Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
So we're all the result of incest 10,000 years ago?

When did I say Adam and Eve was from 10,000 years ago?
How old do you think the earth is? How do you know adam and eve is a true story? Do you understand evolutionary biology and the timeline of human evolution?

The Earth is 4.5 Billion years according to Science.
I know that the Bible is true because end times are happing just like it says and God has helped me and answered all of my prayers.
I did not like some of those answers but they were all answered.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
You're entitled to believe in your myths and fables, provided you understand they're completely devoid of legal merit, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to marry.
BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
So we're all the result of incest 10,000 years ago?

When did I say Adam and Eve was from 10,000 years ago?
How old do you think the earth is? How do you know adam and eve is a true story? Do you understand evolutionary biology and the timeline of human evolution?

The Earth is 4.5 Billion years according to Science.
I know that the Bible is true because end times are happing just like it says and God has helped me and answered all of my prayers.
I did not like some of those answers but they were all answered.
'End times' have been happening for the last 4.5 billion years.
I know for a fact that God is real and he exists for he has helped me many times throughout my whole life.

A good lawyer could make a case for you for malpractice. Given your bigoted and sick soul, God wasn't at his/her best when "helping" you.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.

And newly married elderly couple does not make new chickens either, so what's your point?

How do you know that they did not have children when they were young?

That's really none of our business, now is it?
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.

We don't go by God's law in this country, idiot.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
You're entitled to believe in your myths and fables, provided you understand they're completely devoid of legal merit, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to marry.

God’s law should trump man’s law every time. There is almost always a cost; loss of reputation, financial penalty and, for some, even to this day, martyrdom, like the Christians being killed in the Middle East.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You seriously believe that shit, don't you?

Yeah, it's truly astonishing that in the 21st century people still hold on to these primitive beliefs.

Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.
The problem is that when your “prophesies' don't come true you and other theists lack the honesty and courage to admit you're wrong.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.

We don't go by God's law in this country, idiot.

Oh yes we do, that is up until 2003 when the Court got rid of all sodomy laws.
BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You seriously believe that shit, don't you?

Yeah, it's truly astonishing that in the 21st century people still hold on to these primitive beliefs.

Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.
The problem is that when your “prophesies' don't come true you and other theists lack the honesty and courage to admit you're wrong.

Every single one is coming true right now.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
You're entitled to believe in your myths and fables, provided you understand they're completely devoid of legal merit, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to marry.

God’s law should trump man’s law every time. There is almost always a cost; loss of reputation, financial penalty and, for some, even to this day, martyrdom, like the Christians being killed in the Middle East.
Allah's law?
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
what year was that ?

BTW, who the heck married Adam to Eve and were any "licenses" issued?

God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
You're entitled to believe in your myths and fables, provided you understand they're completely devoid of legal merit, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to marry.

God’s law should trump man’s law every time. There is almost always a cost; loss of reputation, financial penalty and, for some, even to this day, martyrdom, like the Christians being killed in the Middle East.

There are no 'god's laws'; all laws are the creation of man – whether secular or religious.
God did it himself.
It was the very first marriage.
Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You seriously believe that shit, don't you?

Yeah, it's truly astonishing that in the 21st century people still hold on to these primitive beliefs.

Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.
The problem is that when your “prophesies' don't come true you and other theists lack the honesty and courage to admit you're wrong.

Every single one is coming true right now.

I've been hearing that my entire life. Ho-hum. :p
Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.

We don't go by God's law in this country, idiot.

Oh yes we do, that is up until 2003 when the Court got rid of all sodomy laws.
Proving the fact that 'god's laws' are un-Constitutional.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You seriously believe that shit, don't you?

Yeah, it's truly astonishing that in the 21st century people still hold on to these primitive beliefs.

Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.
The problem is that when your “prophesies' don't come true you and other theists lack the honesty and courage to admit you're wrong.

Every single one is coming true right now.

I've been hearing that my entire life. Ho-hum. :p
People have been hearing that nonsense their entire lives for hundreds of years.
Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.

We don't go by God's law in this country, idiot.

Oh yes we do, that is up until 2003 when the Court got rid of all sodomy laws.

They got tired of arresting Christians. lol
Especially since all the prophesies are coming true about end times right before our very eyes and in the order that they were written.

Are you referring to the bible or the wall street journal?

The Bible

Let's review some of those Biblical prophesies

The Bible says the Nile "shall dry up." This has never happened.

In Matthew, Jesus said that the high priest would see his second coming. Well, that didn't happen did it?

In Mark, Jesus said he would return and the end world would happen within the lifetime of his listeners. Well?

Paul said the end of the world would come during his lifetime.

James and John also said they would live to see the "rapture."
No. He/she is saying the discrimination is the same.

So discrimination against certain forms of behavior is wrong?

I admit it, I have discriminated against the behavior known as "rape" my entire life. Now you tell me that standing against race is the same as lynching black people.....

I suppose that made some sort of sense to you.

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