could be delivered as a relatively healthy child.

“Would you support this bill that does not in any way limit abortion but simply seeks to keep babies alive that have been born alive?”

O’Rourke explained he views the issue the same way Planned Parenthood views the issue, and it has nothing to do with what’s best for the baby.

“The way I would approach your question and the issue generally is to trust women to make their own decisions about their own bodies,” he said.

He was asked an unambiguous question that he answered by saying women should be trusted to make their own decisions about their own bodies. People are free to infer from his answer that viable children will simply be left alone
and will be free to die.

That's infanticide and you seem very comfortable with all that.
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Many? Your link has few and not sure they are really confirmed vs fantasy.
:icon_rolleyes: I'm not sure the link presented itself as a comprehensive listing of every person who ever survived their botched abortion and lives a healthy adult life as a result.
As for your suspicions about them being really real people that's just immaterial and your problem only.

There are laws in place now that save healthy babies.
According to Cuomo, Beto O'Rourke and you, I guess, there is no such thing. All such children are seen as "very sick" and therefore okay to exterminate.

“Would you support this bill that does not in any way limit abortion but simply seeks to keep babies alive that have been born alive?”

O’Rourke explained he views the issue the same way Planned Parenthood views the issue, and it has nothing to do with what’s best for the baby.

“The way I would approach your question and the issue generally is to trust women to make their own decisions about their own bodies,” he said.

He was asked an unambiguous question that he answered by saying women should be trusted to make their own decisions about their own bodies. People are free to infer from his answer that viable children will simply be left alone
and will be free to die.

That's infanticide and you seem very comfortable with all that.
Your link is light on details. One example
Is based on a recording from a grandmother who claimed the parents took an abortion pill in Mexico? Sure
Your link is light on details. One example
Is based on a recording from a grandmother who claimed the parents took an abortion pill in Mexico? Sure
And by "sure" that means you know the grandmother is lying or mistaken or may not exist at all?

When did you first know that to be true? And how did you come to that conclusion? I am fascinated by your ability to extract the facts you'd like to see out of links you disagree with
that do not exist in actuality.
Your link is light on details. One example
Is based on a recording from a grandmother who claimed the parents took an abortion pill in Mexico? Sure
And by "sure" that means you know the grandmother is lying or mistaken or may not exist at all?

When did you first know that to be true? And how did you come to that conclusion? I am fascinated by your ability to extract the facts you'd like to see out of links you disagree with
that do not exist in actuality.
Could be any of those. You have no real details.
Could be any of those. You have no real details.
But I have no reason to doubt some information that comports with reality. I've seen interviews with actual abortion survivors.

You are a pathetic waste of time picking out things from citations that disturb your little agenda and then challenging their authenticity based on nothing at all but your own biases. The Abortion Survivors Network
With all due respect, fuck off!
Could be any of those. You have no real details.
But I have no reason to doubt some information that comports with reality. I've seen interviews with actual abortion survivors.

You are a pathetic waste of time picking out things from citations that disturb your little agenda and then challenging their authenticity based on nothing at all but your own biases. The Abortion Survivors Network
With all due respect, fuck off!
So you don’t care about facts. Noted.
Even the babies that are not healthy, but born alive are kept alive, until they die on their own.... they are NOT killed at the hands of the doctor.

Not healthy, in general for these late term abortions, is the baby is born with their organs, OUTSIDE of their bodies...they do not survive, when born alive.... but they are not killed either.... they simply die.
Oh, okay. NOW I see how you see things. A baby that COULD be kept alive and allowed to gain strength and recover
from the ordeal of an attempt on its life will not be will only be not helped.

Like a starving dog by the side of the road, you would not try to harm the dog You will only not help the animal either, even though you could. I get it.

Do I have things straight? You mention an extreme case where the child has no internal organs but what about a child
without this dire condition? A normal relatively healthy child who just didn't die when he or she survived an intentional attempt to kill him/her?

It would be nice if the pro infanticide left would simply come out and say what they would do with a child who wasn't dead and NOT horribly impaired.

You know allowing something to die is the same as killing it....right?
please stop being a lying idiot.

Being born with your lungs outside of your body, is not a survivable condition... Third trimester abortions are primarily used because the child, has a condition that is a death sentence such as this...

if a baby is born alive, without such mortal conditions, everything should and will be done, to keep them alive.
KILLER: Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion - The American Mirror
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told crowd in New Hampshire Wednesday that he believes a woman’s so-called “reproductive rights” are more important than a baby’s life, even if the child survives a botched abortion.

Leftist love putting satanic cults love taking out the defenseless and voiceless it's what cowards do best.
#infowars thanks for making this information possible. When the leftist can't stand truth they ban it or censor it. Fear of others waking up is their biggest threat.
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.
Lol, the college kids applauded him when he said it. This is why liberals shouldn't have anything to do with education.
please stop being a lying idiot.

Being born with your lungs outside of your body, is not a survivable condition... Third trimester abortions are primarily used because the child, has a condition that is a death sentence such as this...

if a baby is born alive, without such mortal conditions, everything should and will be done, to keep them alive.
Please stop being a stupid asshole! Who has claimed a child born with external organs has a good prospect at a healthy life?
It would be one thing if I said such an moronic thing. But I never did! So stop with the idiotic accusations.

I hear what YOU say about children that survive abortions and are born with no extenuating circumstances. But what I haven't heard is Beto O'Rourke say such a thing, and that is the whole point.
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002
Why is New York saying otherwise then? And why does O'Rourke not know this?

Why don't you? Maybe instead of passing on rumors or lies or innuendos you might try to fact check anything and every thing you might want to comment upon (when it suits your bias).

Fact check the MSM, and especially Fox News and it's contributors (link below to why Fox especially),

and you will discovery the MSM may have a bias but rarely if ever try to mislead the public by rewriting history.
The Virginia govenor already stated that they would keep the baby comfortable. While the doctor talked with the mother on whether to keep the baby or not. You liberals are disgusting.
The Virginia govenor already stated that they would keep the baby comfortable. While the doctor talked with the mother on whether to keep the baby or not. You liberals are disgusting.
Yes. This whole theatrical experience reminds me of all the democrats who claimed they weren't socialists for all those years but who after Obama are now out proudly promoting socialism.

You hear lots of leftists claiming they aren't advocating infanticide but Andrew Cuomo and Ralph Northam and Beto O'Rourke and all the NARAL quislings are drafting laws that now remove any time frame for abortions so aborting up to the moment before actual delivery is legal in some places and if a child is somehow delivered anyway and doesn't exhibit any gross abnormalities it isn't clear happens to that child.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act says one thing. Northam and O'Rourke say another.
The Virginia govenor already stated that they would keep the baby comfortable. While the doctor talked with the mother on whether to keep the baby or not. You liberals are disgusting.
Yes. This whole theatrical experience reminds me of all the democrats who claimed they weren't socialists for all those years but who after Obama are now out proudly promoting socialism.

You hear lots of leftists claiming they aren't advocating infanticide but Andrew Cuomo and Ralph Northam and Beto O'Rourke and all the NARAL quislings are drafting laws that now remove any time frame for abortions so aborting up to the moment before actual delivery is legal in some places and if a child is somehow delivered anyway and doesn't exhibit any gross abnormalities it isn't clear happens to that child.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act says one thing. Northam and O'Rourke say another.

You're out of touch with reality. Get some counseling before you hurt someone.

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