Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.

Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.


It's a communism vs. capitalism debate.
Not a democratic vs. republican debate.
If the glorious leader Kim Jong-un was elected mayor of Detroit with unlimited powers.

And Dennis Rodman was appointed city manager.

Detroit would be transformed over night into the best city to live in America. .. :cool:
feel free to leave anytime you like...I bet you dont, but i bet you like to weep at small asian men.
Kim Jong-un has never declared bankruptcy and runs N. Korea like a well oiled machine.

The democrats/liberals on the other hand have driven Detroit into ruin with mismanagement and incompetency at every level of government. .. :doubt:
Kim Jong-un has never declared bankruptcy and runs N. Korea like a well oiled machine.

The democrats/liberals on the other hand have driven Detroit into ruin with mismanagement and incompetency at every level of government. .. :doubt:


Seriously are killing me.
So in the last month conservatives have praised Putin and now Kim, this is just bizzare.
North Korea have horrible hospitals and the people are starving.
Many hospitals lack basic medicine, equipment, running water, and electricity due to economic problems and minimal budget allocation; at approximately 1 dollar per person per year, lower than that of most African countries.
Housing and food rations traditionally have been heavily subsidized. The means of production are owned by the state through state-run enterprises and collectivized farms. Food output is one of the lowest worldwide, with the UN estimating 16 million people requiring food aid.
Many of their people do not have adequate heating for their winters.
The majority of the population does not have electricity in their homes.
Communism and wannabe Communist Democrats polices don't work.
Pres. Obama only has a 30% approval rating by US. citizens.

Whereas, Kim Jong-un has a 100% adoration rating by the N. Korean people.

So clearly he is doing something right. .. :thup:
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.
You could walk down any street in Pyongyang the capital of N. Korea at 3 am on a moonless night and be perfectly safe.

Try that in the liberal paradise of Detroit and you will be lucky to live to tell about it. .. :cool:

You can't be serious.

North Korea is a pariah. Without aid, people drop dead in the streets from hunger.

North Korea runs on prison work camps, roughly 200,000 people living in them and not walking the streets. The OP obviously doesn't understand propaganda when IT sees it.


You could walk down any street in Pyongyang the capital of N. Korea at 3 am on a moonless night and be perfectly safe.

No, you can't. It's a police state and dictatorship.

But you, I can't believe you can walk and chew gum at the same time anywhere.

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